Why are African Americans, UK and Canadians leaving Africa

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My brother I’m originally from Ethiopia. I came from Ethiopia when I was 15. I’m 34 now. I tell my African American brothers and sisters that go visit the continent couple of times. Understand the system first. Africa is not cheap. If you want to buy a condo in the capital city of Ethiopia you mind need between $50000-$70000 minimum. Why do you think Africans want to move to America in the first place? We move to America to collect money. Most Africans hustle and invest their money back in their home country in Africa. I will always suggest any African American to visit Africa because either it is an awakening to settle in Africa or it is an encouragement to do better in the United States. One Love!!!!


Adapt to African lifestyle.
Cook your own food.
Mostly, produce your own food.
Adapt to African dishes. Here we eat githeri(maize mixed with beans/cowpeas), ugali with greens, rice mixed with beans, etc)
Avoid fancy, expensive, junk restaurant foods.


I left because of the disrespectful nature of immigration. I know people who had money and a business and still left because of the corruption and them being taken advantage of. In Africa a non local is a walking atm.


I’ve been living on the continent almost a year now. One thing I tell folks when considering moving to the continent is to have a consistent income coming from your home country; be adaptable & patient. Africa is my home now & I love it here. Very informative video


We need to pool our resources together and go in groups to start small communities and be prepared to buy local, eat local!


I couldn't agree with you more. I am originally from Africa (Cameroon) and lived the U.S for 14years and decided to relocate back to Africa. But before I did, I planned it for 5years investing and building businesses that were already running. So by the time I moved back, not only did I have 2 fully functioning businesses, but I also launch a consulting firm to keep up with my living expenses. It takes lots of planning and like you said, we don't move back with no financial plans. Even for those who planned, it's still not easy but at least they got started earlier on.
Great points you are making there 👍🏾


Really Great advice Sir. You are truly correct in every thing you say. My older brother is living in Gambia now since 2018, moved there from the UK. He is naturally a practical person. He is 63 and bought a brand new Bungalow out there in a Ex Pat community. But he lives a simple life. No washing machine, no fancy this or fancy that, just practical and simple furnishing. A local girl does his washing once a week, and house cleaning also. His staple diet is ripe Banana and tin fish, just like what he eat in England. He still has an income coming to him from 2 rental properties in London, but he spends his money wisely. As far as starting a business goes, thats a no no for him. He said he is too old for all that stress now in his life. He just wants to heal Spiritually from all the years of working an grafting in the UK.


Moving to Africa can be a rude awaking. Thats coming from someone that was born and raised in West Africa, specifically Freetown, Sierra Leone. If you can't make it in America it is nearly impossible to make it in Africa. Great video my brother!!


Even African people with ties and families and properties on the continent, who are in these western countries, plan well before they can even go home to visit, what makes you think you who do not have any of those can just pack up and leave and it's all going to be well?


If you are not making it financially in US what makes you think that you will be able to do it somewhere else ? Thank you for your honesty.


This was why I went to visit first. Don't just pack and leave unless you have a plan. I am planning to live on Zanzibar Island but I swear you have to learn that living like a local will save you plenty. Also don't go there if you are sick...you literally can afford to be fat and unhealthy in the West but in Africa these people are fit and moving. You have to be able to keep up.


I thought one of the reasons would be culture shock. No matter how much we look alike, Africans and African-Americans, cultures are very different. I believe we as African-Americans should build somewhat of a HUB in America where we can go to for information, short-trips, workshops for potential businesses, classes on various topics that cover moving to Africa, native Africans advice, etc. and the list could go on. Then have HUBs in Africa that talk back to the one in America. Then have African-Americans visit in groups, move in groups and establish businesses in groups. I believe this will smooth out the transition.
We have to do somewhat like other race groups do. When the Chinese move over they create entire communities with groceries, restaurants, living places, worship places, etc. This is the approach we need to take also.


If you we to Africa as a tourist, yes do you. Eat as you use to, but if you are moving there, hoping to reside there, then live as Immigrants. And learn how to be humble


There is NO other country like D-erica. We from d-erica are spoiled, compared to other countries. Africa will open your eyes, and make you put your Big Girl panties on. Most Important, if you fail to plan, you've planned to fail. This much potential is Africa, but you must know the psych of Africa... All praises to the Most High! Know where you are suppose to be FIRST!!! In all thy ways acknowledge HIM, and HE will direct your path.) One Love, One success!!! Much Love Family !!!


Honestly, I found it hard to listen to your videos at first, part of me did NOT want to hear anything bad about moving to Africa, but i am glad I am getting past that fear now, to avoid pitfalls latter on, Thanks.


My cousin lived in The Gambia for yrs. She loved it. Did missionary work. Started a successful business, employed 11 people. She left due to poor infrastructure, healthcare. She didnt like the streetfood and open markets due to lack of cleanliness. She had medical issues and needed stable operating health facilities. So eventually she chose to leave. But she loved the people.


The real question is why other people ( the Lebanon, Indians, Chinese, muzungus) are thriving in Africa except African diasporians?


Moving to another country should be for practical reasons not just emotional reasons.


Very transparent and informative video. The problems we’ve had in the Diasporas will always follow us in Africa until we LEARN. And we have been very slow learners. The businesses failing in Africa are probably ones that would have failed in America as well. I suspect that people’s repatriation failure is endemic of them not starting the RIGHT KIND of businesses. Africa is a frontier Continent, and our people need to understand what this means in it’s entirety. If I had to guess, I’d say there are three commonalities between all the entrepreneurs who have been forced to return to The West: 1. They didn’t prospect the market thoroughly for the business they sought to open; they might not have even known what the demographic research process requires. 2. They didn’t gauge the market for what the country NEEDED, they just did what they WANTED to do. And 3. They didn’t have a RELEVANT SKILL or TRADE to center their business around so that they could potentially seek government contracts. Not to dash hopes, but we need to keep it real: Opening up restaurants, convenience stores, or in your case, investing into a propane gas business, are not lucrative businesses or investments. The reason Europeans and Asians are able to come into Africa and make a killing is because they are backed by foreign capital and because they target key industries, such as agriculture, mining, civil engineering/infrastructure, logistics, and tech. Most repats are not looking at these industries and know little or nothing about them, because they knew nothing of them in the countries they were born in, even though that knowledge was at their disposal. Africa needs African industries, not more mom and pop shops. Africa has it’s own foods and goods, it doesn’t need a dash of the West or your famous fried chicken or coffee. Africa doesn’t need any more restaurants, clothing stores, and et cetera right now, it needs tech experts, engineers, doctors/scientists, finance experts and economists, and other entrepreneurial INNOVATORS of African descent. And it needs people from the Diasporas who our willing to show our Continental brothers and sisters how to be proficient in these fields as well so that they too can expand and spread this knowledge. If you bring those skills to the table, you may be able to secure government contracts because they need those infrastructural advancements, and these are fields that will actually create jobs for us all there and strengthen the nations we decide to migrate to, which ultimately needs to be the point. If we are not helping Africa grow, we might as well continue living our divided lives in the Americas or Europe. We aren’t thinking like this, which is why our people are still so far behind. We need to really start looking at the big picture and pay attention to the temperature of the times and where this world is going.


A person's inability to adjust, no matter where you are, is one of the greatest influence of "failure."
