SACRED GEOMETRY of the Merkaba & Black Cube

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How does the pentagram function as one part of the Merkaba soul vehicle within human energy fields? Explore the secrets of Ancient Egyptian mystery schools, Fibonacci’s Golden Ratio sequence, Rosicrucian energy practices, and the divine power of the Merkaba with Vesica Institute founder Robert J. Gilbert, Ph.D. Transform your consciousness by changing your actions and affecting your subtle energy bodies through these time-tested techniques.

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Right now is both the easiest and the hardest time to awaken spiritually..easiest because the frequencies that segue into ascension are at their highest but hardest because the powers in control do not want us to awaken, Daily work, discipline, self-care are all crucial! Love and light


I HIGHLY recommend watching this entire series on Gaia. You'll be truly enlightened. ❤


i went into a psychosis like event (never happened before) where light was falling like spider webs, and i could pull and push, form and play with the light, then i went into full vivid hallucinations where i wasn't even a person, but I was a ball of light, where if i focused my energy i could condense my light, pulling into the center and grow denser and brighter, then after this i could move around, but if i lost focus or distracted my light would expand and disperse like a cloud. everything around me was black like a void, other than other light beings moving around(watching them i learned i could move once focused), then after moving around as energy i saw these pyramids within pyramids, one up and one down within each other and they were crystalline in appearance- i later after this event learned of the merkaba and was shocked after learning about it because it made my event all the more real, which at the time seemed as real as any other time in my life, not just visual hallucinations but I felt as if I was literally in the spirit realm.. i spoke to psych doctors and they all just said i experienced psychosis without any explanation but that wasn't good enough for me. now i see it as a spiritual awakening, experiencing God or a sign that something in me is awakening. i was Baker acted for this because after the whole becoming a ball of light and the merkaba, etc- i went through an experience towards the end of this event where i physically went through death, where time sat still and became reborn. it was the strangest experience and the only answers I've gotten are from researching about merkaba and our aura and energy systems.
if anyone has any input it would be greatly appreciated, or any way i can strengthen my energy, frequency and vibration, anything comments or anything is appreciated


What the hell I didn't learn anything about the merkabah in this 12 mins !!


Kakav video podeliću svima koji zaslužuju! Jako lepo, lako i jednostavno ko ovo ne razume nema mu spasa. Hvala puno!!!


Black Cube. I am basically a person of science and science fiction, ; however, the concept of a black cube has inconsistently been appearing in my dreams.
I ask the same questions: Is it my inevitable death.
Or is it my inevitable quest to seek unanswered questions that plague me.


If you're reading this meaage I hope today brings you reasons to smile & tonight beings you magickal dreams. 😘🥰💖🌈🦄✌


It's been over a decade since I've done persistent meditation, and I'm here now to continue learning what was overwhelming to me at that time. An OOB experience that I had was extremely intense and returning here felt so dull that I didn't know how to go about being grounded as a regular person after that. The chart at @6:12 has some depictions of what I may have entered into which I refer to as being More Real and More at Home than anything here in this World. Either the Mental Body or the Ketheric Template


Gaia please from all my heart i need translation to Arabic. I watch the videos here in youtube.. and i feel so excited to watch more but the language is a huge problem for me.. so please make arabic available in your website to allow the other part of the world the middle east enjoy and be one with the whole...❤❤❤❤please


All I wanna do is sit in a room with this man for several hours and listen to him teach.


The black cube is mentioned in the 'KOALA & Montauk interdimensional time-travel' piece, it is the beast box. & this isn't the first time merkabah gnosis has been made public; it's the basis of the Flower of Life school.


Love love love this stuff! Awesome! 🌹🌹🌹


CANT WAIT... ⌛⏳ ...BEAM ME UP 🙏SCOTTY... ...Artist, Old Naples Florida🌴🎨


the hexagram hexagon appears literally everywhere from are double helix DNA to are eyes lined in hexagonal and pentagonal lens refracting light like a prism letting us see the light inverted to each color in the rainbow


Awakenings are never self induced. Awakenings occur only by Grace. Those who proclaim “I am awake and those, them, they, are not” are not awake. The first awakening is just the beginning of many awakenings. The second awakening is a rude awakening to the fact that one is not fully awake.


🎶Swing low sweet chariot...🎶
Is the 'sweet chariot' the merkabah?


Excellent information. Will have to watch several times.


Sorry did i miss the part where it has anything to do with the title?


Thankyou for sharing . Please more about Merkaba😊🙏


I have never watched so many ads in less than ten minutes. I forgot what I was watching and retained very little of what I was hoping to. 🥴😵‍💫
