7 Simple Lessons that Changed my Life

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Here are 7 simple lessons that changed my life These helped me overcome self-doubt, conquered my fear of failure, and transformed myself from
depressed and unhappy working a 9-5 to
living a life of freedom as a full time content creator, energized by life challenges,
Stick around because I'm going to show you exactly how can use these 7 lessons to transform your life.

0:00 7 Life Lessons Introduction
0:13 Lesson 1 Eliminate self-doubt
1:07 Lesson 2 Overcome your fear of failure
1:58 Lesson 3 Find your mentor
2:42 Lesson 4 Embrace the GROWTH MINDSET
3:07 Lesson 5 Commit to Success
3:38 Lesson 6 Taking Action
4:47 Lesson 7 Take the First Step

Lesson 1 - Eliminate self-doubt

I know how crippling self-doubt can be. We all have those 'what if' moments, right? What if I'm not good enough? What if I mess up?

But here's a secret: The way I eliminated self-doubt was by building self-confidence.

It takes time but it is the most important thing you can do to ensure your success.
Start with small actions, when you say you going to do something, make sure you do it.
When you say I am going to wake up at 5am and go to the gym
Do it, every time you keep your promise to yourself you build confidence
You start to respect yourself more for keeping your word
Every action is a vote toward your self-confidence
The best way to start building your self confidence is to get a journal and write down what you are going to do, then get out there and do it.

[Section 2 - Overcome your fear of failure ]

Fear of failure – stopped me in my tracks, I was like a dear in the headlights for so many years.
I ddin’t want to do anything because I was too afraid of failing.
What I figured out was if I never try do anything I guarantee my failure
If I try there is a chance I could be successful
Now don’t get me wrong you will fail a lot but if you don’t risk failure and take the shot
You are letting yourself down

every failure is a stepping stone to success. Even the world's most successful people failed at first. Think of Michael Jordan, Steve Jobs. Instead of fearing failure, embrace it, learn from it. I'll share more about changing your perspective on failure towards the end, so keep watching!"

All this boils down to one thing: cultivating self-confidence that you will do what needs to be done to get what you want.
Believe you can improve, learn and overcome challenges.
When you look at failure not as a dead-end, but as a learning opportunity, you unlock unlimited potential for personal growth and success.

Remember, you have the power to change, grow, and conquer your fears.

Believe in yourself, take that first step, and the rest will follow.
If you are ready to build self-discipline like a spartan watch this video now
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What great Life lessons thanks for sharing


Great message and video bud👏 I'm going through self doubt and imposter syndrome at the moment.

My goal is to finish my website project before the end of the year and have the confidence to publish it along with my YouTube videos.
