Ultimate SYNGONIUM (Arrowhead Vine) CARE Guide — Ep. 208

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We're on a "care guide" roll here on 'Plant One On Me' and next up is the Syngonium—otherwise known as Arrowhead Vine. This is a common (and quite affordable plant), which is fairly easy to care for, but if you're in the dark about this plant—I share care tips, natural history, and more in this video.

00:00 - Introduction
00:15 - Classification
00:50 - Syngonium podophyllum distribution
02:11 - Syngonium (Arrowhead vine) morphology and growth
05:13 - Syngonium in hanging baskets
05:30 - Syngonium pruning
05:50 - Substrate for Syngonium and roots
07:00 - Syngonium toxicity
07:50 - Syngonium light
08:37 - Humidity
09:12 - Temperature
10:20 - Potting medium and watering
12:25 - Fertilizing
13:00 - Propagation and pruning
13:47 - Problems and pests with Syngonium
15:00 - Conclusion


"Plant One On Me" is a channel produced by Summer Rayne Oakes of Homestead Brooklyn that is primarily focused on houseplants and outdoor gardening. Our mission with the channel is to bring people closer to plants by bringing plants closer to them through engaging, entertaining, and educational content.

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Рекомендации по теме

I have only one syngonium, a small but compact and healthy specimen. It is a "descendant" of a massive plant which my father grew in our living room back in the day. The clipping I got has changed households, offices and countries... My father passed away 19 years ago -- he was a real enthusiast when it came to plants and we used to say that if he stuck a pencil in the ground, it would end up blooming. Sometimes, I amuse myself with the thought that my dad can somehow see me garden and gets a real kick out of it. :) Thanks, Summer!


This lady's vocabulary and plant knowledge is simple off the chart.


I know this is nothing about the plants, but honey you have the most beautiful glowing skin that I have ever seen on YouTube! Could you PLEASE do a video about what you use on your skin to make it unbelievably gorgeous?!
Sorry it's way off the topic, but I couldn't resist!


Such an underrated plant. We have a lot in our school. I really like this plant for it's such an easy to care..


I appreciate her brushed over warnings of the impending climate doom clock, wedged between plant facts, invasive species information, and care tips!


I CAN NOT EVEN TELL YOU Ive been trying to find out WHAT this plant Lol! I cant even believe after like 7 YEARS!!!! I finally have seen the same thing that I I got it at the thrift shop I volunteer at like 7 years ago!! THe lady that donated a bunch of little plants she grew as cuttings never came back in or at least never mentioned it was her that dropped them off and for 7 YEARS, lol, Ive been asking anyone I meet that is a "plant person" and NO ONE could tell me!!!
UNTIL TODAY! I actually grabbed a realllyyyy cool vintage Pocket Plant book at the thrift shop (I still volunteer every monday and find the coolest stuff, lol!), which I got for the pictures in it (to photocopy and use for decoupage) and then I seen a pic that looked SOMEWHAT like my plant....the "Sweetheart Vine"....from there, in my recommend was YOUR video and BOOM! THERE IT IS! Lol! Im sooo happy I found it!
Its also funny you say you volunteer at the Sr Living Center, because the thrift I volunteer at is at my local Council on Aging, lol! Too funny!
When these plants were dropped off, no one took the one I ended up with bc it was really sad looking, lol! They almost tossed it until I said ILL TRY IT...Im not good at plants AT ALL, but I also get VERY LITTLE sunlight in my apartment...It get Sun up facing sun, for about 3 hrs in my window before the sun rises up and is then covered by the roof hangover and trees...but this is the plant Ive been able to keep alive, lol! Its such a cool plant that has grown! Im not a great waterer, which is why this plant does so well, lol! I do give it room temp bottled spring water (my water is WICKED hard!!!) For some reason this ole gal does so well in Massachusetts...I literally killed everything else, even ALOE! I swear, if you have a 'black thumb' like I do, this is SUCH a great plant to have.
Thanks for this vid, it took so long to finally find out what she is, but now I know! =)


My elder aunt used to work as a horticulturalist in her "younger working" days, now she's a retiree... And she had a ton of plants and as she says, about 20 years ago she threw away potful of plants into a nearby bamboo forest due to reasons and till now the syngoniums dominate that bamboo forest along with pothos. They are really huge and mature and some even bloom. I live in a subtropical climate in Assam, India and here we get temperatures down to 5° C(41°C) and they don't seem to mind it.
And i think syngoniums are super underrated! 💚


I had no idea that mature leaves are developing palmate-type shape 👀 I always find something new in your wonderful videos 💗💗💗


Thank you for being a bright guiding light throughout this year. Merry Christmas.


I bought an almost dead one in the clearance section of my IKEA store for £1.
A bit of tlc later and it's one of my fave plants with full growth.


My geometry teacher in high school had an enormous arrowhead plant growing by a window on top of a filing cabinet. I coveted that plant but only got one 30 years later. I grew it for several years in a hanging pot in my bathroom under artificial light before taking some cuttings and starting a second plant in mostly indirect light in my living room. I’m not sure why these aren’t as popular as pothos since I think they’re prettier (although they grow more slowly - that having been said the one in the living room exploded about 6 months ago and has been growing like a weed).

I’ve never had trouble with rot although leaves will brown up and die if you underwater them.


I feel Sygnonium doesn’t get as much credit as Pothos and Philodendrons among the vining aroids. They’re such great resilient plants, and so easy to care for. Love these plant care vids! And Merry Christmas to you!


My arrowheads are mostly common varieties that you can find on any store. I bought a dying cream allusion on clearance last summer and it's gotten huge. It just needed some water. Always check the clearance section of box stores if they have one.


I love my Syngonium and it's so true when everyone says it's so underrated. It's so easy to grow and now I like to recommend this plant to friends who are new to plant care.


syngonium is so underrated i have more than 6 pots of them growing in medium to bright light and they just keep growing and i keep propagating in water. they're so rewarding bcs they grow so fast


Just this weekend I picked up three little arrowhead plants: Maria, Coral & Berry Allusion. Can’t wait for them to grow! They are in 3in pots.


just seeing this today, it's extemely informative, thank you. The video hits on some basic houseplant care which I keep reminding myself over and over it helps to re-learn, I've kept houseplants, reef tanks, etc. and it's always a good idea to re-learn what we've forgot. thanks again, Todd.


A neighbor who moved out threw one in our dumpster. There was barely a sign of life left.
One year later and it's doing great! Comparable to the one you keep at the Senior center.


if this new video isn't a sign for me to go to the nursery right now, I don't know what is 😩


I am in QLD Australia, I am used to thinking of these guys as invasive plants but now I am trying to grow a couple in pots; one on the verandah to shelter my Hoya Australis a bit, another inside, since they are so easy and I want green. Thanks, this was a useful video.
