Talking at the table ⏲️ 6 Minute English

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Is it OK to ask awkward questions at the dinner table? Beth and Neil discuss chatting at meal times and teach you some useful vocabulary.👇👇👇

❓❓❓ In 2016, a couple from Germany won the world record for the fastest time to set a dinner table. But, how long did it take them?

a) 25 seconds
b) 1 minute 5 seconds
c) 2 minutes 5 seconds

Listen to the programme to hear the answer. [Cover: Getty Images]

You can download the audio and a free programme transcript here 👉

✔️open up - speak more easily than usual, particularly about worries and problems
✔️the … one e.g. the funny one, the wise one - a label for a person describing a particular prominent characteristic they have
✔️a pinch of salt - don't believe everything you're told
✔️children should be seen and not heard - an old-fashioned phrase meaning children should be quiet and behave well
✔️a mixed bag - something that has good and bad aspects
✔️culture shock - an uncertain feeling when in a new and different environment

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Love to hear your dear voices, Neil and Beth. Thank you so much always….


I was raised by my grandparents. They always said to me that gathering and talking at the dinner table are very important. Family gathering and eating delicious food made me happy, and I came to love my grandparents more and more. I learned how I ask and talk someone, listen to other's words while eating. I want to enjoy meal times from now on, too.


I realized something when I'd watched this video. I do love watching my favorite topics😁


Thanks BBC Learning English! As usual, it was useful and informative! ❤ When I was a child we used to have a traditional lunch at weekends with my nuclear family (my parents and 3 brothers). It was like a family ritual. Mom would cook lunch, dad and kids would set the table opening up about a mixed bag of life. My mom was the wise one, dad - the strict one. Whilst dad was talking children should be seen and not heard. But after he stopped talking, we were talking at once interrupting each other. Our lunches were so loud and noisy that when someone from our extended family joined us they had a culture shock of our family get togethers. ❤Thanks for your attention


I grew up witnessing lots of arguments between my father and mother. They just happened right on the eating table which caused us a huge of anxiety. I was so obssessed with it and never dared to open up my mouth not to mention talking nonsense or gossiping. I felt like I was assigned a role in my family that I was a kid with no power and just shut up my mouth in any situation. I always believed that I had been raised with a line of demarcation between adults and kids. I never took that as a pinch of salt, just carried with me that mindset until the present moment. There hasn't been anything comforting talking and sharing with my parents. I always feel like there's an invisible gap between us which makes me feel anxious and nervous whenever I talk with them, especially my dad.


Thank you, BBC. You're amazing. Love you all


Really, this video is very effective for learning how to make a healthy family as well as taught us how to communicate one another also.Dinning table is one of the suitable way of learning manner, politeness, modesty etc.Any one can learn these virtue by practising on each other.


Studying abroad is a mixed bag, I would say. Culture shock is the first issue, and do not believe others' words because they are a pinch of salt. However, international students can open up with other peers who are trustworthy.


Thank you bbc since I was a childhood and adulthood I have never think that to seat gathering with our family. But now I realized it Talking at a table is really significant and we can share our feeling or our problems


Thank you BBC... thanks to your videos I can improve my English skills


BBC is a helpful YouTube channel for learning English ❤


Thank you, BBC because of improving my listening skill.I alawys listen to your new video every night.❤❤By the way, my country is Myanmar.So, it is 9pm now.


I grew up with this ritual, to say the least. Talking at the table when i have a dinner with my family its kind like we did everyday at dinner time. Dinner is the best time to gather with family and we can talking about anything especially what happened on that day. In this time it is a good time to created a strong bond


I have been told, that talking at the table in the meantime we are having the dinner is unhealthy because fo you don't chew well, your stomach is to fill of instestinal gases, the more you talk the more gases you will intake. grandmother's proverbs. I cross my heart that is is true.


That is a helpful YouTube channel for beginning ❤

Thank you BBC, your channel very useful for me, your dialogues simply and clear


Thank you, BBC ❤

I opened this video, and it was the best what could I had ever ❤


Thank you for the real-life topics and the pleasantly pleasant pronunciation.


Thank you for very useful programs .
I learnt a lot from them.
Not only the language, but there is much information about life . I got useful ideas !
Also when I wad teaching English - I often used them ( the programs ) during my classes .
So the pupils will hear clear pronunciation and will get really interested in studying.
Also We liked your humor .
Sometimes when listening I felt as I was there . Like a wonderful chat with friends 😂


What a lovely feeling you get while sitting at the dinner table. ❤❤❤
