What Is My MBTI Type? | 3 Reasons & 3 Solutions

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You find out your type not by taking a test but by identifying your top 2 functions.


I get a whole different personality everytime I make a test ( INFP, INFJ, ISTJ, ISFJ...). I try even switching languages since english isnt my first language and the questions are different. I guess I have lack of self-knowlege.


Great vid. You are the first person, I have heard or read, that said, "take the tests, but know that they are garbage. But, take the test as a starting point, because everyone has to start somewhere." That is exactly what I did, and it sparked an interest, a "need to know more", in me. So I am seeking to learn about each of the cognitive types, what is a "stack", and the nuances of this system of personality explanation. "Trying on" a type (if a person not feeling the results of the test is very accurate), is a great suggestion!


Agree with you and many others on the tests lol

I think a lot of people (me for sure) have VERY different inner and outer realities and that's where the confusion begins. We identify with our inner reality and other people identify us with our outer reality. If you're shy or uncomfortable you're not going to feel safe being your true self and you'll be a tailored version of yourself for the situation.

You'll answer the questions according to your inner reality but that's FAR from how other people see you depending on how far your realities are in contrast.


i just don’t know myself
i dont even understand how i “recharge”


It happened to me, too. I had a hard time to find out whether I am an ISFJ or an INFP. When I first took the test and started to learn about MBTI, I was 12 years old, and I thought I was an ISFJ. Then, there were more breaks, and I started to learn about it again about a six months ago (I’m 18 now). The more videos and articles I saw, the more confused I was. After a while I identified myself as an INFP, but I wasn’t sure and I always had doubts. I decided to post on reddit and ask people to type me about two weeks ago. I knew, the answers were based on my description, but it helped me a lot. I got INFP, ISFJ or INFJ, we excluded INFJ, and then, I got a question about my inferior function, whether it’s Ne or Te. Finally, we found out, using Te stress me out the most. I’m relatively good at logic, but I hate when I’m the most rational in a group, I have to be the only one, who think about the rational aspect and/or I have to lead the group (I am pushed to my ESTJ subconscious). Whenever I have doubts, I think to this.

However, I think I’m an unhealthy INFP, because my parents are both sensors and I was told off several times because of Fi, because of my worldview and my thoughts. I started to pretend I’m an SJ, using Si and developing my Te. I tried to wall-up my hero function and whenever it broke out one piece of the wall, I covered the hole with two bricks. But it didn’t stay in silence. I also took my Ne to the prison. I have always been weird in my family, and it has been really hard me to make friends. Because of that my self-confidence is really low. However, I don’t want to blame my parents. They would never hurt me consciously, and there are a lot of positive things I have to thank to them. Just type compatibility is sucks.


ENFP's most often seem to have the "I can do one thing one day, but another thing another day" and also have disinterest in falling into a category


I think extroverted intuition effed up my self typing haha, because now I think I'm entp, but last week I thought I was istp.

Now that I've watched more of your video I'll mention I have been asking tons of people to watch videos about types and asking them which they think I'm more like. I also just bought a Carl Jung book and I still haven't opened it, but going to as soon as this road trip ends.


ive taken so many tests but keep getting ESFJ, ENTJ, INTJ, and INFJ. i have no clue where i stand it’s getting STRESSING for no REASON 💀


I think if your struggling with this especially if you struggle with extroversion introversion I recommend ennegram types they are so much broader with you beliefs and values.


first i was an intj. then i was an infj. then i was an istp. then i was an isfp. then i was an isfj. then i was an istj. now i don’t even know. i am positively an fi but i resonate so much with every other cognitive function i just don’t know what to type myself as : (


Yeah my issue is the continuum idea. My extroversion/introversion, intuition/sensing and judging/perceiving are always very very close to being the other side like by a 1% difference. This causes me to have issues understanding whether I am truly one thing if it can be that close. In fact the only one I know that is true to me is the thinking/feeling one. Basically I'm struggling with the three types INTJ, INTP or ENTJ


As someone who almost always gets 50/50 on p/J and t/f I feel this.


