Memorise the Whole Qur'an - STEP-BY-STEP Hifdh Guide

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A tangent from our usual personal finance and investing videos, Ibrahim Khan outlines his blueprint for success for a life-goal of many, if not all, Muslims.
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We're Ibrahim & Mohsin - ex-city lawyers and authors of "Halal Investing for Beginners". We've been studying investments and the traditional Islamic sciences for 13+ years. Over the year we've been published by the Financial Times, the World Economic Forum, Foreign Policy etc.

Today we run a sharia-compliant wealth management platform that manages over $35m in assets. We make videos about investment, personal finance, careers, and entrepreneurship.

We do this to make downtrodden communities better-off. To take people of colour, Muslims, and minorities from being among the poorest in society to the richest.

Remember, with investing, your capital is at risk. This is not financial advice. If in doubt, always talk to a financial advisor.

00:00 - Slightly different video than usual
01:32 - Gameplan for Hifdh
06:27 - How to learn new ayat
09:50 - Extra Hifdh tips


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I had a tough tym lately and i was extreamly devasted as i had disappointed my parents too but i put alot of trust and faith in him ...i did istakhara, i did astagfar and thts when i decided to devote myself completely in the way of Allah and do wt is ryt and thts y i have started to do hifz secretely and i want to surprise myy parents by becoming a hafiza and make them feel proud so pls pray for me. At this point I do feel that im chosen for this, this is something which my soul wants. Hopefully I can do it . ill come back after 2 to 3 years and update in sha ALLAH 🥲🤧😅


jazakallah . I am age 66 have memorized 11 juzz Inshallah will continue my efforts


My hifdh teacher once said, "If you memorise the Quran but keep forgetting some of the words and have difficulty then give up all your sins and make sincere Tawbah to Allah SWT. In shaa Allah you will then be able to retain the Quran in your heart."


Memorizing is easier but maintaining memorized Quran is difficult, nobody talk about this


Am memorizing the quran, and i have memories 8 juz so far alhamdulillah😊😊😊😊😊😊


I started hifz with my 3 year old son. His halfway to juz 30. I have so much passion to make him a hafiz InshaAllah


One tip I would recommend anyone becoming a Hafiz is, to recite Sabaq/Sabqi or Dawr in Nafl Salah daily. Even if it is just 2 Rakats extra per day. I hope this helps anyone that reads this message.
Jazakallahu Khair


Alahamdulillah I have finished 28 juze


Becoming a Hafidh with understanding and practising upon the teachings if the Quran is a dream come true! Ya a ALLAH, grant me my children and the entire Ummah Tawfeeq, Ameen!


I literally woke up today thinking I will memorise surah al-mulk and make best use of my time (since my company had a massive lay off). ..and this video pops when i came to you's a start..


You work for 40yrs to have $1m in your retirement, Meanwhile some people are putting just $10k in a meme coin for just few months and now they are multi millionaires. I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life


The #1 shift that changed my Hifdh journey forever, I redefined what Hifdh meant for me.

Hifdh: what I can comfortably recite in my salah.

It's that simple. If it doesn't enrich my salah, I cannot call it Hifdh.
The primary implementation of the recitation of my Hifdh is in my salah.
I recite to my teacher to help me get there. I recite it to Allah in salah primarily.


Don't be hurry, if you began, Quraan should be a part of your daily life


I’m 11 years old and my goal is to memorize or read the whole quran to make my family proud and most importantly to make myself proud


My sons have been memorized The Holy Quran since five years ago! And Allhamdulilah still they recite daily I listen to them, this is my duty! Now I want to memorize but it being so hard to me.I will try the pattern of hifdh you mentioned. In sha Allah .


Ibrahim is an absolute beast. Hafiz, investor, dad, lawyer. Hes got it all.


This is the best video on internet for memorising quran👍
Every one please remember me in your prayers so that I become a complete hafidh 🤲


Assalamualaikum, I don’t want to express myself but I just started memorizing Quran ! I’m 19 😅. I need some tips 😊
If anyone interested please advise me some . I’m at Surah Takwir . There are only 3 suras left to finish 30th juz …. Make dua for me so that Allah rabbul izzah make it easy for me 😊


❤ Thanks to share your Idea my memorizing technique is to understand the meaning so that I'll find more easy to memorize.
For Example Surah Mulk very important Surah to hifz because of topic which I understand through meaning I'll find easy to correct even if I forgot.
Tips to share Surah Mulk
On first Rukuh 14 ayats.
Ayat 6, 12, 18 is the completion of discussion and focus on ayat they look same type.
Memorize in chunks my suggestion is to follows the techniqies which I did.
Tips to Memorize Surah Mulk
My suggestion is to remember in parts and along with translation to understand this way your memorization become stronger.
Ayat 1 (Part 1)
Ayat 2, 4 (Part 2)
Ayat 5 (Part 3)
Ayat 6 (Part 4)
Review 1st 6 ayat for long term memorization
Section 2 ( Ayat 7 to 12)
Ayat 7 to 11 ( Part 5)
Ayat 12 (Part 6)
Ayat 13, 14 (Part 7)
1st Rukuh Completed
Memorize review till 1st Ruku
Ayat 15 and pair 16, 17 means ayat start with same word (memorize all on 1 part)
18 (Part)
19 pair 20, 21 (Part)
22, pair 23, 24 (Part)
25, 26(Part) this pair comes in other Surat as well
27 (Part)
28, 29, 30 (Part) all start with Qul and Surah 28 and 30 has same word to start
Congratulation to memorize Surah Mulk
Follow the above suggestion to memorize as every night before we sleep we need to recite so if we die that day this Surah will secure us on Azab Qabar.(Ameen)
Note: Initially I don't had intention to share how I memorize Surah Mulk also I wrote in high fever and now I'm feeling well Alhamdullilah hope even a single person could get benefit on this (Ameen)


Some advice for those who are hufaaz or are in the process.

The minimum level that a hafiz should be at. Is for your memorization to be so strong and good that you are able to recite the entire 20 rakaahs of taraweeh salaah every night alone in Ramadaan.

You must be able to recite from memory anywhere in the Quran at any time.

These days there are thousands of hufaaz but ask them to recite a half juz from memory on the spot. See if they are able to.
