The P-51 Mustang saved many bomber crew’s lives #history #wwii #truestory #mustang

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The P-51 Mustang is a legend of American aviation. Produced in high numbers during World War II, these aircraft would distinguish themselves as high-performance fighters and the best bomber escorts anyone could ask for. While they've gone down in history as one of American industries finest airplanes, their origin actually involves a request from the British Royal Air Force rather than the American military.
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Mustangs and Thunderbolts. Best little friends for the heavies


It wasn't really JUST the drop tanks, it was really the change in engine to the Rolls Royce Merlin engine that gave the Mustang its long legs


lol the P-51 came into the war after the hard work had been done.
The 38 and 47 had enough range with drawl tanks to escort the bombers but the top brass wouldn’t give them tanks because they had put all their faith on the bomber gunners. It took them two years to figure out that wasn’t working so they implemented the 51 for escort because the 38’s were needed in the pacific (because of their range) and the 47’s could carry more ordinance so they used them for ground attack and troop support even though it was fast the better high altitude fighter because of its two strange turbo supercharger making more power than the 51.
Reference: Greg’s Planes


Shame the fuel tanks development was delayed.


They didn’t always come out on top. German fighters were much better and the pilots more skilled tbh. Respect to both sides tho. Except the SS
