I'm injured and in pain, I'll make a video when I can.

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I'm definitely getting old. LOL! The thought of a soft, puffy recliner sounds like heaven now.
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Always enjoy watching your videos, getting updates on your sweet family, and hearing what you have to say! Healing thoughts and prayers coming from Tennessee. You're a true inspiration ~Hope you are feeling better today😊


OMG Lori! Girl, we don’t bounce anymore when we slip! All kidding aside, I am so sorry you are in pain, I know from experience what you are going through. 6 weeks I went out to put my little sprinkler in my flower bed in the front of the house. In order to put the sprinkler in the middle of the flower bed, I had to straddle the little 18 inch high decorative iron fence. I thought my back foot had cleared it, but no! My shoe caught on it and the way I fell into the flower bed, I sprained every ligament up and down my shin. It took about 5 weeks until it was totally healed. SalonPas! Excellent! Many many hugs and prayers! ❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏


Hope you feel better soon from Vancouver Canada


Sending prayers. So sorry you are hurting.


I use those Salonpas patches too. They seem to help me. Sorry to hear about your injury. I'm sending healing and well wishes for you. Take care. Hugs, Amy


I hope you feel better very soon, sending well wishes 💌💌💌💌


Hang in there Nigella! I think the hardest part is trying to sleep! I hope you heal soon . Thank you for reaching out to all of us . I enjoyed hearing from you! 🥰


So sorry to here your knees are hurting. I went through a similar time when I slipped on my driveway and injured my back cracking a vertebra and having internal bruising on my sides.My daughter came for three days but it took months to heal. I had to sleep on the recliner as I could not stand the pain on my sides getting myself out of bed. I feel for you it is scary and so hard to be older and alone when ill or the worst. I had to access the Canadian Red Cross equipment loan program for aids and was very appreciative they were available. I also bought a cane at a second hand store. I hope and pray I never have a severe injury again. So my heart goes out to you...Thank god we have our fur babies by our sides for company and comfort though taking care of their needs while hurting is a definite challenge. Sending you loving healing vibes for a good recovery💚💜💚... Love and good health to your son as well..❤💙💛... Please know your videos and you... and all you share is very appreciated. ..


So sorry about your injury! I have used Salompas before and they do a good job. Sending you healing vibes, do take care 🙏😊


Praying that you heal and feel better soon ❤❤❤❤


Well dang Lori I hope you get better soon. The aches and pains of getting older.


So sorry to hear this, I really hope you feel better with rest. How awful for you. Fingers crossed you feel better soon. Xxx


Hey 👋 hope you get better soon ❤ haven't felt the best today I'm just going rest watch some good movies been watching a lot of 80s movies lately.


Your legs are about 34 years old. Wow! :)
The knee looks fine. Might be a little tendonitis where tissue might have stretched & bruised inside. You'll know if there's a little jolt of pain, here and there. That's the fibres returning to normal position/healing. If more of a throbbing, that would be muscle and bruising might become visible outside. Best bet is to stay away from any pain stuff. The pain is the healing and every day it will get a little better. Knees are slow healing at first. . No wild parties for a couple weeks ok? :)


Solonpause is good. Asian liniment is good.


I remember you hurt your knee. Sending well wishes ❤️‍🩹😊


What's not funny, is that, the old injuries of youth suddenly kick in after 60. If I injure myself now, it takes a week to recover from a fall. When I was young, I could shake it of in a day. Old suckx. plain and simple. Let the young ones do it, I say! Be well and HEAL.


Why don't you go see a doctor? You may need surgery. It could be you tore something in your leg that requires it. Otherwise it may not heal right and it'll be worse from here on out. Best to get it checked out by a professional. A friend in the area fell in her house off a chair. She was fixing something. No one was with her at the time. She couldn't get help all night long. In the morning she managed to get help though. The doctors were surprised she lived. She had broken her hip and leg. There was some internal bleeding as well. She got better with rehab though. Took several several months though. Years ago, I tripped on a side walk. Landed on my knee. I broke it. I was in a full leg cast for 6 months. I was upset because I was limited to what I could do. I was even on crutches for 6 months straight. I got better though. Maybe you could walk around with crutches then you wouldn't put weight on it. I still would get it checked out regardless.
