How The Rich Escape Justice

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Produced and Edited by Leeja Miller
Production Assistance, Research, and Writing by Victoria Marchiony


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In America, you get as much justice as you can afford.


Easy answer. It can be boiled down to a bought and paid for system. Wealth protects wealth.


I'm 29 and at community college.

I've spent 10 years trying to get a bachelor's degree and not only do I not have half of that, I don't even have half of *that* (30 credits).

When I was 18 years old, in 2013, I went to community college. I had to rely on welfare/Medicaid because higher education doesn't offer adequate health insurance.

But because welfare isn't an unconditional cash transfer, I couldn't use my health insurance to take care of my sick mom.

She was sick for six years, on oxygen, from 2017-2023. She ultimately passed away.

The stress from this caused me to flunk out of school, lose financial aid, and not get it back despite the financial aid office knowing what happened to my sick mom.

Screw this POS country


I just want to know how these big companies can
• wreck the economy (housing market)
• kill thousands (opioid)
• gamble (banking crisis)
And not only don't go to jail but is able to admit no wrongdoing


Every time you cite a defender or judge saying something like "oh they wouldn't fare well in prison" I'm sitting here like NO SHIT! Who DOES fare well in prison?? Perhaps we should consider prison reform? But no... let's just continue to make them horrible places that only the poor get sent to.


I want a Trading Spaces spin-off where inmates from white collar prisons swap cells with inmates from max security settings.


It's simple, really. People who have lots of money don't see people without money as people


Hell, Leeja, I learned this in my "Sociology" class in college. My professor gave an example of the same crime with a rich kid vs a poor one. That the rich kid was being mischievous, and the poor kid was creating a crime. Yet Trump boo hoo's he's being picked on. 👍🇺🇸


I once asked a friend who was a teacher in a California state prison what classes she taught. She said, "K through four." And I responded, "I meant at the prison, not when you were a substitute teacher." To which she replied, "K through four."


Former Corrections Officer present. I went in for a paycheck. I wasn't politically minded at the time. I actually left there an anarcho-communist because for the first real time in my life I saw that politics is more than who you vote for.

I was once told " don't be afraid to break those arms" by another C.O.. When word got out that I had attended some BLM protests I was constantly harassed. The most prevalent example that comes to mind was this time two Lieutenants and three C.O.s had me in the break room for an hour trying to argue against me. Two of them were on computers trying to fact check me. In the end they just started berating me and trying to justify their bigotry. Not that they weren't bigots, just trying to justify it.
The C.O.s also didn't like the fact that I treated the inmates humanly. I never looked into inmate histories so I could leave personal feelings aside and my policy in there is the same one I use in my day to day, give respect to get respect. In the end I left the first chance I had after years of being stuck out of fear for my safety. Not from the group of people society labelled bad, but C.O.s. Also when I could finally admit my political beliefs I couldn't morally stay.
For a long time I struggled between my leftist views forming and staying. I stuck it out for awhile because I thought "if I'm not there to be fair, the next guy might be worse". My whole world view changed, now the system needs to be replaced entirely. Because it didn't matter if I was there to be fair. If I didn't perform as the system demanded, namely treating human beings worse than you would an animal, I would be penalized one way or another. Don't get me wrong there will always be a need to keep dangerous people away from larger society, but this system we have literally took me from a Democrat who just voted how the people I cared about voted to this long winded thing before you.


I had to pause this video to share with y’all a story that I’ve only shared with family. During the summer of ‘20 and the George Floyd riots I had to cash a check. I was privately employed so I went to the bank it was written from weekly to cash it. I was given a bunch of $100 bills. I went to the store and used said $100 dollar bills to pay and one of them was counterfeit. Oh I should share that I’m in my sixties, white and female. I of course shared that I had gotten it from a bank and I shit you not, they handed it back to me and told me to return it to the bank. I won’t get too far into that later story except to say they tried the “But you drove away ma’am”. But I did successfully trade it out. I felt my privilege BIG that day.


11:17 WTF, I've heard the US justice system is atrocious but having to PAY to be imprisoned and, given the state of things, probably have your civil rights violated is something else


Came for the stylish Warby Parker glasses and stayed for the complete dissolution of my trust in the judicial system!


Don't forget, that the USA with 340 million citizens has more prisoners than China with 1.4 billion citizens.


It's not just social injustice in the legal system. It's true for healthcare, too. Got great insurance? $$$? YOU get dental implants. Poor? Wait 4 weeks for dentures, etc.


I had a retail manager who worked part time as prison guard. He was a disgusting person who bragged about his power inside and the violence he was allowed to participate in.


The crime of being poor has been around for a long time in the States. Hell, I remember years ago looking up why the hell jaywalking was illegal, and what it even was; it's old term that basically means idiot, and after a bunch of pedestrians got mulched by drivers, they decided to focus more on blaming the pedestrians(poor folks) rather than focusing on keeping them safe from the newly-invented giant metal death wagon.


As someone who has been through the system. Your words are gold. I've seen the inside of 3 dozen county jails, and i never once met a rich person in any of them.


Another example of Reagan ruined everything.


If only 90% of the population would realize that the only real division that matters is the wealth/power gap…
