Scientists Have Reversed Time In A Quantum Computer

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In an experiment involving a quantum computer, researchers from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology witnessed time reversal by returning 3 qubits back to their state from a fraction of a second prior.

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The experiment did not break any laws of physics or thermodynamics, time was not 'reversed' In this experiment, I would implore these people to read and understand the papers published before misinforming the public on such a scale as this, you can think of the experiment as a reversal of a value, time as a dimensional construct was not altered and if you cannot understand that then you should not be claiming that


It's easy to visit the past even without a computer...just get the bus to Sunderland in the stuck in the 1980s ....


Its really more a reversal of entropy, which is just as fascinating. Time still passed, but we were able to alter the perceived flow of it temporarily by reverting the qubits states.


I read the research but I have a million questions about this. Very fascinating.


Reverse entropy? Isn’t that what happens when you put a bottle of water in the freezer ?


Can they reverse all my terrible decisions though?

Didn't think so...


This experiment also proves that once we have enough knowledge about quantum world, we'll be able to design our first time machine. In other words, to design a working time machine we need an expert knowledge of quantum physics.


But we still know there ain't no time travel to the past anyway. How do I know? Because we'd all be knee deep in tourists from the future ... Well, unless that's not happening because humans have no future... That'd screw up the time travel tourist industry completely.

Ohh wait not if it was somehow possible ...but you could only travel as far back as the time the technology was invented. Although I don't see anyone traveling back in time ... But it raises the question if "Information'" can do it. Cos a computer system that can do all it's calculations so fast you get the answer before asking the question would be a great seller


Reverse time till i can't meet my childhood avatar.


Reverse time to before the fall of the glorious Soviet Union please


They did no such thing, pls make a law to start punish people who write articles on quantum computing. This is more of a reset than anything. Go educate yourself about the actual case. There is no such thing as reversing time


I don't quite understand. While the electrons "go / went back" to their original position, the time still passed. What does it mean by time reversal?


A special program modifies the state of the quantum computer in such a way that it would then evolve "backwards, " from chaos toward order. This operation is akin to the random microwave background fluctuation in the case of the electron, but this time, it is deliberately induced. An obviously far-fetched analogy for the billiards example would be someone giving the table a perfectly calculated kick.
Stage 4: Regeneration. The evolution program from the second stage is launched again. Provided that the "kick" has been delivered successfully, the program does not result in more chaos but rather rewinds the state of the qubits back into the past, the way a smeared electron would be localized or the billiard balls would retrace their trajectories in reverse playback, eventually forming a triangle.

Is this qubit in the exact same state as before it was altered?

Qbit A changes to qubit B at it travels microseconds into the future

evolution program is launched and "rewinds the state of the qubits back into the past"
Is the state of these 'B' qbits identical to the state of the 'A' qbits?

Or has this experiment just reracked the billiard balls?


The ApexTV channel is gonna start to get more subscribers


What if that reverse time gets released from the computer? Will the time of the world reverse' or will there be a paradox.


To go back in time wouldn't you have to rewind the entire universe?🤔


You have this so wrong. Misinformation at it's finest. Absolute joke of a channel


I feel like a time machine has already been invented. Idk, but all these futuristic looking things that come out in movies and all these ideas that seem to be from the future it makes me think they definitely have one already. They probably do and they just say they haven't, what if they already have gone back and that's why they predict so many things?


It's funny when people say time travel is impossible based on the laws of physics, when we don't have a complete understanding of the laws of physics.


Helps explain the MANDELA EFFECT.
If this is just being released to the public now, think how long it's been in the hands of our military secretly
