University is a waste of time and money here is why

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When I graduated High School it was expected that all of us should go to college. In hindsight I'm glad I was a rebel.


' if you wanna get laid, go to college.If you're looking for an education, go to the library '
( Frank Zappa )


I taught at colleges for almost 40 years. One of the biggest problems in the college and university systems is administrators. They are way too many who are overpaid and terribly underworked. The fact is, the secretaries do most of the work that the administrators are paid for. There is absolutely no reason in the world that the president of a university, college or even community college should make more than the President of the United States, but they do. There is no realistic reason that any administrator should be making over $1 million per year --- plus perks. The biggest responsibility in the colleges and universities is that of the professors, not the administrators. Pushing papers around a desk all day is not worth the money paid out. But the administrators, being the petty politicians they are, will give themselves a pay raise whenever they see fit as well as having job security while the professors have to come like the waif Oliver begging, "Please sir, can I have some more" when the economy has problems. Professors get laid off in bad economies but administrators, even those who do next to nothing still get paid and often even new administrators are hired. Because administrators make so much money they consider themselves indispensable and give themselves a god-like attitude which frightens the teaching staff --- and it doesn't matter if there is a union. The unions are a problem as well. Unions are supposed to be the buffer between the arrogance and whims of the administration and the teaching staff but the unions tend to be nothing more than an arm of the administration. It would be nice to dump all administrators or give them pay that equals that of the professors but that isn't about to happen. Cutting the administrative staff down to a useful 1 per 5, 000 full time students that would save a LOT of money and tuitions could be lowered. With less administrators money wouldn't be wasted on projects that are useless or that boost the egos at the top.

The fact is, there are a lot of illegalities committed by administrators. They had been committing the illegalities for decades. Here are some examples:

A professor was an advisor of a specific club. He wanted to take the members on a field trip. He went to the main office and look at the account which was supposed to contain $50, 000. It was empty. When he began looking into where that money went the administrators bluntly told him it was none of his business.

Whenever new computers were bought for any school or satellite the administrators would take one of the new computer for their personal use. If anyone else would do the same thing they'd be fired. Thing is, as soon as those computers were bought with school money it immediately became the property of the school. Also, if anyone, professor or other staff wanted one of the computers they'd have to buy it.

I knew a part-time professor who was a low level administrator. He was bluntly told that he wasn't at the meetings to offer suggestions. It was just the higher ups who were making ALL the decisions.

I also knew of honest administrators who resigned because of the illegalities the higher ups were committing.

I had gone to lunch with an administrator one time. He told me, "I'd like to say something about the illegalities going on here but I can't. It would mean my job."

Every college and university and college districts should be completely audited. I am sure that a lot will be found that can make the colleges and universities much more efficient and much less expensive.


Thank God I attended college 30 years ago when it was still affordable. My parents paid for books and tuition while I worked 30 hrs a week paying my living expenses. It wasn't woke and I never took out a student loan so I could slack off. I can't imagine what college is like these days. When the time comes, I will try to persuade my son to learn a trade because most college these days are a waste of time and money, as well as acting as indoctrination centers for the far left.


Thankfully I haven't had to deal with this uselessness as I went through a Christian university, but for public/secular universities this is definitely accurate.


I had a friend who said he wanted to go to college to improve his education. I gave the following advice:
"Unless the job you want requires you to have a degree, save your time and money. You can gain an education on your own time, and for a lot less money."


I was a Graduate Teaching Assistant with years of experience in education. Due to this assistantship, I was afforded the opportunity to take extra credits beyond the necessary ones, so I usually took one or two classes that would allow me to gain extra certifications, thus I took some undergraduate courses such as this one. This Linguistics course was 6 weeks, 5 days per week in summer, so it was a condensed course, but equal to the full-term requirement. I calculate that this professor wasted an average of 7 minutes of each class, based on her cutting off both ends of classes. This doesn't even consider the wasted time of her personal exchanges with her "friend" students. By the end of the course she had nearly wasted one full week of this class. On the second-to-the-last last day she stopped class 10 minutes early, telling us it was her "summer gift" to us. At that point I spoke up and told her that I thought she "had gifted us enough throughout the entire term". The class was stunned. I was the senior member among the students. She told me to follow her to the hallway, where she attempted to reprimand me for my statement. I told her she was unprofessional and a poor example of an educator, based on her actions. She mentioned the "Dean, " and I told her to "go ahead". There wasn't anything she could do to me. I took the class pass/fail, and I had earned a 96% average up to that point, so for her to fail me would have been an obvious attempt to retaliate.


