How to Tell if a GUY Likes You in 2020! 14 Signs He's REALLY Interested in You | Ask Kimberly

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How to Tell if a GUY Likes you in 2020! How to Know if He's REALLY interested, or if you're misinterpreting his signals.

This video is about how to tell if someone is romantically interested in you - a crush, a friend, a co-worker, etc! Are you curious if they're putting out crush vibes or may be interested in dating or taking things to the next level? This video gives you tips and tricks (updated for 2020) of the secret and unexpected ways to tell if a guy or girl is interested, and signs he likes you.

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In this video we talked about: how to tell if a guy likes you in 2020, how to tell if a guy likes you, signs he likes you, signs a guy likes you, signs he's interested, signs he likes you as more than a friend, dating, crush, advice, expert, ask kimberly.

About Me //
I'm Kimberly and this channel is all about relationships, dating, crushes, and confidence, but I also mix in quite a bit of my personal life including pregnancy, my family, my life, and work! I went to school for 14 years to get my doctoral degree in Psychology so I have lots of life advice for you guys!
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GUYS!!! Leave your crush's initials HERE for good xoxoxo


My crush: looks at me

My search history: *wedding dresses near me*


Him: “Sorry, I don’t like you.”

Me: “I don’t like me either! We already have so much in common.” 🥰🥰


wow I just discovered that my crush doesn't like me at all, marvelous


It doesn’t matter how many “signs a guy likes you” videos I watch (and believe me, I’ve watched a lot), I still have no idea whether he likes me or if he’s just a good friend it’s so annoying😂 he has literally been my biggest source of stress during lockdown it’s mad😂😂
Edit: I told him how I felt and he told me not to get too attached because his feelings are a bit complicated but HE LIKES ME BACK!!!! That’s never happened to me before I’m soooo happy!😁😁😁
Update September 2020: we called it off a couple weeks before school started again, we (and ngl mainly he) couldn’t really handle the prospect of a “relationship” so we’ve decided to stay friends... I’m relieved and still grateful that for a few brief months I could say someone liked me but now I’m figuring out how to get over him because I’m kinda sad lol🙃😂 don’t be disheartened though girls, chances are you’re more lovable in guys’ eyes than I am (I’m a theatre kid and a nerd, so that should put things into perspective)😂💕


What I wanted to learn: my crush likes me
What I learned: I’m being extremely obvious


Kimberly- he will get EVERYTHING out of your way

Me- I think he's kicked a trashcan and it accidentally hit me...😶...



were dateing now...


Every 12 y.o. kid now: „Omg he truely likes me!!“ haha


I heard this from somewhere, and want to share this with y’all:
“Dear woman,
Sometimes you’ll just be too much woman. Too smart, too beautiful, too strong. Too much of something that makes a man feel like less of a man, which will start making you feel like you have to be less of a woman. The biggest mistake you can make is removing jewels from your crown to make it easier for a man to carry. When this happens I need you to understand you don’t need a smaller crown, you need a man with bigger hands.”


"think back about a person who has liked you" no one has liked me 😂


I really want my crush to like me back !!!


My crush: *doesn’t ever invite me to hang out*

Kimberly: *sign 12*

Me: “oh so then he must LIKE ME LIKE ME huh 😌”


Every time I see someone walk into the room, my back goes straight and when I see who it is, I either go back to slouching or keep my back straight, depending on the person.


Damn it's been a while, KIMBERLY I MISSED YOU


Literally clicked right away once I got the notification🤩


Hey early gang, hope your crush likes you back!!


Thank you My crush asked me out!!!!
To anyone else out there: let your fun bubbly personality shine through when you are at the friends stage with your crush and if they don’t like you for you, that’s their loss.... it’s not meant to be and someone out there is just waiting for you to come a long. Be you 😊💕💕


Another sign: other people will notice, like your friends and (sometimes) even teachers (sometimes they’ll guess wrong but most of the time others know and will guess right)


Lol I can’t even get my crush to text me back


Like how youtube is drunk again. Had 2 views, 3 comments, and 24 likes. Smh
