TOP 12 BEST Solo Carry Champions for Season 12

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We're back with another Solo Carry Champs video for League of Legends this Preseason.
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00:00 Intro
00:35 Pick #12
01:26 Pick #11
02:25 Pick #10
03:04 Pick #9
03:42 Pick #8
04:35 Pick #7
05:37 Pick #6
06:19 Pick #5
07:08 Pick #4
07:54 Pick #3
08:44 Pick #2
09:30 Pick #1
10:42 Outro

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Him: "...Ultimate 1v9, level 16..."
Him: "Kassadin"


10:52 this outro animation is pretty dope


- Akali: Unlike the guy says she's never a ''free win'' and she's very risky to play. Do not blind pick.
- Jayce: No way this champ can carry the whole team. She's like AP-Shy relies on its 1 shot and that's it. Pick if your team is good.
- Lux: Definitely a solo carry, especially right now on both mid and sup.
- Jinx: Heavily relies on good early game/farm and even if you did good, she's horrible vs assasians.
- Try: As Splitpusher he's good, this is a true solo carry champ. But positioning with him is hardcore. So care.
- Heca: The ''smurf'' champion. Always solo carries games since forever. But only smurfs can play him good.
- Yasuo/Yone: Nope, no way. These 2 champs relies on ''go in'' so they are very very risky and bomb which can just explode any minute. No matter how ahead they are, with 1 mistake your game is done.
- Vayne: Definitely 1v9 solo carry champion so far.
- Talon: Not really 1v9 since he's a heavy assasian relies on his skills, he's still good even if he's behind.
- Pyke: Another character that relies on good team. If nobody is there to follow this champ is useless so no..not a solo carry 1v9 champ.
- Noc: Game changer champ, not really a 1v9 champ but a very key champ to kill the MVP of enemy team. That's all.
- Kassadin: Yep, finally good pick. True 1v9 solo carry champ.


Coming back to the game from 2013, looks like somethings haven't changed


Tryndamere is so crazy, I'm a newbie and the Tryndamere I faced off against made me completely lost lol. Such a crazy champion!


QoTD: I think high key seraphine mid is really strong if you know how to play it. Good kiting, if they have high threat just build crown of the shattered queen, low cooldowns, high dps, and insane utility.


Kayle really deserves a spot on this list, the new LT is so busted on her.


Yeah for the new lethal tempo let's just combine both of Jinx's gun forms. Nobody's gonna know.


Sad moment for me... My main, Kassadin, is back to being OP, which means heavy nerfs are coming his way. I'm sure he'll be gutted before the season starts.


"Solo carry by herself"
As opposed to "solo carrying as a team"


Btw Akali does not belong here. She has very weak level 1-6 high energy costs and low pushing power prior to level 9 where her q is maxed out then the real problem arises you have about 10 minutes to end the game before the 25 minute mark because you fall off really hard. So you have weak early game but really strong mid game and then you’re weak again in the late game. I don’t recommend this champ unless you one trick. The window for carrying the game is very small and if you miss it you’re at the mercy of your teammates and enemies.


The thing I don't understand is why riot keeps buffing lux. She constantly has good winrate and she's been dealing decent damage. Is the e-girls community that strong or what? She's really a monster right now, it's so cringe...


I don’t think yasuo Yone and vayne or jinx are that oppressive they have proper counter play and very clear weaknesses. The rest definitely deserve a spot here. I think the most problematic champ right now is Nocturne really. He one shots but he also duels and has almost no cooldown with the new item. On top of all that he has a spell shield just in case your teammates are near you and actually see him so they can throw a stun at him which almost never works cause the good ones just know how to use that shield at the right moment oh yeah and on top of that if you’re that sad adc who is actually strong enough to duel him guess what unless you have immortal shield bow you’re going down within 1.5 seconds you don’t even get to play the game vs this abomination


It says Lux and build Arcane comet, but the clips all have her using glacial augment lmao


just carried a 0/27 bot lane with letha Yone! that shit is disgusting


you forgot vi top be honest shes one of the top carry and broken champs


Yes Yes, those are the champs to nerf, leave me and my boy in the darkness Riot, we are not poppin off


ur missing a champ its called kayle shes fkin broken with new lethal add her now


how in the fuck can jinx 1v9 a game, just asking
1v5 is fair

Автор incredibly weak atm. Esp in jungle
