What are the Signs & Symptoms of Pancreatic Cancer?

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🔎Learn more about the role of your pancreas and learn more about the signs and symptoms of pancreatic cancer that you should be aware of.

Let’s take a look at the role of the pancreas.

The pancreas is a large gland that lies behind the stomach in the back of the abdomen. It has two very important roles.

#1 It produces enzymes to help break down food so the body can absorb nutrients.

#2 It also produces hormones that are important to regulating your blood sugar level. These hormones are insulin and glucagon.

Unlike other cancers, there is no early detection test for pancreatic cancer.

The symptoms are often vague and can be similar to other medical conditions – so it’s important for you to see your GP for a review if you experience symptoms that are unusual for you or persistent.

There are often no symptoms of pancreatic cancer, particularly in the early stages. However, if there are symptoms, they may include:

🔎 Persistent indigestion or heartburn or reflux
🔎 Excessive fatigue or weakness
🔎 Tummy pain - or pain in your abdomen,
🔎 Loss of appetite
🔎 Mid-back pain
🔎 Nausea
🔎 Unexplained weight loss
🔎 Changes in stools
🔎 Dark urine
🔎 New onset diabetes
🔎 Jaundice, which is the yellowing of the skin and eyes

It is best to see your doctor for review and investigation if you experience unexplained symptoms that worry you. They will ask you questions to help understand whether the cause of symptoms are pancreatic cancer or another condition.

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