Metatron Cube Orgonite Necklace - 7 Chakra Stones Crystals Pendant for Healing,Protection, Powerful

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Metatron Cube Orgonite Necklace provides the perfect amount of energy to your mind, body and spirit, All living organisms carry a life force with them. Purify your life with this magical pendant.
Seven Chakra Stones
The 7 chakras in the body are distinct energy centers, they regulate all parts of your bodily system, influencing everything from emotional processing to resistance to disease.
Great For Health
Protects from EMF Radiation, effectively convert negative energy into positive energy, promotes better sleep, physical health and spiritual wellbeing, and the stress and anxiety are reduced.
Psychic Improve
It can effectively increase the energy frequency of the surrounding area, clean the environment and people's vibration frequency, heal wounds, and relieve harmful thinking patterns and pessimism.
Cube Design
Made from a metal Metatron's Cube symbol (two-dimensional geometric shapecreated from thirteen overlapping circles) with the 7 chakra stones. Each energy point of the cube is backed with a unique gemstone.
Each pendant is handmade, which is sanded, shaped and polished by hand, giving the surface a balanced, glossy, and smooth finish. Comes with a beautiful fabric necklace and presentation box.
High Vibes Meditation Tools
A healing, protective and powerful amulets for you that will last a lifetime. Use for chakra tune ups, astral travel, remote viewing, past life exploration, vivid dreams/dream healing, physical healing……

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