LoL Vel'Koz The Eye of the Void Gameplay Spotlight - (League of Legends Champion Preview)

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LoL Vel'Koz The Eye of the Void Gameplay Spotlight - (League of Legends Champion Preview)

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Passive: Organic Deconstruction
Vel'Koz's abilities Deconstruct those they strike. After being hit three times by his abilities, minions, monsters and enemy champions are Deconstructed and suffer bonus true damage. Enemies lose their Deconstruction stacks by avoiding Vel'Koz's attacks for a short while.

Q: Plasma Fission
Vel'Koz fires a plasma bolt that slows and damages the first enemy struck. Once Plasma Fission hits, reaches its maximum range or is reactivated a second time, the bolt splits at a 90 degree angle. The split bolts deal the same damage and apply the same slow.

W: Void Rift
Vel'Koz sends out a straight line blast that tears open a temporary rift to the Void before exploding. Both the initial tear and the delayed explosion damage and apply Deconstruction stacks to caught enemies.

E: Tectonic Disruption
After a brief delay Vel'Koz disrupts a nearby area, damaging and launching all enemies caught into the air. Enemies hit that are close to Vel'Koz are also knocked back slightly.

R: Life Form Disintegration Ray
Vel'Koz channels a ray of infinite energy that follows the cursor for a brief while, damaging, slowing and Deconstructing all enemies in range.
Vel'Koz is a ranged mage born to blast out overwhelming damage over sustained fights. With long-range harass available from the start of the game, Vel'Koz is a fragile but threatening early presence who relies on his teammates' protection to bring his full force to bear come late game.

VelKoz Champion in game gameplay spotlight preview LoL animations

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Рекомендации по теме

and the way he looks his ability's amazing like i can see how he's a part of the void just by looking at him and hearing his voice 


Im loving the way this champions looks.I saw his kit explanation and i think we will have soon a new highly contested pick in the professional scene and a possible terror for solo queue.Thank you for the video.Keep up the good work.


Found this channel because I was looking for a Vel'Koz spotlight

I wasn't dissapointed :)


Grynar I just started watching you tonight and already I can tell you are great a commentator, you give great advice and relevant information that's very useful to most everyone. This champ looks amazing, thanks to your video I can decide if I want to buy him or not. All they need to do now is make a Cthulhu skin for Vel'Koz. Can't forget, "this champs ult looks awesome!" Thanks for the information and entertaining vids. I don't even care if I get the rp, because finding your channel is just so awesome already, but rp would always be nice. Well good luck on future videos and have a good day :)

P.S. Love the British accent!


Thanks alot for posting this Grynar! He is awesome, and he is gonne be one of my mains for sure!


I really like the idea of his passive and the graphic that goes with it! A disintegration ray is the perfect ult for him Imo as well.


He looks rly nice,
I've heard he got the same quote as Rengar:
"Let's see what they're made of"


i like the way he dance when cool!!


i like the look of it, so smoth in the details, and so good looking abilities 


The attack range on him looks good and I could see his abilities being awesome for sustained teamfights. #protectthekoz


I think he's E is very good because it does a lot of damage and knocks enemies. Really good for chasing! Can't wait for the sound to be added to the PBE! :)


Wow, this champion has a very aggressive play! The animations look awesome, can't wait for VelKoz to come out.


man, thnx for the early spotlights Grynar this champ and its skin looks awesome 
nice :)


I love his sinister look and splash art! Aside from the fun we'll have with him in-game, I'm actually really eager to see where Riot will lead his lore and the supposed invasion from the Void.


Thanks for the information in the description :D


He reminds me of the watchers from the Matrix series. Can't wait to try him out.


The Vel'koz battlecast skin looks like the robot squids in matrix, don't you think? His "arms" when he ults so pretty *-*


i heard a theory that vel'koz is actually one of the watchers, on the purple side of howling abyss you can see a marking on the floor that looks like vel'koz and lissandra


I really like the fact that on his screen he have on his taunt i think shows schrödingers equation
awsome champ i think and cant wait to buy him 


Im so ready for Vel'Koz now that was an awsome short commentary and i was hoping u could show us more about him like his battlecraft/cast please cuz i heard it was really cool all in all good video keep um coming #thumbs^
