Is the Novus Ordo Even VALID?

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Many over the years have criticized the structure and implementation of the Novus Ordo for what they believe to be an inferior rite than that of Pius V's 1570 Roman Missal. But might the problem be even deeper? Some suggest that Vatican II broke Church law in reforming the Rite, making anything it did invalid. What do we make of this?



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Grew up Mormon, got into catholicism after prison and it seemed ok but seeing everything in the church didn't feel right. Finally attended a Latin Mass and its changed my life for the best


Novus Ordo is indeed valid, but I will always choose the Latin Mass hands down over Novus Ordo.


All I know: I would love to experience TLM and I know I would love it. But I also know without Novus Ordo I probably wouldn’t have understood what Catholicism even truly is and converted. It’s accomplishing what it intended in evangelism. 👍☺️. Prayers for unity of all Catholics.


Well said. I agree. I do not fully appreciate the criticism however, it seems to me bickering that does not make sense. Again, perhaps I do not fully appreciate the criticism. My most urgent need is to be able to attend mass and receive Eucharist.


What I think a lot of people dislike about the NO is the lack of reverence in comparison to for example a tridentine mass.

Sure, the mass has become more accessible but for what? Mass attendance keeps plummeting and there's no forseeable betterment...

A lot of (young) catholics (either born or converts) grew up with a hunger for reverence and truth in a society which tells us everything is subjective. And then they find it in the more traditional forms of the liturgy.

I personally attend the NO because I have no problems with it. The sacrifice of the mass is still the same and we're joined to celebrate the resurrection.

Perhaps you could make a video about how we could bring more reverence back into the NO?


As a 23 year old Catholic, NO feels like outdated baby boomer kich, not really any depth to it. Well I won't call it invalid, it certainly feels inferior to traditional mass. Traditional Mass is timeless and just as good as it's always been. I see NO mass as a fad of the boomer generation that will likely die with them, and be fazed out for a return to the normal Church in the next century or so.


Regardless of the Mass, we still focus on the importance of the liturgy of the word and liturgy of the Eucharist as the true presence of his body and blood. So any catholic mass that instills those elements will be the mass I attend.


If every Priest could just use incense at every mass...that would be great


"How's your marriage?"
"Its not invalid!"


Why can’t we like both forms. I prefer the Latin, but I go to both depending on circumstances. I still receive communion on the tongue, kneeling.


The only people I've seen say NO mass is invalid are the Sedes, and you can't take them seriously at all. I however would love to see the Latin Mass surge to the forefront again, I think TLM breeds more reverence and deepens the respect we have for God and Catholicism in general. I also think the reverence present in TLM can bleed into parishes themselves and that could (hopefully) lead to churches investing in the beautiful. Lots of Churches lack altar rails and have plain beige walls which I think doesn't indicate the importance of the faith and/or the Mass. just my opinion.


My two cents. I go to regular mass held in English every day. I cry often. If you aren't moved by regular mass you aren't doing it properly. Your heart has been hardened and that's on you to work on not the mass itself.


Thanks for making this video. It clarified a very important point for me and what you said makes sense to me. But whatever form of mass we prefer to celebrate, let us all remember that we are one church and that the purpose of the mass is to commemorate the passion and death of our Lord Jesus Christ as He commanded during the Last Supper.


You know yer stuff...personally, the Mass as I know it has beauty. Some people may not think it is a reverent experience. That may happen...I dont know...What I do know is for me...I'm worshiping Christ, believing in Him, and celebrating his sacrifice for me and all mankind in Latin, English, big church, or small church. Peace!✝️


I have been talking to some Sedevacantists and really needed this. You have no idea how grateful I am.


Read:"The Oath against Moderism"


5:17 the sunglasses! Just the right amount of levity. Great editing!


The problem of the NO mass is not the liturgy itself, it's the introduction of liturgical abuses of all sorts . Disobedience is the issue, not validity. God bless


Personally I don't think it's invalid, but it didn't help my spiritual life very much. The extraordinary form has given me great love for God and the church. It gave me something I lacked which stopped me going protestant or even atheist.


The amount of traditional Catholics who believe the NO to be invalid is incredibly minute. It's a fringe group of loud-mouthed keyboard warriors.

The overwhelming majority of people who attend TLM don't do so because they think the NO is "invalid". They do it because they find NO to be overall less reverent and less beautiful. Quite frankly, it's near impossible to say that they're wrong. NO can be beautiful, but it's often not.

Recently, there have been several attacks by popular Catholic social media influencers against traditionalist communities. These attacks have been defending Vatican II and the NO Mass as legitimate and that the trads are heretics.

Here's the thing: most traditional Catholics don't disagree. Most trads fully accept the faith. They simply want to see a return to stronger reverence in devotional practices.

The loud-mouthed sedevacantists don't represent the traditional Catholic movement. And by lumping all TLM attendees in with them, you are only sowing further division by failing to address the legitimate concerns of traditional-minded Catholics.

We should all be able to agree that not only is the NO Mass valid, but it is also deeply flawed in its practice and implementation. For the overwhelming majority of us, we don't think the NO is invalid, we simply want it to be fixed.
