33. Long-Term Biological Effects of Radiation, Statistics, Radiation Risk

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MIT 22.01 Introduction to Nuclear Engineering and Ionizing Radiation, Fall 2016
Instructor: Michael Short

The longer-term effects of accumulated radiation exposure are shown from the cell to the organism level. Trends in cell division rate are linked to both the various symptoms of radiation poisoning and the relative biological susceptibility of different organs. Sources of our knowledge of the effects on large and small doses of radiation are shown, paying particular attention to our lack of definitive knowledge of the effects of very low doses of radiation.

License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
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This is one of the best presentations on nuclear health I've seen in a long time. So many topics are within this I hope folks keep interested, and get involved somehow.
The Fukushima accident provided the largest exposure cohorts in recent records and is surrounded by some of the best medical diagnostics on the planet.
Why is the TEPCO nuclear explosion not considered as such by visible health scientists?
There are claims of no harm but this presentation implies otherwise. It could support or deny one of the risk models proposed.
Thank You.


The world needs more Michael shorts. Dude makes me want to enroll lol.


Listening to these has been really engaging and soothing, in the strangest way.


This course is awesome, so glad I found it!


8:40 I lived in the neighborhood of Sunshine Sanatorium in Grand Rapids. It treated TB. As active cases of TB diminished, it became a county hospital and is now part of a bigger hospital business. The name changed with each repurposing.


Very helpful to future students! Great work! Thank you!


Polar bears have a lot of Vitamin A because their prey, seals, have a lot. They have a lot because they eat squid and fish which have a lot. They have a lot because they feed on algae and seaweed which are producing carotenoids that which they use for photosynthesis. Vitamin A is found in carotenoids.


Well, I know Fukushima a little.
The tsunami caught everyone off guard even with an active citizens response network.
It is Japan, people work, but this was too quick.
We watched the failure as you did.
Many volunteers worked for the good of the country.


In the Richard Rhodes book on the atomic bomb, he talks about how various scientists sampled certain materials like copper wire from areas of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to property ascertain how much Neutron radiation was present


I worked at a scrapyard for over 10 years. I worked at on spot and didn’t move. One day a load of plates came in. When the foreman thought I wasn’t looking, he came over with what looked like a geiger counter? It went crazy. I went to the office to complain and was told to get back to work. I figured if it was bad, my hair would fall out. A few months later, I started gaining weight. A lot of weight. At my next doctors appointment, the doc started feeling around my neck. Then it was off to a few specialists. The one doc said for a test, normal people are a 10, when it gets to 30, they look for cancer. So they sent my results to a special lab. When the results came back, they said my numbers were almost 7, 000. I had medullary thyroid cancer. My 1 day in the hospital took over 3 weeks. They didn’t know the exact cause, but gave me 5 possible causes. Then the doc told me my numbers were about the same as people near Chernobyl, or in Japan after the A bombs were dropped.
I had to retire early because I just couldn’t do the work anymore because of my health. Almost all of my retirement money has been spent on hospitals, doc visits and medications.No lawyer will help me. The government won’t help me. I figured the government would have records. One of my drivers told me, they had been dumping radioactive scrap for years. And told me there was a way to turn off the radiation detectors. So the safety systems in place for nuclear power plants are not given to those of us at the bottom of the work force. Scrapyards are dumping grounds for hazardous products that are supposed to be disposed of legally, but are not.
I was hoping that watching this, it would help me, to find anymore symptoms or solutions. It did not.


3:46 the body thinks its on fire 🔥 sounds pretty painful to me


Worth noting since Chernobyl was an earlier topic in this series, workers inside the reactor 4 building would’ve been receiving upwards of 130 Grays


"make in unpleasant to engage in warfare and people probably won't" is probably the most out of touch thing I've seen a smart person say, as if warfare has ever been pleasant.

With that said, I don't know who this professor is, but he a awesome at teaching his subject, I'm a welder who dropped out of school at 15 and I might not be able to follow what the symbols mean or do the math, but I feel like I understand the underlying concepts that he is teaching, and that is great for me.


Active Denial System - "Alot of maybe psychological... but whatever" 😆


Very good presentation, plz share PPT link of it Few slides are not clearly visible


Selenium at 20:30- there is a big difference between organic and inorganic Se. Selenomethionine is a good form; selenite is bad. Too much of a good thing is also bad. He is correct. Don't take selenite. It's pretty to look at, but not good to ingest.
Standard treatment for glioblastoma includes (along with tumor resection and temozolomide) 60Gy radiation at 2Gy/day, 5 days a week for 6 weeks. Totoal amount has been reduced for patients over age 70.


Rus, also spelled Ros, ancient people who gave their name to the lands of Russia and Belarus.


Serious question here and I am not trying to defend abuse of steroids I am not trying to be hypocritical I am a bodybuilder as a hobby I am guilty of using them. Would a high dose of a steroid like tren or winny or DECA help people exposed to 2-3 Grays?


I'm only here to find out what long term damage is caused by several pelvic and abdominal CT scans with contrast


There was a reactor accident at Pacific Gas and Electric's
Humboldt Bay, Ca. Nuclear Power Plant (unit#3) on 7-17-1970. South Bay Union Elementary School was@ 400 yards down wind from the reactor. "YouTube- Humboldt Nuclear Accident" by Scott Rainsford. This being a census year could a study be conducted to determine the percentage of health effects ( cancer, MS, birth defects etc.) by M.I.T. ?
