Why did he buy a Beechcraft Bonanza over a Cirrus SR22?

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My friend is a big fan of the Cirrus SR Series. He was trained in a Cirrus SR20 and has quite a few hours in both the SR20 and SR22. Yet for his first plane, he bought a Bonanza F33A instead. Why did he do that? Because of of the cost. The Beechcraft Bonanza is often considered as one of the top alternatives to the Cirrus SR22. This Bonanza will achieve 90% of a SR22's performance at 25% of the cost. So a few weeks ago, he invited me along on a clear but turbulent day for a flight. Let's see how his Bonanza stacks up against the Cirrus SR22. Welcome aboard.

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While everybody is with Cirrus, I m more a Mooney guy! The ovation is one hell of a plane if you re not worried about carrying more than 4 folks in total. Great payload, ultra low fuel consumption and ultra high speed with a lot of room for legs, head. Love it!


Flew a 172 I bought for about 220hrs and cut my teeth. Built it into an instrument machine and she served me well. End of last year I started looking at both an SR22 and Bonanza. I ended up with an A36TC (81 model). No regrets. I have 1400lbs of useful load, 2 extra seats need be, a huge cargo area especially if I take the two back seats out and comfortable cruise at 10-17k at 190 true with no issue at 18gph (slightly ROP) and we have A/C to boot without giving up any space or other comforts. She also takes the bumps like a champ so I don't even worry about turbulence. 114 gallons to play with gives me a monster range as well. Best flying machines and community, no regrets (even thought I thought I might giving up the CAPS).


I have a comment about how so many of us wait to bring the gear up until there is “no more runway available”. Really what we should be doing is getting the gear up when we get to the point where we can no longer get down to the remaining runway, land and stop safely. No reason to kill the climb until you pass the end of the runway, because there’s no more useable runway way, way before that time and we can be climbing way better, sooner than waiting until the runway passes below the nose.


Owned both: 92 F33A and later a 2007 SR22G3 Turbo. In hindsight, I can tell you my preference is the Bonanza. Overall cost to own the F33A was around 10k/yr (fixed costs). The SR22 was 3 times that, and only had about 930# useful load. In my opinion, the F33/35's are the best piston singles ever built.


This is a good approach weighing the differences between the Bo and SRs... including the technical conversation and performance details.
Great vid!


Enjoyed your video and all of the info you have shared. I liked the fact that you included the decision to turn around and head back to ISP. Another pilot was on the radio to NY approach requesting Higher to get into smooth air, but you never know if it will be as forecast or as smooth as you hope it to be. It's important for other pilots to see and realize that it is fine, and no shame, to turn back when conditions exceed your comfort zone. Good decision! Thanks for sharing


Love your videos, and appreciate your analytical approach to the financials of these aircraft.


F33A is a great plane. I owned a 1978 F33A for 25 years ( N4527M based at FRG over at D&K ). Never flew a SR22, but the F33A was a tank. Super stable IFR platform as soon as your learn the numbers.


No BRS for the Bonanza. Easy decision. But really admire the cost savings.


nothing quite like flying a bonanza. have always thought they were the best of the best in my day (60s, 70s, 80s).


Your channel is under subscribed. I'm about to start my PPL (A) in the UK, so I'm really enjoying these conversations about Cirrus SR22 alternatives. Being so new to the industry, I was immediately drawn to the SR-22 without realising it's one of the most popular planes.


Bought my first plane in April 2022, a 1970 Beech A36. I fracking love it. In my mind no comparison to the Cirrus. They aim at slightly different markets and missions. My A36 is much easier to load, can load more, go further and is more comfortable. The Cirrus goes faster, but while burning more fuel. Besides the cost the real question is your mission and how far you plan to fly. I used 160kts for the A36 and 180kts for the SR22. For the typical 550nm legs I would do it's a 23min difference, but I can carry so much more (including people). My A36 has a 1325lb useful load.

There is a SR22T with FIKI at the club I use to rent. And I get it (it's on least back) for people that want to travel when the freezing level is low or need to make that trip, that plane delivers without having to step up to a turboprop.

But bottom line the Cirrus costs overall are about twice as much to get there a little faster for the type of flying I do. And that includes flying from WA to FL. Also in my case I delivery bought an older plane for the extra useful load (with no damage or haul issues) then then upgraded the entire panel.


Turbonormalize it and blow the doors off of everything! Added bonus… if you equip properly you can avoid the aft CG issue.

I flew 61TT for years… planned for 189 knots on 15.9 gallons/hour. Turbonormalized 550 could easily carry for adults and bags…


I don’t get the attraction of the cirrus for its cost, the bonanza is a much better value. Comanche owner here and I love it. Comanche, Mooney, bonanza, all great planes, buying a plane that was well cared for and spending a couple extra $$ is the best advice.


I owned a F33 Bonanza for 12 years (N109BA youtube video is still up) I had the IO550 Engine upgrade and put in gap seals, I flight planned 170 kts. Great airplane.


Between the Cirrus and the bonanza, the obvious winner is THE COLUMBIA! That truly is the best thing for the buck


Thanks for the Tiger shout out. I happed to fly one. It is a great airframe.


Nice bird for sure. I'm still bouncing around in a 152, but I am looking forward to flying low wings in the near future!


I am a Beech fan. Owned a Sundowner for 20 years and loved it. Not as fast as the Bonanza, just a simple 4 seater.


Nice plane! I considered upgrading to a Bonanza but the useful load in my Piper Dakota is 1, 150 pounds - as a 4-seater. Planned cruise at 137 KIAS. I installed gap seals all around and vortex generators. A great short field airplane that is agile/nimble.
