Clean Architecture Folder Structure | Implementation of Clean Architecture in ASP.NET Core

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In this video, we will talk about Clean Architecture Folder Structure | Implementation of Clean Architecture in ASP.NET Core. To set up the Clean Architecture project we should create four projects (Domain, Application, Infrastructure, and Presentation).

In this article, we will cover clean architecture practically. Clean architecture is a software architecture that helps us to keep an entire application code under control. The main goal of clean architecture is the code/logic, which is unlikely to change. It has to be written without any direct dependency. This means that if I want to change my development framework OR User Interface (UI) of the system, the core of the system should not be changed. It also means that our external dependencies are completely replaceable.

What is Clean Architecture
Clean architecture has a domain layer, Application Layer, Infrastructure Layer, and Framework Layer. The domain and application layer are always the center of the design and are known as the core of the system. The core will be independent of the data access and infrastructure concerns. We can achieve this goal by using the Interfaces and abstraction within the core system, but implementing them outside of the core system.
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