Why The Moon Rings Like A Bell (And Other Questions)

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In today’s Lightning Round video, we tackle the fact that the moon rang like a bell for hours when the Apollo 12 second stage slammed into it, the questionable intelligence of the whale shark, and the newest JWST findings that seem to add to the cosmological crisis. Along with some personal musings.

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0:00 - Intro
1:07 - Bring Back The Chair Swivel!
4:08 - How Was VidCon?
7:00 - The Moon Rings Like A Bell?
10:26 - Crisis In Cosmology
14:53 - New Patrons And Members
16:05 - Whale Sharks
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Re: the chair. Y'all should know my "chair down" trick is a riff/rip-off of Joe. When I was just a pup YouTuber, Joe's BTS videos were SO helpful to me. In one, he mentioned that starting a video with motion was more engaging than just sitting there, so he did the spin. Of course, I couldn't copy that. So, I drop down. BTW: (1) I tried to stop dropping, and my comments section revolted, BUT (2) this "three-second" thing Joe talks about -- is news to me. So maybe I can finally be free of the chair move, and comments be damned?



I totally understand the thumbnail thing. I have a suggestion. Chair swivel out. 😂


the chair swivel was also best adored with the tiny drum riff. hearing the lil doo doo doo while Joe turns around is absolutely classic


The chair swivel was iconic and easily recognizable. It's okay if you don't like it anymore, but keep in mind just how much time and money and effort many companies put into slogans, jingles, and logos. Now realize that your chair swivel has served exactly that purpose for a lot of people. It was branding, which made it feel familiar and comfortable, which led to greater long-term audience loyalty. It may seem silly, but those consistent little touches can be very meaningful and important to a long-term audience who loves your work.


The chair swivel hooked me on your videos. There was an addictive chemical in it that made me crave it...


I triple dog dare you to do a spin mid-video just to mess with people


You realize the spin in is so iconic that “why files” made an alternate universe joke about AJ doing Answers with Joe.


I agree with bringing the spin-in...in. FYI, I don't remember the last time I watched AWJ on anything other than my phone. LISTEN, JOE! I LOVE THE SPIN-IN!


My autoplay is turned off, and I'm willing to bet a lot of other people have theirs turned off as well. However I am seeing people claim they are potentially physically addicted to your chair swivel so, maybe a nice merciful compromise would be to make a compilation of chair swivels so they can go to bed to it on repeat. I'm just spitballing. And laughing.


Consider that a lot of us disable autoplay. I consider it annoying.


The chair swivel is iconic. Its not about functionality. Its about showing respect to the swivel.


3:05 for reference, as someone who watches youtube on their phone, thumbnails are still pretty important, if you keep the last video that you were watching open while scrolling, the auto play feature turns off.


"There are some animals that we think maybe they got dumber over time."

Yeah, they're called people.


Please bring back chair swivel, also you are the only YouTuber I have watched consistently for 5+ years. Never stop making phenomenal videos.


Spin in is a signature opening for you. It’s a great transition into the intro.


That “two weeks” from Total Recall crumbled me 😂😂😂😂😂, I used to say it with friends for years 😆😆👍❤️


It's so sad as a person who grew up with the History channel on satelite tv (where you had to choose the sattelites and had to fine-tune the tracking on occasion) that it has become just THE SINGLE WORST peddler of conspiracy theories in mainstream society, when it was actually a decent channel in the beginning.


“Please mess up my reading experience more.” That moment was *so* relatable. Everything looks very professional on the internet now compared to 20 years ago… until you actually try to use it, at which point it becomes an annoying battle! - old man yelling at cloud


OMG OMG OMG THE CHAIR TURN!!!! I used to really like that part so much! I loafed the little jingle that plays is so good too!


Scott... Regardless of why you were doing "the chair swivel"... People get used to things. Things become a part of peoples' identity. People grow attached to what exists and when it changes or goes away, many are likely to not like that.
You should bring it back regardless.
