Dog Refuses To Leave His Dad's Hospital Bed | The Dodo

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Loyal dog refuses to leave his dad's hospital bed — now they work out together 💓

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A true example of a man's best friend!


When my husband was in the hospital for 3 months with cancer his service (and me) was with him 24/7 until my husband took his last breath. Staff and doctors all said they couldn't believe how well trained he was. Even when my husband coded his dog didn't get excited barking or running around but sat calmly watching, waiting. When my husband passed he kissed him and nudged his hands for that reassuring "good boy" touch. Dogs are amazing and so in tune with their humans. Now he's sick and old and it is heartbreaking thinking he too will soon leave me, he is the BEST. Understands things I never imagined a dog could. To me he's more human than most humans I've met. Certainly more caring.


Service dogs are loyal and form a unique bond with their are one lucky guy to spend your daily life with this adorable doggy!
Awesome relationship!:)


You can see the love, care and worry in Magnus’ eyes. What a lovely dog.


I wish every dog in the world could receive the love that Magnus receives. I wish you well sir, and want you to have a full recovery ❤


Life is definitely better with a pet. No matter what animal it is. ❤


Just proving a dog is not just a pet. They are soooo much more. They are our caregiver, companion, playmate and best friend.


It's always stunning how animals, specially dogs, feel empathetic and loving and protective towards another living being...


Just proves what I've ALWAYS believed, your animals truly love us with all there heart. Dude U have a true friend.


After losing my Son under very sad circumstances we bought a dog, me & my partner adore animals in general & to say she's helped us with our loss is an understatement, my partner's sister has a chow chow & said to us get one as they will help us get over the loss by bringing happiness & getting us up & out doing the walks etc & meeting & talking to other dog walkers, i was coming home from work & could see my partner had been crying & having a bad day so we bought a chow chow too, she has transformed our lives so much i cannot put into words & we both absolutely adore her, she has the most beautiful nature & has no aggression in her at all, apart from when playing, them little pin teeth hurt lol, even when another dog is in her face barking & snarling it's like there invisible to her, she was tiny when we got her & the purest white like snow, so we named her YUKI which is Japanese for snow, apparently the Chinese emperor owned many & they originate from Tibet, all i can say is it seems she was sent from the gods to us & i will never forget how she helped pull us through a very sad & difficult time, she makes us laugh every day without fail with her little ways & she is absolutely stunning, the attention we get when walking her has to be seen to be believed with people taking pics etc & even saying she's the most beautiful dog they have ever seen, children come up to her for cuddles as she resembles a small white polar bear, il end this now as she's eyeing me for her afternoon walk but i never knew i could love a dog so much & no money in the world could make me part with her, nothing she's priceless to me


He is such a loving and loyal boy, Magnus is truly a blessing to this family. What a lovely story ❤


My dad really loves my dog. He insisted on not getting one, but ended up treating her like his own! It’s so cute seeing him spoiling her and taking selfies. Dogs really are a man’s best friend 🐶💞


Dogs are truly our best friends, its very sad that humans to often treat them dispicable. Its not only a service dog that means so much, I have two ex-shelter dogs and what they mean to me I can not even begin to describe. They also are my shadows and great support, but when I go to hospital they would be banned. That is awful. Glad that Magnus and his owner are together always, wish them all the best !!!


I'm literally sobbing! NEVER underestimate a dog in any way! Their love for us is from another world, like no other.. So happy having seen this...made my day/week/month/year...


My cats in the other hand would be like “you’re still feeding me right?”


I’m so glad Magnus was able to stay with you during your hospital stay. What support that is! As a nurse, I have been asking for therapy dogs on our units to help with the mental health of our staff, as we consistently work short staffed. I feel it would be a huge morale boost for both the staff and patients ❤.


I hope that man has many many more years with his family and his loving dog friend. "May God bless him and his family"!!!! 🐾🐬💦


They are so good at reaching parts of our souls that humans can’t. We are so blessed to have them by our sides.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


I feel the same as this man about my big boy. When I feel stressed, he seems to know and will come over and lay as much of his 70lb body on my lap as possible. Something about the weight of him pressing me down is amazing and is better than any pill.


You have a wonderful family - two beautiful daughters and a precious dog companion, Magnus.
