Catching TRESPASSERS With Cellular Trail Cameras!

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My land is fenced and posted . The signs are purple fence posts and signs at entry points . The entryways are locked. A few years back these fellas cut my lock and drove into my land. And parked. I waited until they had traveled about a half mile on foot ; and I towed their fine vehicles. These 2 giant, expensive SUVS rolled over the ledge and got totaled. When they called the sheriff. He was at my cabin having coffeee. He arrested them for vandalism ( cut the lock) felony trespassing ( they had weapons) and littering ( junk in my yard). The tow truck company charged them $3000 each to retrieve their vehicles. They paid $5000 in fines and whatever it cost to fix them.


I thought child molesters were the most hated everywhere. 🤯


You probably need to worry more about the man who is at your house when you are not.


They is a fine line between people ridding an atv and hunting on your land if someone is riding an atv on my land I tell them it’s private property and they need to leave if they come back then I will report them if they are hunting I always report them immediately


Poachers are the lowest life forms and trespassers are repeat offenders usually. People make mistakes but signs mean nothing to people.


Before onx I crossed a property line accidentally and a cam photoed me. I guess according to this guy I'm scum of the earth and a low life.


Thanks for this. I was looking for an option to solve a trespassing issue at my business. Definitely will be posting another sign and camera near the area. May have to buy a wifi extender as the problem area is quite a few feet from the building. Hopefully it works.🤞🏾🙏🏾


I understand how upset that you can get, but I personally know its possible people don't even know they are trespassing. First make sure your land is properly posted and try not to jump to conclusions.


Are trespassers traps illegal? Asking for a friend.


The world needs more cameras! Or maybe less cry baby deer hunters!


Serious question from europe.
Why are a lot of Americans upset about trespassing?
I understand that people can't hunt on/vandalise/disturb your property. However, I wouldn't mind if people trespassed in a forest i owned, yet it seems that a lot of you are furious, by the mere thought of people coming onto your land.

Cheers from a Dane


I own over 3, 000 acres of woods and I could care less who goes out and tries to live off the land on mine or who ever’s


Better have your land posted first, or they will just get a warning! Take pictures of your posted signs as well so you have proof it was posted!


I deal with trespassers and my family deals with trespassers constantly some dangerous some. Genuinely lost. But what I hate is the low scumbags that during hunting season walk with firearms on the property line hoping they’ll Jump up a deer when they would have a much better luck still hunting but you know dang well they’ll shoot something on your side in for those that are skeptical, a hunt facing back in towards my property but these guys are truly looking into my property me and my grandfather had pictures last year of them doing it I had a little buck last year I was praying the guy didn’t shot because he was close to underneath my stand and the guy was no more than 60 yards from me, and I was afraid that he would hit me he never seen me and I was only 12 feet up and in my area people don’t tag deer it’s evident by how often they shoot and bye trail cam pictures of how many deer don’t return after season During bow season I hear gunshots during crunch time morning, and afternoon. People like these people. Give the sport a bad name. And we’ve had this place in our family over 100+ years. I just wish I could get good neighbors that had the same buck and doe goals like I do


The woes of being a "land baron"


As long as someone is not hunting or cutting a fence who cares? People used to ride all the woods areas when we were kids and we stayed on the beaten path, and didn't bother no one and we stayed out during the hunting seasons. At least we were not out eating tide pods and doing drugs or worse!! Now alot of the farm lands and woods have sold to out of state hunting clubs with attitudes and their stupid cameras! Now kids have no where to ride. But if I decide to ride through a property without fencing I will so catch me if you can.!! 🤙


Tresspassing and poaching are 2 different things. Trespassing is common. Its planet earth bud.people roam. Poaching is killing deer illegaly.


When i was growing up, I could hunt every farm in a 5 mile raids of my place. Now most of them has been sold off, But i say F it i was here first, I still hunt where I want. Its even better hunting now days. You Tv deer hunter come out plant your food plots., fill up your feeders every and weekend . And Im in there during the week hunting your deer, while your working to pay for all of it...haha. And i can usley spot your cameras . So i avoid getting cought on camera.


This is the same guy who cries when his friend shoots a bigger deer than him


I promise you a big portion of those trespassers don’t even know they’re trespassing. I’m guilty of doing it myself. I didn’t see any fences, or signs. I just realized I was on private land when I noticed a cabin in the distance
