Why Is James White's Book Endorsed By A JESUIT?

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The Jesuit order of Roman Catholicism was founded to bring all "hereticks" back under the control of the Vatican. It looks like the White Jesuit (aka James White) might just be helping to fulfill this plan!
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The pope's counter-reformation campaign began when the AV 1611 Bible was still in translation. It gained steam as each "new" version hit the markets. Textual Criticism became the main tool to subvert the ignorant. Charismatic mysticism sects rose up and spread to ensnare the rest. James White thinks he's smarter than God. He has an arrogant, proud and mean spirit when engaging with his dissenters on the web. The Roman Catholic church has no compunction against deception to maintain power. After all, they are direct descendants of the Babylonian (Nimrod) Mystery religion priesthood of old. They worship Lucifer. Lucifer deceives the unlearned with subtle subversion or, in the case of a knowledgeable believer who reads, understands and lives by the word of God, he attacks directly with intimidation, deception and murder.


You’re right in your analysis, Brian. I believe White is a freemason/Jesuit and, in addition to the evidence you’ve offered, he 1. overtly gave the devil-horned Masonic hand sign in one of his debates (that’s the one that I’ve seen, there may be more) and I was baffled that none of that video’s viewers had picked up on it, 2. an obvious Masonic handshake with Anderson when the latter was interviewing him, 3. countless other subtle Masonic hand signs on his DL program, and 4. not to mention that he’s a close friend of Brown who lately came out with a video sugarcoating the horrible things the Talmud says about Jesus Christ.


"Some people are looking for jesuits behind every bush, " - James White


James White has replied to this video, and we have replied to James White regarding some of the blatant bald-faced lies he offers against KJVO believers he dubs "cultic"


I am a follower of husky394xp. I appreciate his no-nonsense fundamentalist view and his defendce of KJV. I am glad to have found this site. God bless this pastor and his family


Something else you'll notice about James White is that he attacks any ex Jesuit and ex Catholics that have exposed the Roman Catholic Church (such as Alberto Rivera, Avro Manhattan, Charles Chiniquy), and he has attacked Alexander Hislop who has written one of the greatest exposes on the connection between Roman Catholicism and Babylon (The Two Babylons). White has also attacked Dave Hunts view of Rome. In fact, if you really listen to James White, he's the only one that's right about the Roman Catholic Church.

If White is such a great apologist concerned with "debating Rome", why has he attacked the most well-known ex Catholics and Jesuits who exposed the RCC/IHS. Why would he constantly attempt to redirect people away from well-known sources that expose the Catholic church and Jesuits?


I firmly and wholly believe that the King James Bible is the perfect word of God in the world today. If someone says that the King James Bible is NOT perfect, I ask them which Bible IS perfect. If they say that there is no perfect English Bible today, I ask them how they can be so content and satisfied to believe that.

Maybe that what's most shocking to me: That there are people calling themselves Christians who would feel more content believing that there is no perfect copy of God's word in the world today, than believing that there is. It confounds me that they would feel more content believing that the word they use to defend their belief in God is not perfect. Heck, they even FIGHT to believe that! Some of them, such as James White, have spent their LIFE fighting to believe that they don't have God's perfect word. What a poor, deceived fool James White is! Personally, I think Sam Gipp stated it best: It's not the King James Bible that a lot of the Bible correctors have a problem with; it's a PERFECT Bible that they have a problem with. And he's right. A questionable, patchwork Bible that contains errors puts God's word in subjection to man's will and interpretation. A perfect Bible, however, puts man's will in subjection to God's word. These Bible correctors that hate the King James Bible are simply looking for excuses to indulge in their sins. If one version restricts their sins in a way they don't like, they can simply look to another version in the hopes of being told something different. Their "Bible" ends up being a patchwork, Franken-Bible made out of jello. Their Christian walks often show a LOT of compromise, as a result because they have nothing solid to stand on.

Besides, when someone claims that there isn't a perfect issue of God's word in the world today, they are essentially saying that God simply hasn't ~bothered~ to make sure that there is an accurate translation on the Earth today in the language that the most people speak today. It's a slander against God's character and a pretty brazen accusation, considering that God's word is the only thing he holds in higher regard than his name:

Psalm 138:2
I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.

