Black Metatron Cube Pendant for Confidence and Protection

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This Metatron’s Cube pendant will make you feel more confident and protected. Archangel Metatron guards this symbol as it is a powerful shape of protection and strength.

Metatron’s Cube is also known as the Merkaba. The Merkaba represents a human’s energy field (aura).

Wearing or carrying this crystal pendant will enhance your energy. Your aura will expand and this will improve your ability to influence others. It will also promote health and well-being.

These pendants are charged with protection and confidence by Archangel Metatron. You can wave your hand over the image to feel its energy.

It contains brass and orgonite. Orgonite protects your body from the harmful effects of EMF that is emitted from cell phones and computers. Orgonite also promotes better, more restful sleep.

The 7 chakra stones (Amethyst, Sodalite, Turquoise, Green Aventurine,Yellow Jasper, Orange Agate, Carnelian) along with the sacred geometry, promotes tremendous spiritual growth and will help balance your chakras.
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