Lana Del Rey - Carmen

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this movie and song is too underrated. both are unimaginably beautiful.


This movie was soooo heartbreaking. Monica Belluci was absolutely phenomenal. The video doesnt show the part where the angry women shaved her head, kicked her, tore her clothes apart and publicly humilianted her while the men just stood there and didnt lift a finger to help her. Very hard scene to watch. Beauty is a double edge sword and in the case of Malena, it didnt help her at all. In fact, it was her ball and chain.


This movie is masterpiece. Shows the plight of a women especially in old times


I got chills when you matched the iconic scene of her walking with red hair after her transformation with "the girls the boys they all like carmen" line. Monica Bellucci's beauty and charm is unmatchable but opposed to her beauty Malena's story is really tragic and depressing. Her face tells it all, how she hides her pain with grace.


It's so heartshaking when you combine her walking in the street, hair-dyed and cold look scene with her holding her husband's picture and dancing with him in her pretention, it's just... the contrast, the contradiction, combined with Lana singing 'Like a lightening...~' feels like that scene goes straightly into my soul.


carmen has been my favourite lana song for years, it’s so beautiful and has by far changed my life


I saw something similar in my younger sister and it makes me really sad. She was such a happy, social little girl. When she grew up she turned into one of the most beautiful young women i have ever seen. I am not saying this because she's my sister, I am not nearly as beautiful as she is. Many would think she had it all but I have never seen so much hate and criticism towards someone. Especially by other women, even older women! And the men, always so inappropriate around her, even when being married and their wife standing next to them. People would always nitpick everything about her, things they would never do to me for example! Sadly, this has transformed her a lot and now at 21 she is so extremely insecure, her fire is gone. She even thinks of herself as quite ugly and doesn't want to leave the house most of the time. Of course everyone is different but we as women should support each other instead of tearing each other down, this kind of critics can do a lot of damage especially in very young girls. This movie breaks my heart.


It just seems so similar, a women with unmatched beauty is considered to be a masterpiece. They are stared and objectified everywhere they go. Even on her darkest days, she considered as an object of lust. Especailly in a conservative society. No one knows anything about her, but just admire her looks. Eyes following you everywhere you go... she can never be known for her intelligence, emotions or personality. Just her outer looks. Been called a slut if she is humble and kind to everyone, and been called something else if she maintains a distance. People say it is easy for beautiful people, but actually, beauty is like a cloak which hides everything inside you good or bad.


I am from a village close to the little town in the countryside of Umbria, central Italy- where Monica is from. This woman represents the actual realization of the dream. Coming from humble origins, It's not just her unique beauty that made her stand out; she truly has something special and that goes to her talent and special mindset. Nobody ever thought that a small place like ours could give birth to a superstar like her, and this is only because of the labor and persistence a human being must have. Before we were seen as just a region of mostly farmers and agricultural life and her story inspired so many people to believe in our projects, reminding us that circumstances can be transformed into something unique wherever in the world we might be.


Nobody helped her when she was abused by everyone. This movie made me cry so hard for her, very heart breaking. Beauty can be a malediction


Lana del Rey songs are so good that when paired up with movie scenes like this it just makes you love the movies without even watching them


"My Brilliant Friend" is an Italian show that is similar to this movie; it shows how the close-mindedness, patriarchy, etc of small villages/communities just eats away at people especially women and girls. So sad.


What a style of walking keeping full hold on her body. Perfect balanced steps. Is she ballerina? May be. She is truly magnificent.


My heart literally broke while watching this movie. It's so close to reality. Also this song matches everything in this movie. Monica nailed this role.


ugh so beautiful this song and movie is just a combo that is so beautifully painful... showing the undeserved cost of beauty and womanhood


Can't believe it's been 22 years since this released, a powerful piece of storytelling!


I wish this movie could have been made from the perspective of the woman.


The way Lana's voice blends into the illusions invoked by Monica, is a bliss


Women and girls like her still live that situation in Italy small villages.


Most of the men romanticize this movie and just focus on her beauty but movie is so heartbreaking
