Martha Beck ON: How To Let Go of Fear, Stop Listening to Others, and Learn To Trust Yourself

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Friends, family, and society at large all have expectations of who we should be and what will make us happy. So understanding what you really want and being true to yourself can be very difficult.

On this episode of On Purpose with Jay Shetty, Jay speaks with renowned sociologist and life coach, Martha Beck, on her new book The Way of Integrity: Finding the Path to Your True Self.

08:45 There is a challenge in creating a community and culture to suit our nature.
22:02 What could possibly trigger depression and anxiety and how to come out of it?
32:29 A soul teacher is always sent, but it has to be asked for from a place of peace.
41:50 Zeros represent material success and it loses value when our pursuit is aligned in integrity.
49:18 When don’t we see stress as peace because it's based on love.
52:54 The single reason for psychological suffering is believing something is not true.

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Jay Shetty is a storyteller, podcaster, and former monk who wants to make wisdom go viral. He loves taking his own life experiences, lessons from his time as a monk, and truths he has learned to make others’ lives better.
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“No matter how in integrity you are, it doesn’t mean everyone’s suddenly going to agree with you.” Such a liberating statement 🙌


Wow! I had to pause several times just to absorb what she said! She is a true spiritual teacher! This totally blew my mind!


I have loved Martha for decades. She is so wise and such a good communicator with humor. As usual jay, such insightful questions and your own insights.


Learn to let go and truly trust the universe. Everything will happen in divine timing.


You have to feel to heal.

You can also look into finding tools to process the repressed traumas (feelings & thoughts plus associated beliefs) trapped in your body/mind.

Some tools include: journaling, breathwork, spending time in nature, yoga, meditation, fasting, EMDR, body work, trauma informed therapy with a good therapist, hypnosis, micro-dosing psychedelics, etc.


I shed a tear when she talked about the bird during her meditation. Oh my heart!!


*4 Things that Should Guide You:*

*1) Your goals.*
*2) Your passion.*
*3) Your faith.*
*4) Your courage.*


I just experienced a spiritual awakening watching this.. thank you thank you thank you (both)


Awww, I love this beautiful exchange between two amazing, authentic human beings. I appreciate the deep LISTENING and HEARING that exists.


This is one of the best podcasts I have ever heard. This is amazing 🙂❤ Thanks so much for sharing!


This is an amazing interview. I was needing some growth on the culture piece due to not really practicing my true African culture. (Nature is a part of African culture😉) The Negativity in this toxic culture force people to make choices that makes one betray who they really are. Her last story prove that 🤯.
I started to feel sensations in my chakras during Divine Comedy and that shadow work is hard as hell, pun intended 😅, I am right where this interview is feeling my pain and identifying and forgive and letting go. The path to peace is through the pain😩....looking forward to the other side 😷😌😌😁


Be yourself, be yourself, be yourself.. Two amazing people, true to themselves ❤️💕💜🙏. Love from Belfast 🇮🇪Ireland 🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪 two strong "soul teachers" 👌


i know she says she doesn't recommend doing the 'No Lying Challenge' but along with so many other things, this is one of the things that stayed with me. I'm also turning 29 my next birthday and I feel as if its a sign to give it a go lol Thank you for another great episode!


In suffering and painful moments you got the opportunity to ask yourself: where is the beauty, what is the lesson, and the Healing in this?“
So many great points and advices.

Great Talk, Thank you to both of you. Love from Salzburg, the City of Mozart, Sound of Music and so much Genius in the Air, Claudia


Why videos like this one do not get a billion views?

Much appreciated.


I truley love your podcast. I get so much inspiration from each episode. Thank you!


Thank you for bringing up the mothers love. When becoming a mother, my whole spiritual journey shifted, as I suddenly found the love I had tried to understand with years of searching. It brought me straight back to scratch on trying to unfold the human experience.


This has served me so well-- thank you!


so glad to have watched this podcast- it's like my story and it gives hope that everything I have lost can be replaced.... at least I hope so


You need to bring her back, i think this was just the surface of what she can open our eyes to.
