Major Astrology of October 2024 - Libra Solar Eclipse, Jupiter Retro, Pluto Direct, Aries Full Moon

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October is an eclipse month beginning with the Libra Solar Eclipse at 10 deg on Oct 2, and the energy stays ramped up through month, especially around the tumultuous Aries Full Moon on Oct 17. It is essential to integrate daily spiritual practices and tools, as well as be highly intentional with your energy in all forms. Jupiter stations retrograde at 21 deg Gemini on Oct 9 and will be in a supportive sextile to Chiron RX in Aries at 21 degrees for the first 3 weeks of the month. Are your daily belief systems being integrated and healing you, or setting you back? Pluto stations direct on Oct 11 at 29 deg 38 Capricorn, which amps up the powerful influences of this journey since 2008. More secrets, revelations, and hidden agendas will be coming to the surface throughout October and November. The energetic cosmic intensity is real right now and will not be letting up, so trust that you came in with the power and support for these big times on the planet. More to share in this podcast episode.

Aquarian Diamond Lightcode Meditation: In this guided visualization, you will connect with more of your cosmic talents, flush out and release expired cellular energy, call in more of your star family connections and gifts from other dimensions, embed the earth's ley lines with higher cosmic frequencies, re-align your relationships with solar consciousness, and immerse into newly encoded diamond frequency potentials.

On Sale! ~~~~ Beginner to Intermediate: Learn Transits In Your Astrology Chart -- Discover how the transiting planets are working with your natal chart and planets through 6 teaching videos, including understanding the 12 astrological houses, aspects, and how to read an ephemeris. Use code TRANSITS for 50% off this online course.

~~~~~ Beginner: Astrology 101 Course For Your Soul's Growth
Learn to interpret your natal chart in this on-demand course with 6 classes. More info here:

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“ I call back my power,
I call back the night,
I call back my wisdom,
That is my right “ ❤🙏🏻💯


Hey Molly! I live in SC where Hurricane Helene knocked put our power since Thursday night, and its forecasted to be turned on hopefully by this Thursday so I cant watch this podcast yet (I am trying to conserve battery life) . also my birthday is tomorrow. Its going to be a memorable one. I hope its all good for everyone else, just sending happy vibes to anyone who needs it❤


For the last few weeks I've been internally hearing "Pluto has entered the chat" 😂😂 now i know why!


This as always, has come Miraculously Molly. "Be The Light", has come to me, by "Starting With the Man in the Mirror". Shout out MJ 😊
We are The Medicine.
Keep rising y'all, Your Presence Itself, is a Gift.


Hi Molly! I have a natal cardinal grand cross, I’ve been struggling with this push and pull my whole life! Definitely have a lot of buried anger, divorcing alcoholic/ narcissist finally! I am looking from above. Thank you!


Amazing episode Molly. I have really felt a shift the last few days. I have had revelations of lifetime themes of feeling deeply unsafe and how that has affected my choices and unconscious patterns. I am working through this and feel very supported by my long term friends who are also healing through their experiences.
A little alarmed by the Aries Full Moon coming up with the potential for anger and rage, and Scorpionic themes coming in always make me shudder!😂
Let's all try to take one day at a time and give us space for rebalancing, so we can stay as peaceful and loving as possible.
Thank you and much love.❤


Ascension Wayshowers use this as their constant prayer, 'Everything always works out for me. " 🙌🙏🙌


I do trust in Divine timing Molly. I AM consciously taking responsibility for choosing to be present, mindful and connected to my inner heart-centered higher soul’s frequency as a daily practice. This process does create balance, clarity, peace of mind and it also creates the power to neutralize judgment in myself and in my relationships with others. Molly your videos are a beautiful awareness resources of the Cosmic Source energy as It interactions with us. You help us initiate personal soul growth by becoming the observer in neutrality whenever we encounter polarizing energy or triggering emotional situations. I AM part of the healing evolution in the present Divine❤️‍🩹Light/Love Unity Consciousness and I send that energy to the world. Thank you Molly and bless you for all you share. ❤🙏🏼🌈🙏🌎💟🌍☮️🌏🌟


Thank you Molly lead here by a feather and greeted with so much more knowledge


Always interesting to see your intuitive reading for the collective here on Mother Earth. Thank you Molly for your insight and guidance thru the chart/stars and how we might use this information for the good of All that Is.


Molly, seriously you rock in SO many ways… you’ve inspired me to 11 and beyond… SO grateful 💖


Molly said that there would be people who passed away that won’t be disclosed right away and yesterday (10/1) it was finally mentioned that John Amos passed away in August.


yep, i feel this and get it, thanks Molly!


Wow first time I hear about shadow workers 🤯🤙 I see it! Great message, thank you so much!


My solar return is the 9th, and my ascendant for the year ahead is 15 degrees Pisces, exactly conjunct my natal Chiron. Now it's time to integrate those wounds I have healed. This video is like you looked at my chart lol. Thank you Molly for being a part of the last 7 years of deep healing. You helped me immensely and I am truly grateful 🙏 😊💙 My mercury is conjunct this Libra eclipse and wow!!!


Everyone always talks about light workers but never talks about us Shadow Workers


World War III is breaking out right on time for the Aries/Libra solar eclipse. Horrifying!!
I know you're doing your best to provide an insightful account for the astrological community (and for the history records) about the application of astrology to these times. But please take care of yourself and your mental health in this. Nobody is asking you to swallow the sun! Take care, Molly


Thank you so much Molly.🌹
🎶I've / We've Got the Power 🎶


Thank you Molly for another amazingly inspiring podcast! And I deeply feel everything you are saying around minute 19 ❤️🌈🦋


Oh my! 26:51 ...24 degrees Aries is my south node point.
