Breaking Down How Hong Kong Elections Work & Why Carrie Lam Should Be Impeached—Lawmaker Alvin Yeung

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How is the current election system in Hong Kong stacked against the pro-democracy camp?

Why is the pro-democracy victory in the recent district council election so significant? How does this play into the selection of Hong Kong’s next chief executive?

Can Hong Kong chief executive Carrie Lam actually make decisions on her own, or is she completely beholden to Beijing?

This is American Thought Leaders 🇺🇸, and I’m Jan Jekielek.

In this episode—as part of our Hong Kong special edition—we'll sit down with Hong Kong legislator Alvin Yeung, the current leader of the pro-democracy Civic Party, who will break down exactly how the Hong Kong electoral system works and how the 2019 protests unfolded.


Try a newspaper that doesn't spin the facts:

Want to listen to our interviews? Check out our new podcasts! Links below:


Communist China Threatens Not Just Hong Kong, But All Free Nations—20-Yr-Old Activist Joey Siu

Spiritual “Slavery” in China: Will Hong Kong Be Next?—Cardinal Zen | American Thought Leaders

Hong Kong’s Youth Are Fighting For All Of Us—Lawyer Daniel Wong | American Thought Leaders

Communist China’s Encroachment on Hong Kong Is a Warning to All Free Nations—Alan Leong

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Hello everyone! Welcome to Jan's interview with Alvin Yeung. Let us know if you have any questions about the interview!


It’s funny how the name the people’s republic of China comes about when there is no election and no opposition parties but only one party rule. It’s not for the people but for themselves! ⭐️


Prayers from USA. #WWG1WGA #TheGreatAwakening


My heart and mind are with the Hong Kong people (the freedom lovers, at least).
But I have a nagging question:. Where is this fantastically deep naivete coming from? How can people who live right next door to China (indeed IN China), and share a culture with China, how can they, even for a second trust or believe the CCP?
The time to march the street was while the Brits where in charge. This is my humble opinion.
And I clearly remember talking to some friends who left Hong Kong in the last days of GB rule. Why? I asked. This is why we left, they answered. But why did all those left behind not match the streets then? Why?


Hong Kong has the right to declare they refuse the legal authority of the 1984, Sino–British Joint Declaration, and instead, acceptance Hong Kong's legal formation as instituted in 1842, under the Treaty Of Nanking. If Hong Kong should choose this option, there are viable legal tools, processes and venue avalable to them to present their case to overturn The Sino-British Joint Declaration and reinstate the terms and conditions found in the Treaty of Nanking, 1842 as their legal origins.
This would legally end any claims PRC has on Hong Kong and stop the PRC from interference in Hong Kong in the future.
Allow me to present some relevant legal history to the Hong Kong matter. Originally, in the early 1800's, Hong Kong was little more than a pirate strong hold having little to no law and order. After the China Monarchy lost its war against Great Britain, (The First Opium War), in 1842, they signed the Treaty of Nanking, (Friendship Treaty), and The China Monarchy was required to pay war reparations to the British Monarchy. As apart of the reparations paid, China ceded the Hong Kong region to the British Monarchy.The 2 cultures immediately clashed in Hong Kong. However, through pure determination by both sides, the rigid British law and order system was eventually "ADAPTED" by the Hong Kong indigenous people into their own system, which brought new opportunity, hope and success to a formerly lawless region. Under the Treaty of Nanking, life was far from perfect, but, the Hong Kong people were industrious, flexible, innovative and determined to be successful. The British allowed the locals to discover their own identity as a proud people and distinct society. Hong Kong was a success economically, culturally and politically.
 Today, Hong Kong is a city of 7 million people who were all born free under the British Monarchy / Treaty of Nanking; and then, because of a decision made by only a few political elites; none of whom were even native Hong Kongers, the Hong Kong people are now politically enslaved to the ruthless PRC regime?
How is that even legally or morally possible in our world today?
Where's the outcry from the UN human rights commission?
Where's the outcry from the G7 economic council?
Where's the outcry from the media in the free world calling for Hong Kong's freedom?
 China has used every dirty trick to subdue the Hong Kong people and destroy their economy.
 The PRC will intentionally crush all who oppose it until they either die or beg for their life. How can the world standby and accept PRC's inhuman tactics.
We declare to all the world, WE deserve our freedom, WE earned it!
To force the Hong Kong people to give up their freedoms, their culture, their history and their political independence because the political elite, "horse traded" the Hong Kong people over to a tyrannical communist regime for money and political advantage is immoral, inhuman and legally wrong. This is clearly demonstrated when reviewing the historical evidence surrounding the "LEGAL FORMATION" of Hong Kong in consequence to the Treaty of Nanking, as signed by and between the 2 Monarchies. The document is clear in its legal intentions, purpose and recourse. There is no legal provision in the Treaty Of Nanking that allows for the Hong Kong Territories to be handed back to anyone except the Emperor. Therefore, the PRC is not the legal or rightful beneficiary/authority to receive Hong Kong. If the current Emperor and/or Monarchy chooses not to come forward to claim its rights, titles and properties, then, WE, The Hong Kong people declare it falls upon to the Hong Kong people to manage Hong Kong in stewardship and trust, until the rightful Monarchy returns. Understand our intentions, we are Chinese, and we deeply honour and respect our motherland China. We have no interest to be separated from our motherland or our history; rather, what we want is our freedom for self rule, self governance and economic independence from the PRC government. We believe there is sufficient historical and legal precedence both in treaty law and modern political law; as well as found in many UN resolutions that support the recognition of distinct societies as free nations. The preponderance of evidence stated herein is sufficient to warrant the granting of Hong Kong's permanent independence as a city state. We have no interest in causing trouble with Communist China, PRC. As a free and independent Hong Kong city state, we would enjoy, promote and maintain a meaningful and propersous relationship as 2 brothers; who rightfully live in different houses; each respecting the other's rights; each responsible to govern their own household free from interference by others.


We, mainland Chinese, need to take down the firewall first! Admire you, Mr Yeung!


Thank you, Jan, for the variety of perspectives on the situation in Hong Kong, demonstrated by these interviews. However I find some of the comments incomprehensible and the pro-CCP commentors extreme but I guess that's the Internet 🤔


Thank you for this world important interview Jan. Thank the Almighty that billions of people around the world know how important this fight for freedom is in Hong Kong. Just like France, the MSM are trying to cover it up.


Alvin Yeung is awesome. give back the freedom to hongkonger please


i don see carrie lam did not do wrong. thery people made a wrong move.


State sovereignty is antithetical to communist doctrine Communism is a single government with no ties to a particular state.No compromise,


I see this drama playing out in slow motion. It looks bad, not for HK but for the CCP.


This was a truly brilliant, enlightening interview in the most simple non-partisan open-minded terms ✌❤🗯 respects


I learned a lot from watching this. As usual, Jan's gentle and insightful questioning brings out the best in the interviewee—and what a fine person he is, a man of obvious ability and integrity. I wish we had him here in our parliament in the UK!


The world is watching and we stand with 🌿🌿🌿


Thank you for a well constructed breakdown of the Hong Kong situation. My heart goes out to these brave people. This is s major issue for Hong Kong's democracy and the Western world's.


I keep getting Epoch Times ads on Youtube and I don't want to see them I'd rather stare at a cat taking a shit


This series of interviews in Hong Kong has been very enlightening. Thank you so much for bringing us this great insider information.


He didnt mention why will the police fire rubber bullets and teargas
In the legislative building


I hope Alvin, et al succeed.
Had Lam been removed MONTHS AGO, lots of violence could have been avoided; Lam is the fuel, that keeps Hong Kong burning.
