Retrocausality as an Axiom | Daniel Rohrlich
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Space-Time Theories
Historical and Philosophical Contexts
January 5-8, 2015
Afternoon Session:
Quantum Mechanics and Spacetime
Daniel Rohrlich
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Retrocausality as an Axiom
Yemima Ben-Menahem
, the Hebrew
University of Jerusalem
Spacetime and Nonlocality: Revisiting the
Epistemic Interpretation of QM
Historical and Philosophical Contexts
January 5-8, 2015
Afternoon Session:
Quantum Mechanics and Spacetime
Daniel Rohrlich
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Retrocausality as an Axiom
Yemima Ben-Menahem
, the Hebrew
University of Jerusalem
Spacetime and Nonlocality: Revisiting the
Epistemic Interpretation of QM
Retrocausality as an Axiom | Daniel Rohrlich
Retro causality
Brian Cox explains quantum mechanics in 60 seconds - BBC News
Why Quantum Mechanics can't be right @sabinehossenfelder #shorts #iai #quantummechanics
Spacetime and Nonlocality: Revisiting the Epistemic Interpretation of QM
Matthew Leifer - 'Block Universe Ontological Models: A Framework for Theories with Retrocausal...
Retrocausality & Coincidence?
Retrocausality and the Time-Transcendent Self | Quantum Entanglement | Reality
Why Quantum Mechanics Is an Inconsistent Theory | Roger Penrose & Jordan Peterson
How do causality and retro-causality interact in the present moment? - Ulisse Di Corpo
Kenneth Wharton - Retrocausality in Physics
Your future effects your present. (Retrocausality.)
Video Nugget: Retrocausality and Free Will with Russell Targ
Retro-Causality, What is it?
What is Retrocausality? What's superposition got to do with it?
Retrocausality & Genes
Quantum Retrocausality = Quantum Temporal Interdependence?
Some thoughts on retrocausality
Back from the Future: Retrocausality in the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics (Roderick Sutherland)
Retrocausality - Repetitive Patterns in Life | Martina Dimoska | TEDxAUBG
Back in Time - Alpha w/ Wonko - E001 - Retrocausality