I've never let my schooling interfere with my education


If you are really concerned about listing on your resume that you went to one of these high-profile schools, but all means spend $60, 000/Yr and go there. If not, get a great education at your local college and graduate without an ocean of debt. Thank you Dr. Sowell, you are a gift to this country.


There's nothing like familiarity with the homeless (or crime, divorce) to make you conservative. Unless your on the inside of that equation of course.


Because of an illness in my family, namely my mother died when I was 12, I have a six grade education. I did start seventh grade and spent most of the year in that grade but left school before the end of the year. Of course I am now a very old man but I am proud of the fact that I help support and feed my four sisters and brother. I managed to educate myself and as I look around in society today and talk to people, I am stunned at how little they know about anything. I have had interactions with extremely well educated individuals and while they do have expertise in a small area, once they step out of that area I question whether they can walk and chew gum at the same time. One of the people I interacted with was a fellow board member at a museum where I was one of the directors. This fellows life has been serving on boards of directors because someone in his family at one time made a fair amount of money. I’ve represented myself on three occasions pro se and I’m happy to report that I’ve been victorious in every one of those actions. My latest victory on September 1, 2021 took five minutes once the testimony of the Pennsylvania State police rested their case. Apparently a few of those fellows did not understand the oath that they took to the constitution, specifically the first amendment in this case.


I help run a thriving plumbing & HVAC company & it’s very enjoyable. Our young people work hard, are in great shape, have no debt, and are already starting families. Compared to their over-educated bankrupt peers, I’d say they’re a decade ahead in achieving life goals.


My parents wanted me to go to college and university. I already saw school as a waste of time. And any further schooling was a waste of money. Glad I never went back.


In my BS - I had to take a foreign language, a wasted course b/c I was going into CS and EVERY PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE is written in English, plus....I learned 3 different programing languages, but could never get an answer why these were not considered 'languages' for the degree requirement. In my master's program....90% of the classes I took were 400 level undergrad classes, that were just renumbered 500 for the advanced program and an extra $1-2 thousand tacked on to the tuition cost, WITH NO NEW INFORMATION LEARNED! STEM is still a good field, but just know you will be required to take a bunch of useless classes - just so these departments can actually get people in their classrooms.


I'm about to get an associates, waste of two years of my life. I'd rather be working


I went to university during Covid-19 to study to become a software programmer. Looking back on it, I could of probably learned the skills necessary much quicker without the debt and the other bullshit through one of those online 9-month courses. Programming basics aren't that hard and the rest of the college experience stuff was lost on me. I graduated to the lecturing of a black supremacist and a feminist who ranted about abortion rights, while everyone stood up and said that we all mattered and were the future. I honestly wished that the college didn't exist... my real leaving college speech was Jordan Peterson's at Hillsdale College.

At the end of three years, I was made to suffer at my own cowardice and dumb decisions. The suffering was all I learned. All college did was make me cynical about the future. And now activists plan to craft the world to be exactly like college, a walled-off garden of Privledge disguised as grievance.


Thank you again for sharing your thoughts


Back in the early 1980’s my higher management course, in the human factors part, the reading list was virtually 100% left wing books raging about capitalism in typical obscure flowery words. None of these authors had read the source material they were criticising. I did a test and followed some references which led to another book that led to another book and so on. Not a trace of any references to the actual works of the person they were denigrating. That was then, god knows what drivel is being peddled now


Depending on what job you want, a college education may or may not be for you.


University starts at 17/18 and ends at 22/23 for most people. If it took humans 23 years to learn enough to get to the stage where they can learn skills for a job then we'd be extinct. All it does is cripple you from actually starting things that you are interested in and putting all your time and energy into acquiring skills within that field of interest. My little sister is 13 today and has been showing massive aptitutde for media editing, arts, etc. She hates school and finds it really boring but can sit down ad do 8 hours straight of art related work. If she started now then in 10 years time she would be able to support herself and have a good life as she'd be able to fail over and over until she got it right because she is currently supported by myself and my parents. Instead she has to wait another 5 years and potentially 8 years before she can do a full time job and develop herself. I understand the intention behind child labour laws but the truth is that it forces kids to do things they have 0 interest in during the years where they have the most passion and energy.
