Why people want to leave Canada (but can’t)

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Why immigrants are still moving to Canada and why they can't come back after they realise what this country is about.



0:00 Canadian propaganda
1:14 Everything is fake in Canada
1:37 Canada's GDP per capita
2:12 Canadian immigration scam
4:44 The real reason Canada needs immigrants
5:54 Why immigrants don't move back
6:44 A typical Canadian immigrant
8:51 Blaming complaining immigrants
9:11 Big cities vs small cities
11:27 Why people still move to Canada
12:42 If not Canada, then where
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Canada has always been pretty on the outside and dirty on the inside. Now it has been rendered painfully raw due to exacerbating circumstances. Corrupt...but with a smile and a handshake. Poor, but looks rich. Racist, but acts openly diverse. Claims compassion, but kills citizens medically and gives narcotics to addicts instead of treatment options. Free medical care that is not free in any way, nor is it health care unless you can afford to seek care abroad. Speaks morally, but lacks morals. Canada exquisitely demonstrates hypocrisy!


The rapid decline of quality life here in the last 10 years is astonishing.


It is a big trap, I am born in Canada and I can’t even find a stable job or own a home…


47 years, born and raised. This is a country i no longer recognize. Time has come to leave


I have to work 12-16 hours a day now just to make ends meet. No family time. No vacation. Can't even afford a movie night out anymore. I'm seriously thinking of leaving after 13 years of living here.


The Canada I grew up in is gone! I feel sorry for people coming here thinking they’ll get the 30+yr old Canada they’ve been sold. So many newcomers I’ve met want to leave…..so do i


As a Canadian born and raised here we’ve been saying we can’t afford to keep bringing in more immigrants and then we get labeled as bigoted and racist. But it’s not about race. It’s about lack of resources. The push back is always we have lots of space and wood to build more houses but as you’ve pointed out the bureaucracy makes it difficult to build new houses and the ones they are building are huge million dollar homes.


I was born in Canada and after nearly 50 years, I can agree with everything you said but want to extend your sentiments beyond immigrants. Life in Canada is extremely difficult for most here. Many are clinging on to their homes and jobs, for if they lose either of those, life changes drastically and very quickly. You can be comfortable and suddenly poverty stricken within a very short time, with no prospects.


I’m Canadian. Born here. It’s a hellhole. Don’t come. My kids can’t afford houses and still live with me. No one can get medical treatment unless you’re on the brink of dying and we are the only country in the whole world that does not allow private health for people who could actually afford it. It’s government controlled health or nothing. It’s winter almost half of the year where I live. It is also the worst country to try and leave from if by chance you’ve actually made any money because we have the worst expatriate taxes out of any other country. The income and other taxes are so insane. I’m leaving. I want a better life.


Canada should put a 100% halt on immigration for the next 5-10 years. This country is absolutely screwed.


I'm an immigrant myself, I came here (GTA) in my early 20's in 1992 from Eastern Europe and started with nothing, I've done well financially, but only because I got into real estate very early, when things were affordable. Here are my random thoughts:

1. Canadian dream died suddenly, 6-8 years ago you could still buy townhouse or a semi in GTA for half a million, then things took off, prices doubled and an entry level in Toronto is now $1M, why?
- central banks policies to ARTIFICIALLY keep interest rates at zero led to asset bubbles, stocks, real estate, if you got on the train you benefited, but if you had no assets to invest you got poorer and poorer. It applies to most of the developed world
- foreign money inflows, money laundering: Canada is a small market, we're talking couple of big cities, Vancouver, Toronto, it is easy to be distorted. You have Chinese, Middle East, Russian money flowing in and getting parked in housing. I personally met a Chinese man who owns at least dozen houses in Toronto and 3 cottages. On my street alone I counted at least 5 detached homes that are 'investment rentals' all in the range of $1.6M, owned by overseas investors. Vancouver is practically owned my mainland China, nobody is doing anything to control that, why not? It wouldn't be nice, would it be racist?
- government turned a blind eye to massive speculation, house flipping etc. Flippers made fortunes speculating, why work when you can make few hundred thousands doing nothing? Why hasn't the government done anything about it, tax the speculators to death etc??

