Miscarriage At 10 Weeks: My Story

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Briar, my miscarried baby, would have been due this month (April). The April birth flower is a daisy, so I have these planted in my yard. You could look up the birth flower for your baby’s due month and plant those.
“He gives and takes away, but my heart will choose to say, LORD, blessed be Your name!” I am praying for you and your family. God be with you.


Thank you so much for sharing your whole story! As someone who miscarried twice at 5 and 6 weeks, it it just so reassuring to continue to hear women's stories of their losses and to be reminded that what I went through so many others can relate to!


When we miscarried our baby last summer my pastor said something we still quote “The Lord never takes away without giving in another way. Sometimes we won’t see it in the moment but when we look back we see his faithfulness.” I’m so sorry for your loss. I do find sharing experiences to be helpful for the person going through it and ones who have gone and still struggle with it. Praying for you and your family during this time ❤️


I had a miscarriage at 6 weeks, a stillbirth at 18 weeks, and a miscarriage at 4 weeks. I hear you, I am so sorry and I hope you feel supported as you continue healing through this.


Your story is reminding me of my miscarriage. I was 19 and not understanding what was happening. I never told anyone til 8 years of his anniversary. I send so many prayers 🙏🏻 and strength.


I’ve been watching you for years, I’m so very sorry this happened. I see a strength and courage in you as you share this experience that I’ve never seen before, thank you for being so open and honest and helping others who may experience this as well. God bless ❤️


Nikki, my heart is with you and Dan on so many levels. I have been a subscriber since your early days here on You Tube, and I have loved seeing you grow and evolve as an individual, and your family grow too.  

My husband and I miscarried right around the same time as you. I was 10 weeks pregnant, and it was about a month ago (March 17, 2022). When I first saw this video go up I was a little scared to allow myself to watch it, fearing the obvious that it could be emotionally triggering for me. It took me a few days and some courage to decide to watch it, and I'm so glad I did because it was healing for me to hear another woman's story that was at the exact same point as me in my pregnancy. It did bring some tears to my eyes because it was a little like reliving the past trauma, but I want to be healed in a way that I can give myself permission to relive it in my mind, and talk about it, and not be overwhelmed with sadness and break down to sobbing.  

What I have noticed is that with each passing day I get a little stronger, and a little more back to feeling like me, and my pre-pregnancy self. I can freely think about my precious angel baby girl, Elia, and not cry now. I even got myself to a point of clarity where I can see/feel/understand God's messages to me in this experience. I'm still working through feeling like myself again physically, and I'm told this is largely due to the hormones getting back to their normal range. I'm being patient with my body, and making sure I nurture it more than ever with adequate sleep and proper nutrition and exercise. Slowly the healing process is taking shape and my heart is feeling lighter.  

I'm sending you and Dan a BIG HUG, and please know you are in my thoughts and prayers.


Thank you so much for working up the courage to make and post this video. Your vulnerability demonstrates your strength and love for other women going through this, above all else. Praying for yours and Dan’s peace and comfort.


I had miscarriages 8x before I finally had my daughter. Then another miscarriage January 2020 at 9 weeks. The last one was the hardest for me. I cried a lot. But if it's not meant to be, it's not meant to be. I just leave it all up to Him but I still keep trying and hoping that someday we'll be blessed with another one. Just keep the faith and hang on to it. Sending you big hug.


Within the next few months my husband and I are going to start trying for our first child. And I will say this- despite that 10-20% of pregnancies end in miscarriage, I have never in my life heard a miscarriage story. It’s so easy to plan for everything but the worst. I really appreciate you sharing this because I said to my husband the other day “trying to have a baby is kind of scary because you’re opening yourself up to so many kinds of heart break.” You took the mystery out of this particular heart break for me and I really appreciate that- thank you for sharing.


This is the most vulnerable and real video I have ever watched. Nikki, I cannot imagine what you must have went through during your pregnancy, during your miscarriage and during this video. But I am so glad you decided to share your story. Although I have never been pregnant and cannot truly understand but I’m sure this ordeal was the hardest day of your life. My heart and prayers are with you, Dan and of course Logan too! ♥️


This is why you never ever judge a woman that goes through and abortion. You don’t know what she is going through, you don’t know they story, and you don’t know how she is going to feel (physically and mentally)


Thanks for sharing your story, very encouraging. I miscarried 6 babies over the course of 3 years but we were blessed with our rainbow baby girl who is now 19 months and I am now 20 weeks pregnant 😊 I too watched several of these videos while going through my miscarriages and they made a world of a difference just hearing other womens stories, knowing your not alone. So just know that you are making a huge impact in someone’s life right now 💕


This has made me feel so close to you not only as somebody I’ve followed for years but as a friend. Thank you so much for sharing.


I’m so sorry you guys are dealing with a loss. It’s hard, no way to word it other than HARD. We ttc for around 3 years, had two miscarriages before our miracle boy 8 years ago, then another miscarriage a year after his birth. It’s such a tough thing to experience, and I didn’t realize truly at the time how hard it was on my husband as well. Praying for you both!!
We are currently 25 weeks pregnant with another boy at 35 and 39 yrs old, completely unexpected amazing surprise for us as we were told after the last miscarriage I was more than likely going to be unable to conceive again. I say all that to say- God’s plan may not always make sense, may completely throw us for a loop, may even make us downright angry for a period of time, but He’s always working in it for your GOOD. Covering you guys in prayer during this time!!


Thank you for sharing. Thank you for being REAL even with the messy parts. Thank you for allowing space to be human and hurt and learn and grow. Your strength and heart shines brightly ❤️


This video is going to be SO tremendously helpful for future mamas experiencing the loss of miscarriage. 💕Thank you. 💕


so sorry nikki xx🤗🤗

i miscarried at 5 weeks. the hardest part for me was that all i had was very light line on a pregnancy test thay faded after a day. i was so upset cuz i didnt know if i could grieve or not cuz i was questioning was i really pregnant...was there a baby at all or just a sac without a baby. that was the hardest part. i remember breaking down on the floor of the kitchen asking God had i been pregnant. because it was only the time my period would come in anyway as it was only 5 weeks. i had just had what looked like a slightly more heavy period with a few very small clots which also made me doubt was i pregnant but after my prayer the next day i passed a little sac like thing in my pad after the bleeding was tapering off and it had a small string hanging off it. literallu the size of a sesame seed. i felt my prayer had been answered and i got my answer that i had been pregnant. the strangest part was i was lying in bed a couple days later trying to name my baby and i heard a voice in my head say "sophia". and then i heard it again clearly "sophia" i believe God helped me again to know i could grieve and He actually gave my baby a name. i nevwe had that name in mind. sophia means wisdom and i truly believe ive grown in wisdom about Jesus since i miscarried. my faith is so established and i discovered and fell in love with the bible for the first time in my life. i had such a peace on my heart afterwards x i knew God was in control. the hard part after though is that i felt because i was o ly 5 weeks i didnt know if i could talk about it being a miscarriage in front of family and i felt not many really acknowledged i had a miscarriage. i buried my little sesame seed in a fern plant in my house and i bought a small ornament of a hand holding a baby to rememeber the baby.


This completely raw, real story is so personal as you say but so so important to share. You will have helped so many people already I’m sure. So sorry you went through this, your amazing courage to share this story will have made a difference already 💜💜


Oh Nikki thank you for sharing such a vulnerable and personal experience. This can help so many women who don’t know what to expect when they go through this.
