ASP.NET 6 REST API Following CLEAN ARCHITECTURE & DDD Tutorial | Part 1 - Project Setup
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What is this series?
We'll build a REST API following Clean Architecture & Domain-Driven Design principles completely from scratch.
We will use .NET 6, EF Core, and common patterns such as CQRS, unit of work, repository, mediator, and more 💪🏽
We'll also use some awesome open-source libraries such as MediatR, FluentValidation, ErrorOr, Throw, Mapster, and more.
The developing environment will be visual studio code & dotnet CLI only. We will use awesome vscode plugins for everything from sending HTTP requests to connecting to our SQL database, debugging, and peeking at JWT tokens.
We will code and refactor multiple times to tackle the many concepts I want to teach. When the series will be over, you'll have a good understanding and intuition on how to use these patterns & libraries in your industry-level applications.
How often will a new part come out?
Once or twice a week.
What are we doing today?
We'll set up the 5 projects following Clean Architecture, use some cool vscode extensions & start setting up some authentication stuff. We'll also understand how each layer registers its own dependencies in the dependency injection IoC.
00:00. What we'll be building
01:58. Clean Architecture in one sentence
03:36. Technologies we'll use
04:30. Disclaimers
05:22. Who the heck is Amichai?
06:00. Overview of today's video
06:20. Project setup
10:55. Code: Project overview
11:48. Making HTTP Request inside vscode using the REST Client plugin
14:01. Deleting all unnecessary code
15:40. Register & Login endpoint schema
16:46. Presentation Layer vs. Application Layer
18:31. Modeling the API contract
20:20. Register & Login endpoint in the Presentation Layer
24:35. Authentication Service in the Application Layer
30:48. Registering the AuthenticationService in the IoC Container
31:55. Dependency Injection in Clean Architecture
36:17. What's next?