How to Remove Set Grease Stains- Works Every Time!

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**FAQ BELOW** If you struggle with grease stains on clothes like I do, even ones that have been washed and dried, this video is for you! Two simple ingredients and your clothes will be grease free!

Does it need to be Dawn?
Folks in the comments have used other soaps with mixed results. If you check out the blog post below I go more into detail about Dawn and its grease busting abilities.

The stains didn't come out!
Give it another couple tries. If it STILL isn't coming out, try applying the paste and then pouring on a small amount of hydrogen peroxide. I have not personally done that second step but folks in the comments have had good luck. Proceed at your own risk.

The music is too loud!
For some reason the music is impossibly loud on different devices. I have no idea why this is, but unfortunately I can't change it. Please feel free to use the CC option or comment with any questions not answered above.

At the time of writing this, the video is over a year old and I no longer include music in my videos in the same way.

Thanks much and please comment with any other questions I can help with. :)

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LIFE SAVER. Wore my brand new dress out. Ate a chicken quesadilla, the grease and juice fell out the other side all over the dress. Applied paste for maybe 30-45 minutes (lost track of time) then rinsed off thoroughly. Hung dried. Not one stain left!! 🕺🏻


Duct tape, zip ties, Dawn, and baking soda are holding our civilization together. I will try this. Thanks.


Here's a tip I learned about hand washing from a Bolivian Mama. They've been making their own clothes for 10k yrs & they're usually (but not always) more or less loose weave, but it works on anything without a rubber backing (like a shop rug): You want to stretch the weave on a bias, THAT'S AT 45° TO THE WARP AND WEFT, when you rub in soap. That lets the soap in and the dirt/grease/whatever out. It's like a mechanical solution instead of a chemical one.


I apply mine with a soft toothbrush. The same mixture with some hydrogen peroxide is very good at getting rid of yellow underarm sweat stains on shirts and sports stuff.


OMG, I tried so many different recommendations from YouTube videos to remove cooking oil stains from my canvas shoes, including soaking them in Borax overnight, spraying WD-40 on the stains, and washing them in the washing machine six times. Nothing worked until I tried your method. They are finally clean! Thank you!!!


I stream hours of content everyday while I’m at work but rarely do I learn something from it that I’ll actually use and benefit from in my own daily life. This video is one of those rare occasions. Thank you.


I used to be a factory worker. My blue jeans would be black with grease at times. My trick for getting them clean was to rub a product called Goop into the stains before washing. They always came out of the wash looking brand new.


Sis the 8lbs bag of baking soda from Walmart back in pool supplies. That and laundry powder are my secret ingredients to clean the whole house and laundry.


Baking soda is my #1 go to for so many things. Back in the 70s I had put an ostrich leather wallet down on my kitchen counter. Bad idea! There was grease from cooking bacon and it soaked into the leather. 😖. I thought the wallet was totally ruined but a week or so later I got the bright idea to rub dry baking soda into the stain. I did this over the next 2-3 days (if I remember correctly 🤗), and the grease stain totally disappeared! I still have that wallet and there is not even a hint of that long ago disaster. So...the long and the short of this story is, you're absolutely correct, baking soda (+ Dawn?!?) is the #1 stain remover. 👍


Pro tip for eating in your car….buy a bib! You can buy them at stores that cater to the elderly. It’s been a lifesaver for me.
Also, I found that “Pink Stuff” also works great for removing stains. Thank you for the tip! It’s simple and easy. Way better than dry cleaning and a lot less expensive!


Total skeptic of internet hacks. This actually works. Used it to get bacon grease splatter out of my favorite sweatshirt. It had even been through the wash/dry cycle a few times.


I thought the soft music in the background sounded nice! Made me feel happy!


Tried this on natural deodorant stain, Bacon grease and gonna try on my husband's pants! It got the bacon grease out of a shirt I thought was destroyed. Been stained for 3 months. I can wear it again❤❤. The sports bra is brand new again! Can't wait to try his work pants. Thank you so your mother in law😊


I did this after I saw this video and it worked! I was so skeptical because the grease had “set.” So now I have to subscribe! Thank you can’t wait to see more.


Somethimg I do for dirt and car grease on hands is cooking oil on a paper towel. No water, just the paper towel with a tiny amount of cooking oil. Rub the oiled section with the paper towel and all the dirt and car grease transfers to the paper towel, leaving your skin completely clean. Then some sight soap and water washing your hands to finish the job. Same is true for car grease on a dogs coat.


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Wow, this is an incredible tip. I thought I left a comment and maybe it hasn’t posted yet but I had to let you know that I washed and use the typical spray stain remover on pants that were still stained after washing and drying them at least once. Needless to say it did nothing. I used what you shared and was amazed how well it worked. Thank you again for your insightful tip. I have sent a gift to you as a small token of thanks.


Bought a light pink disneyland spirit jersey ($70!!) and within a week (i knew I should have bought black like every other thing in my wardrobe) i got a huge grease stain!! I wanted to cry—will be trying this tonight!! Thank you! Crossing fingers!


I use this same formula for cleaning my fiberglass shower walls and sink faucets and it makes everything sparkle. Now another use for this miracle paste. Thank you for posting your video


Came to say, wow this worked! I thought I had ruined my fav pair of jeans when I sat on some massage oil. Many washes and different remedies and the big blob was still there. Tried this and it’s gone! Thanks!


This is AMAZING! I tried EVERYTHING to get a set oil stain out of my daughter's favorite dress and nothing worked until this! THANK YOU!!!
