NEVER TOO SMALL Paris Architect’s Micro Apartment - 31sqm/344sqft

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In search of an affordable home in Paris, architect Matthieu Torres and his partner picked out a small, dark space with a beautiful view of Paris city. Completely gutting the neglected apartment allowed them to add a previously missing toilet and shower, as well as introduce a mezzanine level by removing the aging ceiling. In turn they were able to elevate the home's bedroom and install a large furniture unit to contain the added bathroom, a wardrobe and a large amount of storage. The French ply used in the unit continues throughout the apartment, uniting the home through its plywood features while the exposed ceiling gives the apartment a spacious, airy feeling.

#smallapartment #architecture #interiordesign

Project Name: Jourdain

Produced by New Mac Video Agency
Creator: Colin Chee
Director/Camera Operator: Matthieu Torress
Producer: Lindsay Barnard
Editor: Colin Chee
Music: Rêveries by Wings for Louise
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This feels a lot more genuine of a home compared to other tiny homes seen on the channel. A lot of the furniture is just salvaged from family or the street, with much of construction kept cheap, making it have a unique aesthetic. Its not an art project, like some people who've been showcase, but a serious attempt to create an affordable living space.


Now this is practical design without relying on excessive moving parts.


What I liked in this video the most was Matthieu's humility. As a fellow architect, I'm always happy to see exemplary characters like him in our domain or elsewhere.


my heart melted every time he referred to family members. i also love that they talked about being able to host guests.


This is the first “tiny home” concept I’ve seen that actually looks cozy enough to live in.


We always hear the word “minimalist” from designers but this is truly one of the few homes that successfully embodied the meaning of minimalistic living. Even in a small space like this they managed to make it look spacious without unnecessary items, clutter, or electronics. I also love the fact that the item that they collect the most is books!


The final bit of this, where Matthieu talks about the importance of small homes in creating vibrant communities, minimising car use, and the wish for more shared amenities alongside these small living spaces is absolutely spot on and truly visionary.


I can tell he’s a professional architect. So many elements have been considered in the construction of this beautiful apartment, not just the visual.It doesn’t look cluttered or cramped at all, unlike some I’ve seen.


This is probably the most practical, homey, universally sustainable and potentially cost-saving living space featured in Never Too Small so far - its clean, DIY, using old furniture from their family's which also brings nostalgia, and yet complements the rustic, small space. The skyline additions are great, kudos to the architects!


This actually looks like a living space. Not just a weird apartment.


Tall ceilings and efficient storage are keys to making a small space feel much bigger. Those sky lights and tall windows do so much work to help make the space feel bigger. Well done. Great little space.


Nice, clean look and perfect use of space. I love that you made a buffer with the closet and bathroom to keep the neighbors’ noise from your living area.


This really feels like a tiny home built more out of necessity while still trying to keep a budget and stay tasteful than those tiny homes built just as an art project or something. I love it


I like that this seems less 'elitist' than some of the other spaces on this channel. I like seeing how different people make small spaces work for them, but I love that this couple seem to have done things in a more realistic way. Obviously they would have still needed a fair amount of money to do what they did. but knowing that they did it with materials/ furniture they already had, mostly their own skills & in a sustainable way makes it feel more achievable.

I'd really like to see people with more modest budgets on this channel, doing things themselves like this couple, if possible. It makes the idea of this channel feel more achievable and relatable, and not just a fad for people with tonnes of disposable income.


You had me at, "we used a survival blanket as a shower curtain." Brilliant. ♥


How meaningful! This tiny flat is expertly designed, not only out of necessity but also to conserve our environment on a larger scale. It's been a humbling experience watching this video. My hats off to the designers-flat owners, for being so thoughtful and considerate.


If you're gonna live in a tiny box in an overcrowded city this is the way to do it. Having the vertical space, light colored materials, larger kitchen and skylights really makes it work.


Like many have said, couldn't agree more that this is the most genuine and humble tiny home showcase I've seen. The owner deco is very modest and subtle. Neither extravagant, flashy, brand new stuffs nor over the top, grandeur materials. He really bring the minimalist approach not just in the home deco but also cost efficiency. Kudos to the owner. This is truly inspiring for many 👍🏼


This apartment is seriously stunning...and that shower curtain (blanket). The creativity and vision for transformation is mind blowing
