Discover My 15 Favorite Syngonium + Unexpected Surprise Announcement!

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Aloha! Join me as I reveal my current top 15 favorite Syngonium! From small to large, and from arrowhead to heart-shaped leaves, this list has a little bit of everything.

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"Aloha Plant Life" is a channel produced by me, Drea Williams, featuring all things plants. The purpose of this channel is to educate, entertain, and discuss anything and everything related to plants. I believe everyone is capable of having a "green thumb", so let me help you find yours while having some fun along the way.

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Syngonium Steyermarkii is a gorgeous plant and a lot more beautiful than the thaumatophyllum bipennifolium.

Mine is only a baby but the leaves have a metallic shimmer that is hard to describe and a really nice texture to the leaves. Many plants look nicer on fotographs than in reality but not this one.


My also syngonium also has not reverted back. It’s a great grower. It like to climb up pole. My also start from one leaf that my friend was killing. She is now almost 6 ft. And the white levels have not died off.


I’m that velvet one with the silver streak!


I have and love the Syngonium tricolor, my favorite. I also love the red leaf one and the Albo. I also like the pink splash. I have others, but these head the list.


I have difficulty telling some of the Syngoniums apart! So many look like a White Butterfly to me! I think I have a tiny mojito. My albos grow like crazy, but they vine and look unruly. One rooted itself outside in the ground behind the hose reel where I kept it last summer and was so pretty until the first hard freeze happened a couple of weeks ago!


I have (2) Maria's for now and I've had them for 6 months and so far they are easy plants in my opinion. They need more water than say a pothos and that's okay. I may repot them this spring into a larger pot for more fullness and bushier plant. Many plantubers hardly even mention these though and they seem so easy care and low maintenance. They all have their own unique appearance and no two are alike. I enjoyed seeing all of them!


I think I have almost all of these. I love my variegated Chiapense. Just as easy as the others. So far I haven’t had any trouble with reversion on variegated Chiapense, albo or aurea. I have over 30 different types of Syngonium. I’m probably done with them for now.


All my syngoniums are in a north facing window too and they do amazing! 🥰


I love my panda galaxy, but my favorite if my scrambled eggs syngonium. My Albo and 3 kings are next favorites in my collection. I have a pretty pink one too that I’m not sure of the name of, but the leaves are always different…it’s a weird one.


I have over 23 syngonium and the growth rates are pretty much the variegated chiapense is a little slow but that's about it.


So many beautiful Syngoniums! They really are a classic and elegant plant. Thank you for sharing, Drea. 👌🪴🥰


I am SO excited for Scooters bigger intro


This was so informative. Your wish list is by topic. Due to space and window constraints my wish list is about 6 plants total. One or two of these are syngoniums. I've gone back and forth between the Albo and Three Kings, and think I might go with the kings since it is stable. I think you said it is more compact also, which is good. I also love the mojito. But, I still might end up with an Albo if I see one i n a weak moment. LOL. Great video, I learned a lot.


I have 2 lobed out Syngoniums. One is called Goosefoot. 🌿🌱💚


Got an unknown syngonium at a plant swap last October. I think it may be a margarita! It's fast growing and already needs a moss pole! The pink is such a soft color. It's adorable!


You’re great, and your content is quite informative. Also the cats 🐈 are adorable 😊.


That was just what I needed. I love syngoniums and was looking for something new :-) Thank you.


🪴Thank you Drea🪴 It's appreciated that you educate as you list the plants. Really nice selections where I raised my eyebrows at several of them 🪴 👀


Liked this video. I have some syngoniums: 3 kings; albo; frosted heart; lyano carte; pink/red spot; confetti?; lance leaf. I just go the lance leaf. Steves Leaves has it. Really looks nice and different from the others. The ones I have on poles have some bare stalks, but have lobes. Not sure how I feel about them. They are the 3 Kings and Red spot. I think all syngniums are good houseplants. So manageable in size. I don't have any aurea plants. I think most of them look unhealthy, and I prefer the contrast of white varigation. I am mostly out of room for new plants unless I purge; which I do during the summer months by putting plants by the sidewalk for rehoming. I am a subscriber.


That syngonium Steyermarkii looks really interesting. I have syngonimu macrophyllum frosted heart, which I really like. It has a more subtle look, but when sun shines thorough the leaves it really look impressive.
