It’s Time to Seek God’s Holiness like Never Before (2022) | Prepare for What’s Coming

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God is preparing His people to used in a mighty way before the Second Coming.... and it begins, with seeking his Holiness and having a truly repentant heart. 2022 will be a year in which many are purified, pruned, and prepared for the Holy Spirit to use them in a new way. The Repentance Movie is coming in January 2022, don't miss it!

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You know - I have been born again & filled with the Holy Spirit since 1978. It’s a process, our sanctification. It’s instantaneous in the Spirit- but takes quite a bit of hiking in the wilderness for some, like myself. Holy Spirit is ABLE - most important thing is not to clean yourself up to come to Him- but to feed your spirit with the Word of God daily. Eventually- things that appealed to you become reprehensible to you. You can’t look upon them anymore. That person steeped & fed in sin culture is transformed by the renewing of their mind & washed in the Word.


Father forgive me for I have sinned, wash me with the blood of Christ so that I may be renewed, in Jesus Almighty Name, Amen!




God has personally put in my heart that we must prepare for the upcoming year. Next year many will be taken to another level by God. But only if you start to do your part and prepare. God bless you all.


Repentance is a choice not a feeling of emotion. Though one may feel emotion in repentance, it's a choice we must all make in faith in Jesus Christ.


The key to winning any battle against any addiction is summarized by these simple steps.

1. Don't judge yourself, you will fall and you will trip as you walk the narrow path. Don't worry about it, Jesus is there and he will reach down to you with his hand. You can imagine that he tells you, "that's not so good, here, take my hand and let's try again". You will fail 1000 times and probably more than that but don't judge yourself for it. That's what satan wants in you, he wants you to feel defeated. But in Jesus there is only victory for those who seek him. Jesus will never abandon you, so don't give up because he is not giving up on you.

2. Endurance, the key to victory is not to fight it. Because you can't fight sin. It's in your flesh, it's a part of you since the first day you sinned. To fight it would not just lead to your destruction but possibly the destruction of everything you care about.
Instead you should realize that you yourself is powerless, the only way to win this fight is to let Jesus fight it for you. How do you do this?? Well, it's pretty simple but not easy. You have to endure, you have to learn to cope with the pain of letting the addiction go. This is extremely painful and demanding at first. You might even feel that it's too much to simply endure and stay away from whatever you are addicted to for just a few days. But that's okay!!

If you endure for just 1 day then Jesus will have done wonders for you even if you don't notice it at first. You will fail to endure many times, it's part and parcel of it. But how do we actually get better at enduring and suffering through the abstinence? By enduring of course!! By simply enduring you will become better at it. Each time you fail and each time you try again IT WILL FEEL EASIER. Now for me it took about a year before I began to truly notice some difference. But now I can endure for weeks on end and abstain that long from my addiction. I predict that within 1 year I will be able to abstain for months. Once I have done that and failed at that I might even be able to abstain for years.

Jesus is fighting this battle for us. All we have to do is to endure, keep praying and keep walking with Jesus. He knows that your burden is heavy, he knows that you are in pain, Jesus is here for you because he loves you. No matter how many times you fall, he will always pick you back up if you only try. The same God that saved you is the same God that will keep you. Fear not, Jesus will never abandon you, no matter how far you have fallen. In Jesus name, Amen.


I have been fighting demons in my sleep tonight, I had some very scary things happen in my dreams. I woke up crying, I said over and over JESUS is with me and will never leave me. I had a heart to heart talk with JESUS and now I feel so much better. PRAISE JESUS


Hello brother and sister in Christ,

Just here to remind you to never give up thru all this hard times because 2022 will be the year the Lord gets everybody's attention 🙏 ❤ Lets share the word and let's bring more souls to our father in heaven before is too late. I believe 2022 is the TURNING POINT for us believers and last curtain call for those who don't believe! God loves you and God bless everyone 🙏 ❤


Forgive me o heavenly Father for I am a sinner and I sin everyday. In Jesus name I pray. Amen!


He speaks.
He speaks to all.
I have noticed, and now see every single time when God is speaking to me. Whether it be with a sermon in Church, a small message in my mind, or anything in-between.
He speaks to me more than I ever thought he would. I should've been dead many years ago. But through all of it, he has kept me in his eyes. The one night that I began watching AoC Network videos, was the night I finally decided that I'm not going to be a slave to Satan. I continue to fall back, and I've been fighting for a year now. It was in June of 2020 when I was saved, and I am growing in Him. Right now, I'm technically gambling in 50-50 with my soul. Every other day I fall back, but I keep getting up. My flesh has somehow started to also see that all I'm doing, all the pleasuring sin, isn't worth it.
2022. I will not stop getting up and running to God until I finally beat this...
But, I also know that the temptations will never go away. I just have to resist it for a while. Satan is a persistent being, but I am too.
Thank you, AoC. I apologize that I have forgotten your name, but, thank you for showing me the light of the Lord that night.
I have a feeling...about a certain year.
Although, yeah, no man shall know the day or the hour. We can see the seasons change.
The word of God is being fulfilled just as it is said. I feel myself as a Prophet. And I kinda like making speculations based on prophecies in the bible and research about possibly when our Lord will return to save us.
Anyways, 2023 is what's in my mind. I do not know when it will be, but I know that it is soon. It's coming. Maybe not for another 50 years, but it's soon.
I will not give up. I am on the road to sanctification again. And this time, I will not step off of it.
Here's a quote from one of my favorite movies, God's not Dead, the one about the boy and his aetheist professor and the band Newsboys.
"It's simple...but it's not easy."
It refers to our Sanctification. And how the fight is for it.


I've been a heavy drinker for a long time and have had enough. I just want the desire, the cravings, and the will to drink to leave me. And I pray to Jesus that 2022 will be the year I overcome this habit through Jesus, my Lord and Savior.


Everyone do your best!!
May God be with you


Jarren, with the myriad of YT preachers - most preach unbiblical and marginally biblical material but a handful are actually anointed - I believe u are among the latter. It’s so awesome how you put so much care and quality into your - not videos, PRODUCTIONS ☺️! Ur not pumping out a video a week for numbers but it keeps us looking forward to a REAL and BIBLICAL work product. Unlike most of these teachers, u know that as a teacher, u will be judged all the more severely than a regular saint would and u take it very seriously. Thank u very much and May the Lord continue to bless and use u for our sakes and yours!

To God, our Savior, Jesus Christ, Who alone is wise, be glory and majesty, dominion and power both now and forever, Amen!💙🙏🏽


Idk why this just brought tears to my eyes, I love you All brothers & sisters .. let’ Us all pray for each other ❤️🙏🏾


The original music that's incorporated in your documentaries is always so beautiful. The melodies are very moving. It would be amazing to have them compiled in a format altogether to just listen to. It's hard for me to find music that resonates and isn't "worldly". Thank you so much for all of the work put into your messages and sharing the gospel. I'm so grateful the Lord lead me here <3


This is fantastic! Amen ! God is holy! May we be holy !


Lord bless AoC and their coming projects to bring You glory.


Jared I had no idea of the work it takes to make such a production. I know this means taking time away from your family, which is very important. Please realize that we all appreciate everything you do and the sacrafices you make. God Bless you, my Brother.


We all appreciate all the hard work and hours that you all at AoC put into all
of your videos brother Jerren and know that you all are doing the Will of GOD
Love and peace be with and GOD bless you & keep you all always.🕊🙏❤🌹


Thank you lord Jesus 😊 🙂 for your Holy Spirit 🙏 🙌
In the name of Jesus AMEN 🙏 🙌 ✨ ❤ 😌 Hallelujah
