Problems With The Novus Ordo Part 2: Whats Wrong With Invalid Masses?

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Ok, I don't want to beat this horse too much. And I normally don't make a video's based on the comments I get on my videos.

But I'm going to make an exception 

 3 things have come to my attention concerning my video 

Problems with the novus ordo: including their Latin Mass.
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I'm 26 and a year ago the TLM braught me back to the faith. I have not been to any novus order that has the same reverence or respect for the blessed eucharist. Now I am a few months away from getting married at our FSSP parish. Deo Gratias!


I am currently in my RCIA journey, and once I started attending the latin mass, I fell in love. I could not go back to the novus ordo. Even in my novus ordo church I have seen the disapproval and looking down upon those who prefer the TLM. I recently had an experience with this, and as a convert only recently coming into the Catholic tradition have I seen a discouragement from Tradition. My RCIA instructor was not exactly happy when I told them I started attending the TLM. They even mentioned other "weird" (my words) mysteries of the rosary that were recently made up rather that the one that have been taught for generations. I was told "I can make up my own with whatever I want." Well sure, but there is already a perfected method established already. Why would I want to change what is already most pleasing to God?


Hey man keep up the great content. Clear and to the point. Great job man keeping the faith


I feel like you made this video for me! I’m part of the first group. Thanks for taking the time.


Wow, in Africa we keep to traditions.

Communion on the tougue while kneeing and many others..


Your delivery and the background music is very very good.


Don't listen to the trolls, love your content and sometimes don't agree with everything but still love it. I understood everything you were trying to say in part 1, didn't see a need for part 2. Keep up the good work!


Strange happenings: In 1986, I was invited to an SSPX Tridentine holy Mass in someone's San Fernando Valley home. Since I had attended the daily Latin holy Mass in Catholic grade school and I had had 4 years of Latin in high school, I went and sat as close as possible to the altar to hear the Latin. I was shocked that the priest wasn't praying in Latin at all, but muttering incoherently. He looked unkempt. I refrained from receiving Holy Communion because I could not hear the words of Consecration and was unsure if he were even a real priest. The head of the house that had the SSPX "masses" eventually walked into the neighbor's in ground pool and died. The 1994 Northridge earthquake epicenter was very close to that home which had SSPX "Masses, " unauthorized by the archdiocese, nearly every day. Once, while praying the Rosary in a public park in Pasadena with the SSPX people, hail fell on us from a relatively sunny sky, stopping our Rosary. I wanted to finish praying, but no one else wanted to. They thought I was odd for attending the Novus Ordo, but I figured if it were good enough for Mother Angelica and Mothere Teresa of Calcutta, then it was good enough for me. Thank God the FSSP have a doctrinally solid (infiltrated by the FBI) church in the San Fernando Valley.


Another great video, brother. It was necessary but I like what you said about trying our best when Church leadership is not doing their jobs.

I do have a concern though, I went to daily Mass a few days ago and they had laity doing a Communion service, they aren’t clergy, would this constitute a sacrilege against the Eucharist?

I can’t articulate how I feel about this but other than that, I have chosen to stay there to help them return to Tradition.

God bless you, brother.

Will you do a video on the Seven Sorrows Rosary?


I just got my conditional baptism a little while ago because when I came into the catholic church in the Nova ordo was a Protestan who converted to Catholicism and my SSPX priest when I started attending the traditional Latin mass 6 months or so ago, did not know whether or not if my Protestant baptism was valid because before Vatican 2 Protestants who came into the Catholic church were usually always conditionally baptized


The Church is no longer handing out annulments like candy. I have been divorced 9 years, and cannot even get the paperwork started.


I see rising divorce rates as a symptom of the culture, not the cause. There are no checks or balances, and you really don't know what you're getting before you marry, even when you're very careful. Attempts to lower annulments by making them more difficult to get doesn't treat the cause, and in some cases, makes the sickness worse. I do, however, think there's a much lower risk of picking a bad marriage partner when you're in a traditional community. Still, I tend to more lean toward the argument of Church being justified in being generous with annulments.

I don't know much about the process the Church uses to determine divorce. The most common frivolous reasons I see for a divorce is that a partner doesn't give them orgasms anymore. I doubt the Church uses that as grounds for an annulment. I'd assume that the annulments are being given for good reason. If you're in doubt, ask divorcees that you know for the complete story of what happened to cause them to leave. You are likely to get a horror story.


Good video, but for the record the priests who were expelled from the SSPX in 1983 were kicked out over Archbishop Lefebvre adopting the changes found in the 1962 missal that the SSPX uses to this day. They refused to go along the archbishops attempt to placate the Vatican by adopting the revolutions early stages of reform. It was not about sedevacantism or even sympathizing with it. If it was, I believe more than nine priests would have been expelled. The fact that five years later Lefebvre himself signed then reneged on an agreement with Rome would seem to suggest he was starting to appreciate what those priests had told him.


Personally i dont attend the Novus ordo bc this change in the church was what our blessed mother Mary warned us about in her apparitions. Almost like when a parent warns there child about something, its for their protection.


I have a question for you, if you're reading this. Are Latin Masses done in Sacristies licit?


If one goes to a orthodox liturgy should one receive body and blood ?


As a Protestant convert who had to wrestle with and accept Church’s teaching authority, I want to remind folks that NO is instructed by an ecumenical council and Catholics need to accept it. We need to trust in the wisdom of the Church as guided by the holy spirit and not “be our own pope”. If we protest and reject the Church’s formal decision, guess what this turns us into? “Protest-ants”? 🙂


Greetings Brother, I have been looking into Catholicism and love it, I just have 1 problem, RCIA. It seems so pointless, as I already profess the Catholic faith, I understand the basics of Catholicism, and I just want to be baptized into the Church, RCIA is necessary for the Church in my area, and it has to be done only September-Easter. Just puts an annoying barrier over the faith.


Can you explain why catholics just receive the body ? The orthodox have the body and the blood .


But let me ask, how about Eucharist by desire, what does thr church say about that 7:58 .
