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One of the greatest themes within the Thrive Documentary Series concerns the existence of a Unified Field. This clip from “Thrive II: This is What it Takes” not only establishes the existence of the field but posits multiple technological applications that would lead to the development of a Thriving world for all.

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I had an experience of two weeks that that Field of pure Life is what lives my body, that that Life Force is what really is the deepest Me. I AM that I Am.


Thanks for sharing Now I understand more And Thanks for all the great work


Careful! Allowing the toroidal vector of spin to couple with the momentum of the plasma might well make the sharp point of the device disappear up your fundament.


So I'm guessing you struggle to keep the spin when switching off the magnetic field ?

You need to "ding" one side of the magnetic aperture, breaking flow symmetry on one side will make it spin (Dr Don or Garrett will have the equations).
There's three layers of field to take into consideration...

Any light / energy we see from it will be hawking particle creation at the 0~+5~+10 weights
(i.e. There is no "white" hole, but there will be 0.5 to 1c velocity particle created (0.5c is the hottest particle because half the space for the same "flare"))

There is a "flow space flowing into the aperture you've created, that's gravity or magnetism take your pick, breaking symmetry on this flow will cause the particle to spin on its' own.

The plasma hyper-v weight space at the bottom, consuming space and causing the Higgs flow into the aperture.

There is no south pole flow point, space is sucked into the northern pole causing the density of space to double.
EM particles are trapped in the density line which is mostly attracted to the same crystal creating it, .
Creating the northern toroid which runs out of newtonian distance near he south pole, the trapped EM field particles polarity, is why like poles repel, and opposite poles attract, the hacky sack will absorb the field into its' force crystal or it will interact strongly at all the weight spaces and repel.

Love ya work brother


Science is eternally beautiful. Happy news


Every groundbreaking scientist has been ridiculed and slandered. It shouldn't be a surprise that Nassim is, too. Those who challenge his credentials have no credentials themselves, they're just miserable people who have closed minds.


Why can't I trust these people? Since the beginning of this thrive movement I keep getting horrific feelings of huge despair. It keeps telling me that they are with the wrong side. Whatever that means, it's palpable...


Tremendous claims, zero result = new age scam
