Martha Beck: The Way of Integrity & Why You Should STOP Doing What You’re “Supposed to”

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Martha Beck wants you to STOP doing what you’re “supposed to” — and start living your truth. Her new book “The Way of Integrity” is a loving reminder that if you want to be happy, you’d better walk your talk. She says, “Integrity is the cure for unhappiness, period.”

In this MarieTV, you’ll learn how to access your intuition, what happens to your body when you lie, the tell-tale symptoms you’re NOT living your truth, plus the four essential things every human being longs for. Watch now to learn why you must speak and live your truth— even if it ruffles some feathers — if you want to be happy.

Dr. Martha Beck is a bestselling author, life coach, and speaker who helps people achieve personal and professional success. She’s written nine nonfiction books including “Finding Your North Star” and “Expecting Adam”, and has been a monthly columnist for The Oprah Magazine for seventeen years. Beck is a mother of three and holds three degrees — a BA, MA, and Ph.D. — all from Harvard University.

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Ready to live your truth? Jump to these highlights with Martha Beck:

2:19 — The only lasting cure to unhappiness.
5:13 — What happens to your body when you lie.
7:09 — How to access your intuition.
9:15 — The FIRST self-help book ever written!
11:25 — What science knows about “awakening” and how to tell when it happens to you.
12:37 — Why you should STOP doing what you’re “supposed to.”
15:20 — 6 tell-tale signs you’re out of alignment.
17:31 — The popular sex tip that can actually make you succesful in all areas of your life.
21:00 — Why Martha ignored her doctors’ advice and “threw her life away.”
25:04 — The 4 things every human yearns for.
27:30 — How to stop self-sabotage for good.
34:03 — Why big leaps don’t work — and the power of one degree turns.
37:45 — How to live a life of integrity.


I am currently reading Martha’s book. I have been in therapy for four years and have read around 40 books on all subjects regarding abuse, codependency, and others searching for my truth and authenticity. “The Way of Integrity “ has given me my “Aha” moment. It just makes so much sense as a way to cut through so much confusion and focus on the most important element in living the good, honest life. At age 75, I am filled with hope and excitement for my remaining years. Thank you, Martha!


"If it isn't working, don't do it harder!" Love it!


This idea that your health deteriorates when you’re out of integrity has become my life’s work. Thank you for all the ah-has!


So uplifting! I love the: "I threw my old life away - it sucked" LOL. What a way to reframe that her NEW life is 100% better - living on point with integrity. It's never too late to change your life around!!


I love how you highlight the body telling you when something is out of integrity. I've found that our body is one of the most underutilized ally. <3


I remember 12 years ago when I was deeply unhappy, reading a book about happiness. I don't remember the title but it said that same thing: it's all about integrity. I was doing a job I hated, in a relationship that was long past its sell-by date and realized I had to change everything.


What really makes me unhappy is to think how unhappy I am.
If I do not think, but just be and do, I feel better. I love to walk in the city or in nature and just observe. I think that it is my favourite hobby. Especially I love early mornings. I do not wake up very early every morning, but today I did. I went to the nearest grocery to buy croissants before my remote meeting. I loved to see the city wakening up! I loved the birds singing. I loved the light of the rising sun. I loved smells and noices of the morning city. I loved the warm fresh croussants that they just took from the owen when I went to the grocery! I loved to see how workers have started their day. And I wondered how many mornings I‘ve missed only because I have slept.


I’ve been cleaning houses since 2001 but I’ve always been very passionate about astrology and I know down deep what I’m doing for a living, I’m completely not in alignment with . My son is grown and out of the house with a place of his own now and I really know I’d be safe taking a leap of faith and becoming an professional astrologist . I seriously think I’m having a midlife crisis but it’s either now or never .


I am a certified life coach for four years now. I enjoyed the show and will take away being my true self. I am going to be my true self


The same! Degree after degree thinking I would be happier, a marriage thinking I would be happier... Now divorced and studying energies, astrology and human behaviour predictability in a much peaceful state! But still a work in progress...a girl has to pay the bills!


I consider myself very well versed in self help, popular psychology meta physics, all the social sciences etc but I confess, I have never heard of Martha Beck. Now I have and it was fun! Thank you for an excellent interview.


Oh my good Lord, what an episode! I’ve watched it every day for the last 3 days in a row and now I cannot put her book down. “See ya later Sunday to do list lol”.

This is everything I’ve been putting together in my own mind and life over the last ten years all wrapped up into a beautiful, entertaining package. Thank you both ladies for all you do. Sending you SO MUCH LOVE and GRATITUDE!!! 🙏


That’s the 9 fruit of the spirits - peace, joy, love, kindness, patience etc


I love this! But I also love that you don’t place ads on any of your videos. It’s a little difference that makes it feel like you truly care about your audience.


When I learned the power and self-growth of saying NO, everything changed for the better ;-)


I spent a beautiful time watching this video!!!


Peace, freedom, love and joy is the definition of Shalom. Also blessedness and happiness.


My main takeaway is the idea of 1% shift. What a relief. Thank you, Martha and Marie. Can’t wait to read the book. I’ve read Martha’s other books and they are all gems.


Small steps sounds similar to the concept of taking it one day at a time. For some reason our brains handle life better this way. This book sounds like it would be especially helpful for people trying to leave cults, narcissistic family systems, etc. I think the book and this video will help a lot of people. Great video :)
