BEST move ever!

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Brilliant! Best Move ever!
Brilliant, Very possibly the best move ever, shocking his grandmaster opponent!
Out of the French opening the game advances, until rook takes d5 exploiting this nasty pin on the rook. Horsey hop, prodding the queen. Queen h5, hungrily eyeing the rook, however the rook has a deceptively understated escape, and black is already in a lot of trouble. Rook move.
But Black isn’t just playing for a win, he’s playing for enough style points to last a century.
Rook h6 bullying the queen, she ducks. And now the jarring Rook takes bishop, pivoting on this royal fork, if the rook is captured… so instead rook attacks queenie. And now the brilliant, best move ever… Queen g3.
What?! you can take her in 3 different ways! but white just resigns.
You see, black is threatening mate so white MUST address it,
If he takes with the a pawn, he has opened the file to the rooks control, so pony e2 is mate immediately.
If he takes with the f pawn, horsey again steals the show, frightening the king away from his bodyguard, who is surprisingly fragile on his own. Checkmate.
And finally, queen takes, knight check, king over, knight takes queen check, and again both pawns are pinned, this one to the king, and this one to the rook and mate, so king back, check again freeing the knight, and escaping up a clean stallion in the endgame.
Game of Frank Marshall.
Background by: @Gam_Ol
Made on @chess
Brilliant, Very possibly the best move ever, shocking his grandmaster opponent!
Out of the French opening the game advances, until rook takes d5 exploiting this nasty pin on the rook. Horsey hop, prodding the queen. Queen h5, hungrily eyeing the rook, however the rook has a deceptively understated escape, and black is already in a lot of trouble. Rook move.
But Black isn’t just playing for a win, he’s playing for enough style points to last a century.
Rook h6 bullying the queen, she ducks. And now the jarring Rook takes bishop, pivoting on this royal fork, if the rook is captured… so instead rook attacks queenie. And now the brilliant, best move ever… Queen g3.
What?! you can take her in 3 different ways! but white just resigns.
You see, black is threatening mate so white MUST address it,
If he takes with the a pawn, he has opened the file to the rooks control, so pony e2 is mate immediately.
If he takes with the f pawn, horsey again steals the show, frightening the king away from his bodyguard, who is surprisingly fragile on his own. Checkmate.
And finally, queen takes, knight check, king over, knight takes queen check, and again both pawns are pinned, this one to the king, and this one to the rook and mate, so king back, check again freeing the knight, and escaping up a clean stallion in the endgame.
Game of Frank Marshall.
Background by: @Gam_Ol
Made on @chess