2. Uncontrolled immigration, infrastructure like roads, public housing, hospitals are all lagging behind, you can't bring millions of people here and have no place for them to live. Do you see any affordable rental units being built? All I see are million dollars condos. Totally insane, Trudeau is a disaster

3. Crime is on the rise, car thefts, house breake-ins. Not too long ago you could leave you car unlocked and now?

4. Unfortunately Canada is not alone, if you look at Europe most countries struggle with the same problems, open borders led to housing shortages, high rents etc. The list of countries that are good is getting shorter

5. Is Canada a good place to immigrate to? Absolutely not, if you're a professional you should not come here, your chance of making a better living at your own country is higher, in Canada fulfilling career path maybe only a dream, you will always be an ESL and will have disadvantages (like communication skills etc..) that will hinder your advancement. Besides, cost of living is so high that even when making six figures you will still be a debt slave, because most of your money will go to taxes.

6. Who can still come here? Unskilled labor, if you come from a poor 3rd world country there are still jobs (trades, truck driving etc) that can pay you enough to live better life than back home.

7. I don't know what advice to give to people. There was a time when I was coming back to Canada after visiting my homeland country and I had this feeling that it was coming home and I felt happy to be here. That feeling is long gone, things are now reversed, people back home live better lives than me. In general I think the Western world is declining, it may still look good from outside, but reality is different.

Angry immigrant, thank you for putting up these videos, they help people like us


35 year old born and raised in Canada. Moved to Sweden a few years ago. Sweden has problems. But it's quality of life is at the standard I remember Canada being back in the 90s and 2000s. And for that I am extremely grateful to be living in Sweden.


To the author or presenter of this video, thank you for your courage to tell this story. Regrettably, many people will not
believe this is happening in Canada, and I hope too many do Not try and find out the hard way. Although, I admit that the same is happening in many countries. After living in Canada for over 48 years, I have exhausted most of my savings,
by trying to help my six children move along the slippery slope. Today, I am living on my pension, almost like a hermit.
True, when I came to Canada, my engineering diplomas, nor my practical experience in the Plastics industry were not
recognized. I landed, because the government desperately needed my wife to work as a Specialized Psychiatric Nurse.
YES! It is a scam, and getting worse each day.


This is the truth!! Even as a Canadian nurse. I can barely afford to live. Pay small mortgage, and have a used car... barely ever go out for meals. Choose activities that are free or reasonable priced. This is no country to live as a single.. an immigrant, or a young person. I work extra shifts to pay for vacation.


I totally agree with you!! I’m brazilian and I went back to my home country after 5 years in Canada paying high rent and taxes. Brazil has a lot of problems, but I’m happier now. You defined correctly, it’s a scam!!


immigrating to canada destroyed my life. after YEARS of fighting, paying fee after fee after fee, for applications and required documents. Only to settle here....have a family, work myself near to death, lose job, lose home, and widowed at nearly 50 years old. now i pay 600 a month to sleep on someones couch and cant feed myself, house myself, or recieve ANY form of medical attention for mental health....I know now that i will most likely die alone in the woods sooner rather than tempted me with a shiney carrot....and now ive been left to starve and die alone, unable to find a way out. DONT COME TO CANADA....YOU WILL LOSE EVERYTHING. and before you ask, I am a tradeswoman, 32 years painting residential and commercial, highschool grad, NO CRIMINAL RECORD AND NO DRUGS OR ALCOHOL. CANADA HAS BEEN PREFECTILY HAPPY TO LET US SLIP THROUGH THE CRACKS AND NO ONE CARES


Every Canadian should see this video. I am a senior citizen and my grown daughter will never be able to afford a home. This country has been destroyed by a corrupt Liberal government. I do agree that immigration needs to stop as there are not enough jobs and housing for newcomers.


just for the record...I'm born and raised Canadian, not an immigrant. Life is an absolute struggle right now...and I own a car, own my home, etc. I do not know HOW people are living so financially careless right now. Hard times haven't even arrived yet, tbh. So buckle up. Leave Canada if you can!


I grew up in Vancouver, BC. After High School, I served in the Canadian Armed Forces where I learned a skilled trade. After discharge, I was shocked to find that Transport Canada would not recognize my skills and wanted me to go through a trades school and apprenticeship program like I never had training nor work experience. Also, even in the year 2000, in Vancouver it was $500, 000 CAD for just for a one bedroom condo. A single family house in Surrey and Delta was approaching a million CAD. Luckily, I met an American Woman, we got married and eventually moved to the United States. The American's version of Transport Canada had no problems accepting my CAF Experience and Training. I was easily able to write my tests and become a journeyman. Canada may have been a great country in the 1970s when my parents emigrated to Vancouver, but that Canada is long gone.


As A canadian dream is more immigration
