The ULTIMATE Guide to NPC's and Pylons! - Terraria 1.4.2

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I have put together the best guide I can for the NPC's in Terraria and some mechanics about them and the pylons. I hope you enjoy and I hope this answers all your questions, but if not definitely ask in the comments!

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Keywords: Terraria Guide, Terraria NPC Guide, Terraria Pylon Guide, Terraria Gameplay

Intro: 0:00
NPC Basics: 0:23
Pylons: 1:23
Pre-Hardmode NPC's: 2:34
Hardmode NPC's: 8:08
Nomad NPC's: 11:11
Secret Trick's: 12:56
Outro: 14:36

Today’s video will be all about the NPC’s in Terraria, who they are, what they do, how to spawn them, and how to make them happy for pylons! Also stick around to the end for some secret tips I’ve learned in my playtime. If you have anything I missed definitely drop it in a comment below, and if you enjoy the video please like, comment, and subscribe to boost this video in the algorithm and catch all the awesome videos I make!
To start, lets go over some of the basics on Terraria NPC’s. As of 1.4.2 (on desktop), there are a total of 29 NPC’s, 26 of which can eventually move in, and 3 of which will never move into a house. To spawn an NPC you must construct a valid house, which consists of a building at least 35 blocks large (not counting the wall blocks, so try 12x3), with a light source, a chair, a table, a door/wooden platform entrance, non-natural (not dirt) walls behind it, and NPC block, which is a solid block, not a platform, with at least 3 empty spaces above it and at least 2 blocks of space between it and the side walls. . The house also cannot be located too close to the crimson or corruption or NPCs will not live in it. The basic use in any NPC is to buy/sell goods but each NPC has different items for sale depending on time of day, moon phase, and a few other factors.
To sell Pylons, a Vendor NPC must reach a happiness or discount level of 85%. This level is determined by the factors shown, which combine multiplicatively. The 85% happiness level can be done by just giving them the solitude boost, where they only have 1 or fewer neighbors within 25 blocks, and no more than 3 other NPC’s within 120 blocks, in their “loved” biome, or instead with a “loved” neighbor. If those are not possible, combining the solitude boost with a single liked NPC in a liked biome will also make them happy enough to sell. I’ve got a graphic up now covering some combos that will work for pylons, just make sure they are at least 120 blocks away from other NPC’s.
Once you have acquired a biome pylon, all you have to do to use it is make sure at least 2 NPC’s are nearby. Nearby being within a 169widex124tall rectangle centered on the pylon, roughly speaking, when standing at the pylon you must see the NPC on your screen. For usage, these 2 NPC’s do not have to be any certain level of happy, and you can also use the Town Pets or the Old Man NPC to count towards the 2 requirement.
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doesnt the merchant hate the angler and dislike the tax collector?
