Last Transit of Pluto in Capricorn September-November 2024

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Pam talks about the last transit of Pluto in Capricorn in this current cycle and what it means for us, as well as some other important astrological developments at this time.
Wall Street Crash chart set for October 29th 1929 17.32 New York.
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I don't watch news, I don't do social media, I live on a bus in the bush and spend most of my time in nature but by crikey I'm feeling the unsettling energy at the moment. I'm 57yrs old and feel as if I'm suffering from the worst PMT I've ever experienced. Let it be over already. I'm ready for the decentralised world of freedom and love for all...bring it on😍


you need to read the banned ebook called hidden laws of the game on borlest even if it's the last thing you do in life


Just this morning I was walking along the canal picking blackberries. Pies, jams galore & many in the freezer. Apples, rhubarb too. I have orders for pies, crumbles, jams from neighbours, friends, family. I love the harvesting I do, the cooking, the secret ingredient of "love" in all I pick & cook. I love the smiles it brings out in those who enjoy my creations. Simple foods, but grown by Nature's love, created by my love & enjoyed by the receivers love. I love it 🎉🎉❤❤❤❤


The outside world is boring and chaotic but my inner world is peaceful and rich!!❤

Imagine all the people living as one. You may say I’m a dreamer but I’m not the only one! ☀️🌍🎶☮️

Love you all!!


I am 59 and have significant mortgage debt, but I am working hard to bring life to my garden and grow food abundantly for now but also for the future. Lots a fabulous community group around me doing this too. It is happening


I so agree with you, Pam, that the mainstream world feels very old and, to me, tawdry, down-at-heel and grubby. Listening to you, Hope and Nancy reinforces my joy in higher vibrations and allows me to view these next few weeks as being the dying gasps of a corrupt empire.
Thank you, Ladies of Light.


Life has felt redundant. Just like the movie "Ground hogs day" WE R ALL READY FOR CHANGE AND JUSTICE. Peace n love 4 all.


I feel like I'm grappling with a wave of disenchantment and hopelessness, on the one side feeling like there's no reason to stay around anymore, and on the other, wanting to live longer and experiment this amazing reality shift that's dawning upon me/us/the Earth. it's actually as if I'm consciously being called to renew my engagement with life on Earth.


I am being guided to create a community here in the West of Ireland. We all have our unique gifts. We can all help each other. I have a lot of Aquarius (community and freedom) in my star chart (as the Essenes called it). Thank you, Pam. You're an angel 😇 💖


As a Gen-Zer, I don’t go on popular social media apps like TikTok, bc it was horrible for my mental health; the only ones that I go on are YouTube, which I’m going on less, and maybe Facebook to keep up with older family members. These and other apps will become obsolete especially when Pluto transits into the later degrees of Aquarius. I am very excited to see what else happens in this last gasp of Capricorn. I was only 8 years old in 2008. I had no idea what money was, let alone a “financial crisis.” All I remember was that “mommy and daddy were stressed for a long time, ” and I never knew why. I just kept playing on with my Barbies and kept watching Arthur. That was my perception as an 8 year old, personally.
But now, as an adult, when I look back, at that age, I felt hopeless, small and unseen for a long time, especially around my peers. I was the weird kid that nobody wanted to play with. I say weird in a braid sense, bc everybody’s version of weird is different. But to other kids my age, anyone or anything could be weird. I was essentially living in a very restrictive time in my life, socially and physically speaking. I had a horrible surgery at 12, that changed my life, and I have never been the same since. But since then, I have grown; with Pluto, u have no other h lice but to grow and transform, no matter where it is in your chart. My Pluto just so happens to conjoin my Chiron, so my childhood was very physically painful. But, as an adult, I realize that in order to grow, you have to feel some sort of pain; literally the definition of growing pains. Hopefully this next transit into Aquarius won’t be as painful for the next generation, but who knows. They could be going thru something that us older ppl never could understand. That’s the brilliant thing about new generations; they grow and become more resilient than the previous ones. That’s the whole point of having more children; in order to create a better earth than the one you entered in. Have a happy Virgo season everyone! 🙏🏼


You are such an elegant spokeswoman for evolving Humanity. I love how you paint the picture of the myriad beautiful things we can focus upon to co-create our New world. John Lennon had it right decades ago when he sang, "Imagine." I've been delving into what the Element of Fire (that Spirit) is about, especially about the "fire in the belly" that makes us participate in this Life. You have deepened my understanding by saying that "Love is a Fire!" I thank you profoundly for your helping us stoke our Evolutionary/Revolutionary Fire. Much Love & Gratitude to you. Namaste


My marriage is crumbling because I’m seeing the dilution for what it is. He can’t hide anymore… I’m seeing the truth and it’s what I’ve been afraid of… I’ve gaslit myself for so many years


I graduated from high school in 1965 - So i'm part of the love and peace generation-- We've waited a long time for this, We've done all that we can do, and we've worked hard
It's about time!!!


Daniel Scranton reminded me that whenever a challenge is created the solution to that challenge is created at the same time. Focus on the solution, not the challenge. Even if the solution doesn't come immediately, relax and let come in. The more you relax the faster the solution will appear. 🌹🙏🏽💖


Yes! We will indeed have a wonderful future. I see it and I feel it ✨☀️🩷🌳🌳🌳🌳🌹


So much Gratitude to you Pam .. your consistency is commendable 🙏
Not too much happening in our neck of the woods in Western Australia re likeminded groups so in the little house we've just bought we've taken out a wall & once settled in, we are going to do house 🎶concerts 🎶 & bring people together under happy circumstances .. we saw the beneficial effects during lockdown when we played on our verandah for our street every Sunday ... so we're offering again what we do best which is to sing with the people joining in!

As a footnote: Following a day of deep struggles during my sleep that night I was woken 3 times with the song "Everything Is Beautiful" playing loudly in my head .. & it is now my daily mantra .. it reallyraises my vibration!! 🌿🎶


No war, no disease, no poverty. Only abundance and love.❤


Hi Pam, Last night, before going to bed, I watched your video with Nancy and wrote feedback that you might appreciate. This morning, I woke up with the insight that perhaps you, Nancy, and so many others incarnated this time here on the Planet from the future, leading Humanity into that future with the awareness that this planet IS paradise. So much love.🥰


Dear Mother Pam,
You’ve never looked so young! Your skin and eyes are glowing! Thank you for your energy, vision and guidance like always.

Recently, I realised a new meaning to my name. My name when translated means new light. My grandmum named me 40 years ago. I always grew up knowing that I had to give people a new light of hope and happiness if they came into my life or even met me for 10 minutes. Recently, after listening to your interview with Hope, I realised I was meant to feel the light, understand the light and enlarge it within me and around me. The whole meaning of light from me, received by me and transmitted through me took me to a different dimension of the meaning of my life. I’m a medical physician in UK and have to keep this side of me quiet but now I feel I can be more open about it so that I can heal and share love more.

I want to say a big thank you to you and your guests for giving me a new meaning of my name to me. A new realisation of my purpose.


I am feeling it for sure, coming to me as anxiety mostly. I am 60 and I have alot to offer the world from my life experiences, but also feel really worn out by them. I want to enter the new era with zest and enthusiasm, but I don't feel the energy. I wonder if others are feeling this way too? Hopeless is too strong a word, but "tired out "is closer. I am trying to stay positive, I am aware of the content that I digest, and I do spend lots of time in nature and in the garden. I am in excellent health and I take care of myself. I hope to "help" in the new world, I must get past the anxiety and worry in the meantime. Thank you Pam, your videos are wonderful!