It's for that reason that I really question which spirit is dwelling inside of someone who's ~satisfied~ to think that there is no perfect copy of God's word in the world today, instead of being ~worried~ by that.


Very weak video, you don't actually address any of the arguments James White makes in his book, if you are going to attack That book then demonstrate its wrong.

Actually open and read his books and then talk about the content of his writing not the front cover.


The utter ignorance in this video is painful.


have you ever heard of some guy named Erasmus?? I'm not sure but I believe he may have had a small part in the production of the KJV.


White will reply "But..but...but...I debate Catholics and have written about the Catholic Controversy". As Bryan pointed out, that's part of what Jesuits do per the Jesuit Oath. However:

* White never calls Catholics to renounce the Catholic "faith" and leave their church even though he claims to believe in biblical repentance
* White never refers to Rome as the whore, and attacks those who refer to her as such
* White changes the meaning of Revelation 17 to avoid the obvious implications that Rome in fact IS the whore of Babylon
*White shares alumni status at "Columbia Evangelical Seminary" with other Catholic Jesuits
*White defended the Pope's comments against his own Calvinist friends (like JD Hall and Tony Miano) that Jesus death on the cross was a failure
*And of course, White defends the life and character of all the heretics on the 1881 revision committee, and endorses the new UBS Greek Text which was recently endorsed by Pope Francis

I could keep going, but you get the point!


If any one has read The King James Only Controversy, please please please be at least intellectually honest and read Ruckman's refutation of it, The Scholarship Only Controversy. James Whites book drove me away from the KJB, and it was devastating. I don't want others to be deceived by his lies. Don't be afraid to stand by the Book.


The only way I have found to deal with Calvinists is to cut them off and separate myself from them.I lost two good friends over it. Would you please comment on how you would recommend dealing with them?


thank you Brian! We really have time to waste on this. I feel such an urge to witness to people, more than ever before! Blessings to you and your family.


Wasn't the KJV based on the Textus Receptus of the humanist Catholic priest Erasmus?

And I'm a little concerned that the man in this video is wearing a pagan symbol -- a wedding ring -- on his left hand. Jesuits wear wedding rings. Why would this man wear a pagan symbol that Jesuits wear?


Once someone has a philosophy that the KJB is the perfect inspired Word of God, they will come up with new arguments to continually justify their position. Their final authority is NOT the KJB, it is their belief that the KJB is perfect. When it is shown to be imperfect, they will simply deny it and develop convoluted explanations for the clear errors (such as strain at a gnat instead of the definitely proper translation of strain out a gnat). Then again, they are straining at gnats (cheek pressed fully by tongue) by holding the position in the first place. The same is true for EVERYONE, see.


Here is the amazing thing about the mid-eighteen hundreds push for new bibles to replace the KJV..it fooled even the great preachers back then....like Spurgeon and Martyn-Lloyd Jones, and many others, when the church was FAR stronger than it is today..they did not sound the alarm...this actually scares me a bit, ...if THOSE guys can be fooled, ..well, you know the rest.

I can't say much about myself either..as I only caught on about this deception a few years ago..a friend who works with me kept bringing it up, saying his preacher went KJV only...so I finally decided to look into the whole matter, ..because I just thought they were trying to "bring the language up to date"..which sounded good..I see now that it was a VERY important step towards the New World Order.

I had what is called "cognitive dissonance"..in modern terms


Brother Thanks for this video. It is like beating a dead horse, but so many are deceived. I find it interesting that James White never has his YouTube comments box open so people could reason with his lies. His followers use the excuse that bible believing Christians (KJV onlyists) curse too much on it....? James White is the common core version of the bible. Videos such as these are a blessing and encouragement. Thank you.


Yes I think he is a Jesuit at least he acts and speaks like one.... He's also way into himself and thinks entirely too highly of ungodly textual critics... Good job I'm glad to hear someone else realize it, God bless :)


Excellent bro! Thanks for making this.
