How 'Dead' is Hong Kong? Malls Deserted, No Longer Shopping Paradises

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Credit: @Journifyy

Hong Kong Shopping Malls Empty, Chicken Wing Rice at 40 HKD Considered Expensive, 1 Box of Rice at 25 HKD Becomes New Favorite...
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Taiwan, take heed. You don't want to end up like Hong Kong.


It breaks my heart to see what China has done to beautiful vibrant city of Hong Kong.


Boy, I bet the people of Hong Kong are happy, now that the communists took over after 99 years of British rule. They are doing such a wonderful job all over China; foreign companies are leaving China, unemployment is sky high, people are losing their life savings and ther homes. They are still in power since they have strict control over the media by the controlling news. At least the mainland Chinese are used to their conditions but I bet those in Hong Kong were in for a rude awakening by the caliber of ineptitude of the communist government.


I remember when people said "Hong Kong is an economic powerhouse. The Chinese won't kill the goose that gives it golden eggs." That's when we thought the Chinese government was rational.


Used to love passing through HK. Back in the day buying electronics at Golden Shopping Centre to take back to Philippines, and more recently enroute from NZ to Taiwan. But now we will never set foot in HK again. ... I am sure we are not alone in this decision.


I lived in Tsim Sha Tsui for 16 years and got out of Hong Kong a few years later. During those years Tsim Sha Tsui was unbelievably busy. One could not walk a block without being stepped on or kicked as well of doing the same to others because it was so crowded. The first week after the take over the place took a nose dive. I saw the writing on the wall. It was one of the wisest decisions I have ever made. My heart breaks for Hong Kong.


Hey !
I grew up in HK in the 80’s. Those were the best years!
TST never looked like that.
Blame the CCP.


One of the worst things to keep in mind while watching China Observer's videos is they don't even touch on how horrible it is once you step _outside_ of these cities and see the utter squalor that rural China still lives in. While these tofu dreg cities look like a disaster compared to western cities, rural China is still _very_ much a 3rd world country, and that's the video the CCP _really_ doesn't want to be broadcast around the world. They'd much rather have you see these pretty cities even if they're full of empty businesses and homeless. Why do you think people that grew up in rural China keep _trying_ to make a living in cities?


As a resident of Hong Kong I can confirm this is heavily sensationalized and quite selective with footage being shown. I was in TST literally yesterday and it was jam packed with people. In fact it was so busy I became frustrated and left, and this is the case with many popular shopping areas which are extremely busy, particularly on weekends.

My friends also own 8 restaurants across Hong Kong and while things were undoubtedly tough during covid things have improved dramatically, particularly in recent months. There's still some way to go but things are nowhere near as dire as this video depicts.


Hong Kong was my favorite liberty port when I was stationed with the US Navy out of Japan. We would stop there often chopping in and out of the Persian Gulf back in the 80s. The shopping was incredible and we had the British China Fleet Club where we could buy nearly anything duty free to take back with us. I remember all of the clubs, especially the Bottoms Up club where they filmed the James Bond movie. Sucks that the communists have ruined that gem.


I've been to HK 11 times since it reopened, and while it was a bit empty and serene at first, the city is now PACKED with visitors again.


This is Hong Kong was one of my favourite places to visit. So safe and beautiful with amazing locals.


And they wanted to import this to Taiwan.


I've been to Hong Kong many times over the past 50 years and Hong Kong has changed! Sorry for this news 😢


I lived in Hong Kong from 2011 until 2021. When the Natl Security Laws came into effect, that changed everything. I was back in HK for a few days in Feb of 2023 for a few days, it felt like the soul of HK was ripped out. I tell people that HK still has all the glitter but the substance of what made HK is missing.


I was there in December 2023. We were last there about 10 years ago and I tell it was day and night difference. You could tell the mood was different. People weren't happy. HK will never be the same again.


“2 dishes cost 25 HKD” This is one of the lowest priced food establishments in Hong Kong, places like this usually had a long queue due to how inexpensive the price for food is. If you dine at one of the average restaurants, it’ll usually be like 50 to 60 HKD for 1 dish with drinks.


When the handover occurred a lot of middle class and wealthy HKers made sure to get British or American passports(dual citizenship). I’m sure once scammer cooty demic ended, they all got out of dodge.


what happened to hong kong was heartbreaking


I am sorry to see Hong Kong people lose freedom of speech as people living in China.
