Crisis Series #25 w/ Fr. Robinson: Should Catholics Attend Novus Ordo Mass?

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On this episode, we’re talking with Fr. Paul Robinson, the Prior of Saint Isidores in Denver, Colorado, about the practical matters that Catholics should know about the Novus Ordo Mass. Over the last two episodes, we’ve looked at the inherent problems in this new formulation of the New Mass. Today, we’ll see what that means for us as Catholics. Do these problems mean that the New Mass is invalid? Or should we even be attending the New Mass, if we have the choice?

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I was a Cradle new order mass Catholic that felt like it didn't matter because we were not taught catechism like the council of trent. I didn't go to mass for over 20years and believed the priests were NO different than the rest of us so why bother with confession. I was never taught about a state of Grace. I was not taught much at all. That is all thanks to the new order mass.
Praise be to God. The Holy Spirit started me on a path to learning what I was never taught and now I have been going to TLM at sspx for 5 months and I continue to learn more everyday and passing on what I learn to others and my children.
I know I am not the only one that has a similar story.
God bless


I went to Fr Robinson for confession last year. He helped me keep from totally losing my gord over the communist take over of America. I appreciate him so much.


The NO mass here is horrible, I told my SSPX confessor that I just can’t stand to go to the NO Mass, He said that I f I were to go to the NO I may just lose my soul. So I attend SSPX when I am able, it is 2 hours away and I am 75 years old. This reinforces what my confessor told me. Thank you


Yes that's what happened to me.
Growing up with Novus Ordo Mass and no instruction about the Faith.
Around age 22 sitting in Mass, constantly bored with it,
I decided to leave to try find God myself.
I was led unknnowingly by Satan into every false religion for decades
until God's Grace woke me up one day out of the blue. He told me through a mental awareness all religions except His belong to Satan and brought me back to the Church - SSPX.
I'd never seen the Tridentine Mass before - it transformed me.
I've been learning the Faith for the first time - doing what's right. I've never been happier in my entire life.
God is truly so very kind and good.


I need to receive Our Lord’s Body. As long as it’s a valid consecration I will continue to attend the Novus Ordo. I’d prefer the SSPX TLM, but none close by. I’m a pre-Vat II Catholic. Graduated HS a year before the NO was forced on us.


I pray these would be in Spanish someday. Latin communities are seeking the truth of the faith and waking up to the changes.


I returned to the Church after several years in the new age and occult and now belong to a NO parish. I love the beautiful church and generous pastors but am beginning to develop an understanding of the issues with the NO - largely because of this series. I'm even beginning to wonder if I would have hung onto my faith and stayed in the Church if I'd had this deeper understanding years ago. I will never know. But I am beyond grateful for this series - and very excited to recently find out that there is an SSPX chapel in my own small town!


Fr Paul Robinson s one of my favorites. I saw him on Taylor Marshals podcast a couple of times


These podcasts are absolutely magnificent. Thank you for these and all your other work


So so thankful for the SSPX and all the amazing priests! I truly believe we’re going to see a rise in the attendance of people with us who turn away from the modern church.


We owe God the type of worship what He desires, not the type of worship what man desires.


Joseph van Haren
Thank you Father Robinson . I was privileged to meet Father Robinson a good number of years ago when father used to drive 8 hours from Sydney to the North Coast offer Mass and hear Confession for small number of Catholics, I was also privileged to have father stay at my house on his travels several times.God Bless you Father Robinson.


Thank you Father my our Lord bless you I am blessed to be the Guardian of a 1st class relic of St Pope Pius x


I'm a Novus Ordo era Catholic as most of us are but recently I've started attending the traditional Latin mass. I have only had the opportunity to participate in 3 low masses but what an eye opener! We have had our history, traditions and spiritual treasures stolen from us by the heretic modernists. It is such a travesty that this has been allowed to happen. But there is still hope and it comes in the form of groups like the SSPX, the FSSP, the ICKSP etc, who teach and practice the true mass and faith. One day the NO will just be a footnote in Catholic history and the TLM will be the only mass celebrated.


Thank you for the information Father. My husband is the only one left since his brother died, that goes to any Catholic Mass. Out of his eight siblings. So sad.


I am a Cradle Catholic born in the 1960's in Austria. If my mother (who was lucky grewing up with the traditional mass) would not have insisted in attending the (novus ordo) mass every sunday, we children would have never had a mass, First Communion or Confirmation for there was no possibility to go to a traditional mass in the whole town when we grew up. Now that there is the possibility to attend the traditional mass I am doing so. Even if it takes me 1 hour to get there. My late mother always taught us, that this is the right way to worship God. So in my opinion, if there is no other possibility you have to attend a novus ordo mass in person. The Holy Spirit is working his way as long as you are right minded and learning and searching the Truth.


Fr Paul Robinson is so awesome . keep up the good work and the truth thanking you


Please pray for me brothers and sisters and if you can please offer up some fasting/sacrifices to help me make expiation for my sinful past


I can understand a little why, in the sixties, mainline Protestants 'might' be more inclined to convert if some elements of the Faith were obscured, but I can tell you from my fundamentalist background, when I decided to convert to the Novus Ordo it did not help at all. I wanted the Old Time Religion of All Time. I got so many excuses, reform of the reform, hermeneutic of continuity. It has taken me another twenty years to get here, to the Society, finally.


Fr. Robinson should be on the Matt Fradd Show to share with him some TRUTH! It's more needed than ever before.