Hi! I am struggling to find my type too. When I was like 13 I searched for personality tests and find 16 personality I took it and got INTJ all the time (probably mistype). In high school I learned about mbti and got INTP. Now I’m 17 and I got ISTP and ENTJ ? In Sakinorva my function results like that: te=ti>ne=ni>se>si>fe>fi I found that pretty accurate btw. IRL I can be quite offensive sometimes . I believe scientific data so much. I value information. I am pretty emotional in inside but I am sure that I make desisions with my logic. Am i an unhealthy fe and te developed INFJ ? I think about justice so much. I try to understand what is wrong and right deeply. I do not care about people that much but I’m really concerned about worlds and humanity’s future. And I love entps? What an argument huh? However my enneagram is 7w8 I’m pretty sure about that but INFJ and 7w8 is a quite unusual combination....besides I’m chaotic neutral and again I’m sure... it’s getting annoying what am i !


Hah! This is exactly what I was thinking! Life experiences and conditioned behaviors do impact on what a person may identify as or what they value/aspire towards! Also yes to understanding the functions!! I needed to see actual examples of functions in action before truly being able to understand them. And I still doubt myself haha! One can never know enough!

But I think the trick is to look at what u struggle with as a person and also what ur strengths are. Like I really struggle with Te. And when i do successfully Te I am so proud of myself for getting things done and organizing and planning and executing. Because that is a weakness since I spend more time in my head. Planning. Refining. Weighing the implications of each and every decision/action and how it might affect me or the world at large and how it does or does not align with my values and the impact I hope to make on the world etc.

It also helps to get people u trust to give u the impression they get of u. That objectivity does help put a lot into perspective.


You are amazing at explaining. I struggle with much info. I try put it together to understand how to become a better
person. What holds me back...what can I do. I took your advice and started to step outside my box..do different things..
I get frustrated with myself because I want to get this. My brain.... I’m an Infp.


Thanks for this video so much..!!
I've been very confused and overwhelmed by all the informations and what people are saying about each functions and types.. and I am still struggling finding out if I am truely an INFP(turbulent). I was quite sure that I am NF type at first but the more I learn the more my head's messed up about which type I really am. I am constantly measuring things and my motives in my head lol.. Honestly the fact that I cannot really know who I am and I have to rely on others to know myself scares me. 'do people around me really deeply understand me?' or 'can I rely on others opinions about me? are their opinions even valid? because I am the expert when it comes to me!!(lol..) they cannot go and see into my head! but wait, is my opinion about me even valid?' etc...
At the same time I understand that cognitive functions are my natural preferences.. so If I go see someone really knowledge about mbti and let myself be tested, I can use some help.

but I am also like 'I want someone like oracle from the movie, matrix who would give me the answer that I need the most even if it's not the truth and tell me to go live my life and stop thinking... haha but I know it will bug me out eternally if I don't know the truth at the end. lol..

Like you said.. I have to embrace it all since it's a journey..

I would love to see more videos related to this subject. Especially how you personally end up identifying with infp etc..!
(My self-reporting test results were almost always infp and I resonate with infp the most now but I was told I am enfp or entp by someone recently and I am still figuring out)

Thanks for making videos.
They are really helpful!


For some reason I get ISTP from test usually. I know that that is not who I am at all. I think I might even be e-type, I have tried to find the cognitive functions, but it's hard to put those in order. But, at the moment I think I might be infp. Hardest is to get the intuitive vs. Sensing from my part, and introverted vs. Extroverted, I usually get 50% of both. From the career video I identify same thing, I really like interacting with other people. I'd like to be museum guide or something like that. I am librarian as profession, and also done artesan school, but those wasn't for me. I've done accounting, not for me. Sales in cafeteria-interesting but hard work. I have even sold Tupperware, selling was nice, but the other part of that wasn't. Next is to try to find something else than 9 to 5. Maybe that really is the thing to do


Thank you! I really love that video and want everyone to watch it.❤️



Idk i think im an unhealthy INFJ
