The Curious Convergence of Spinoza and Advaita Vedanta

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In the history of human thought, the identification of precise parallels between Eastern and Western philosophies is a rare occurrence. Nevertheless, Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677), a Dutch-Jewish philosopher of the Enlightenment Period, formulated a remarkable theory of God that exhibits conspicuous similarities with a school of Hinduism known as Advaita Vedanta. This convergence emerges despite Spinoza's lack of direct connection, or exposure, to Hindu religious practices or teachings.

In this video, we will delve into this intriguing parallel between Spinoza's concept of God and the notion of the all-encompassing, divine consciousness referred to as Brahman in Hindu schools, exploring how both Advaita Vedanta and Spinoza converge in embracing a non-dualistic perspective on God and the universe.

*Please note, I am not an expert on Hindu Philosophy but nevertheless have tried to represent the various ideas as accurately as possible. Please let me know if there are any inaccuracies in the descriptions.

In his seminal work "Ethics," published in 1677, Spinoza embarked on a profound intellectual journey to deconstruct traditional theological notions of God, the universe, and humanity. He posited that within the universe, there exists only one fundamental substance, a term he interchangeably identified as "God" or "Nature." This singular substance is infinite and self-caused, relying on no external factors for its existence. Spinoza asserted that every element in the universe constitutes a mode or expression of this singular and all-encompassing substance.
Spinoza claimed that if we are to assume that God is infinite then He would have no boundaries or limits and therefore must not only be intrinsic to, but synonymous with all things.

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I got to know of Spinoza from an Advaitin Guru.. Swami Sarvapriyananda of the Vedanta Society of New York


People who find this a perennial philosophy, which underlies many, if not all philosophical and religious concepts as a common ground, especially considered their metaphysical aspects - may find the book from Aldous Huxley with the same name 'The Perennial Philosophy' of great value.


Wonderfully clear explanation both of Spinoza's conception of God and Advaita Vedanta. Thank you!


Well Swami Samarpananda of Ramkrishna Miission said that Spinoza's God is likely more closer to Vishistadwata.
He himself is Adwaitin btw


Sooo glad I found your channel! Please keep posting videos.


Spinoza was a rationalist . And in advait vedanta there are several other concepts which spinoza might not have agreed . Spinoza substance was a response to Descartes dualism . And Advaita vedanta is heavily loaded with innumerable superstitious beliefs, superficially there might seem that two are identical, but if you study spinoza and adi shankara, who was the biggest proponent of advait vedanta, there are many divergences in their understanding of the world, especially in their methods. One believes in the unflagging ability of reason, while the other at some point even rejects inference and other logical concepts. Spinoza's own views are left to multiple interpretations, ranging from panthesim, atheism to panentheist panetheist. Like spinoza, Adi shankara has been accused of atheism by other branches of hinduism . Sipnoza concept of substance, which is derived exclusively in the structure of euclid geometry, does not resemble shankaras conception of the brahmaan, which though devoid of all attributes, may manifest in deities, upholding the traditional worship of deities .


thank you, wonderful video! i look forward to more like this


It is very important to let the ones who want to wander, wander.

(Who knows, may be they are wandering right.)


A ideia de convergencia me parece com o conceito matematico de denominador comum.
Nao sera abusivo aplica-lo a sistemas tao logicamente fechados em si mesmos, tendo em vista que cada um deles ja e ou se apresenta como denominador de tudo que pode ser pensado?
O melhor para quem gosta de fazer convergencias nao seria criar seu proprio sistema?


Similar realizations were encountered by Ibn Arabi and Meister Eckhart. Of course, why should that be surprising? Fire making was discovered by Man independently in many parts of the world.


Thank you, thank you for finding the pararel ! Adwaita Vendanta is reprezented by great masters like Sri Ramana Maharishi and Guru Nisargadatta who main metod to experience trsnscendence was constant question, , Who am I, , . Nice day.


Contradicting your first sentence is that Schopenhauer intuitively pointed out Christianities deoendency on Buddhism


All music during presentation detract and disturbs. No exception here


Islands that appear separated by an ocean, are one continent underneath it all. The one who reads this, is the one who wrote this 🙏


Atman is actually the universal soul, not the individual soul.


Well there are half a dozen schools of Advait Darshan/School each have its own stream of philosophy endorsed by many Enlightened Rishis each one of them perceived to be at the same or above level of enlightenment as that of the Buddha!.
The fundamental unity within all of these supreme philosophies is the law of Karma and reincarnation. Appropriating Spinoza with the Upanishads would be an adventurous feat in itself..


The assertion of "GOD IS LIFE", "GOD IS LOVE" should put all the "RELIGIONS" and the "Thinkers", "Philosophers", and "Gurus" in their proper contects. Only the the "RELIGIONS"were intercepted, edited to suit the goals of that "Fallen Angel", and all those that came after pretending "higher" knowledge all fell to satisfying the goals of the interference of the Divine Spiritual Teachings meant to awaken the minds to "Harmonized" with that "Essence of Being" WITHIN each "Rational" being for the fruitful existence of mankind. The likes of "Socrates", "Plato", "Spinoza" and subsequent "Thinkers" were all subjected to the manipulations of the written word to fit the nefarious intent orchestrated by the creation of a Masterpiece Theatrical Production that opens with GENESIS, to include the editing of ALL the "DIVINE TEACHINGS" meant to ILLUMINE HUMANITY. Most effective in the times of sparse intellect, most destructive in sebsequent times of "advanced" intellect where "Academia" contributes to the convenient definition of words or terms. More like the long era of "Profound Superficiality". All stemming from the Epitomy of TRUTH accomplshed during the EGYPTIAN'S SCHOOLS OF HIGHER LEARNING that was more focus on THE LAWS OF GOD AND THEIR PRACTICAL APPLICATION, Aka, MYSTICISM (it's ORIGINAL definition) than the benefits of the "Material" world and it's clout and opulence, the latter the core interest of that "Fallen Angel", that by this stage have succeded in dismantling all that relates to REAL TRUTH (=the Forbidden Fruit) and GOD'S MANIFESTATIONS and the PROGRESSION OF SUCH. Now any reference of "Spinoza" and the likes is only rehashing fabricated conclusions and edited views. Considering that isolating one's "SOUL" from IT'S uncorruptedness and ETERNAL properties is the equivalent to willful ignorance being propagated. Some are INSIDE looking out watching the pretend knowledgeable recruit gleeful gullibles into stagnation, mutual destruction and celebrating their GODLESSNESS with glitter and opulence in the bloodletting, stench and chaos that they sponsor, the triumph of the intent of "Revenge". Maxim: "HE WHO PLOT REVERGE ASSURES HIS/HER OWN DESTRUCTION".


Yes there is a "God" but it's not me rather I exist in the mind of


upanishads are vedas.. the end of vedas...


I see Spinoza converge not in. Advaita but in Spinoza.... Also if you think there are no convergence then I feel that you haven't read read Indian philosophy
