Running late to work? Might as well grab a coffee 😅☕️ #shorts

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I’m sure we’ve all been running late to work before, and decided well, I’m already late… why not make it just a few minutes more and grab a coffee?

Depending on your boss, it’s probably not a big deal here and there - but, keep in mind that a big part of a job and playing office politics is optics. Optically, if it looks like you don’t care to come in on time, then it might bleed into your boss and colleagues impression of your work overall. So, keep this in mind!

What’s your best / funniest ‘running late to work’ story? Let us know!

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Pro tip: buy a reusable coffee mug. Then they’ll never know you stopped to grab coffee


I come exactly the amount of time late in that you had me work overtime yesterday.


meanwhile he probably does not say anything to the person who comes in very punctual and proceeds to not do anything for 2-4 hours of the day.


I used to watch a friend's son. She would go into work late every single day. She worked a corporate sales job and made them a lot of money. She was not phased and they did not bother her.


Some bosses hate it and some bosses don’t care. I’ll let my guys know everybody’s late every now and then just don’t make it a habit all the time and I don’t care but now there’s other bosses in our company that can’t stand it they say if you’re early, you’re on time if you’re on time you’re late


Talk to me like that and you may start the search for a new employee


Try that in any shift work job. Especially nursing. The person waiting for you to relieve them will bite your head off.


I used to walk in at about 9:40 am and leave at 4:10pm. Yes, I had it good. 😅


This is fine as long as they don’t expect you to stay late and work overtime. The moment they start encroaching into my personal time is the moment they’ve lost my respect when it comes to other time expectations. I say this because a lot of office jobs are salary. We are primarily paid to get things done. Timeliness should only be enforced if it actually impacts productivity (i.e. are her deadlines typically due in the mid morning or even by hour or are most things defined as noon/end of day).

Also, usually the people complaining are idiots who rely on you. They are upset because you couldn’t bail them out of some morning question from another group. There are also plenty of people who come in on time, but they socialize and take excessive breaks or they participate in corporate events that have nothing to do with productivity while the truly productive end up subsidizing that time later.

If she is a slacker, fine. But, if she is performing better than others, maybe it is others that are wrong about how we should work? Did you ever consider that?


I mean whether you 1 minute later one hour you're still late, so what the hell?


"10 seconds a day adds up over time." Manager Gary W


Reminds me of a lady at my old job who disappeared during lunch for longer than her lunch hour. She ended up getting fired, but I cannot say it was because of this because she was let go during a mass "find efficiencies" layoff. She had other issues like screaming at her newly x husband. I could blame her on that entirely though because he seemed like a toxic narracissist. However those arguments did always lead to a disruptive scene in the office.


People spend that amount of time doing unproductive stuff at work. If it's an office job, truly, who cares? As long as they didn't miss a meeting and got everything done on time.

Humans aren't machines. Sometimes 5 hours of work is worth 8 in terms of output.


Sure so I gotta come in make the coffee inside the office and it tastes terrible and then start working at the exact same time.


So the other people who were late but without coffee are cool. What happens before you arrive is none of your employer's business. Be punctual. But know that late is late and rules are rules - for all and not some. If you are targeted while others are allowed to slide you have a valid harassment complaint.


Pro tip, your gonna get docked in pay anyway. Screw em


I don't understand this one.

This comes from someone who's only been an employee who hates being late, it peeves me to see other people late and especially with the cup of coffee and oh I was gonna be late anyway excuse

or is that it..?


Bruh I’m always 4 hours late I got a problem


Nah girl there is coffee at work and at your house. Plan better or get out 🤷‍♂️


She who watches the clock will always be one of the hands. This time stealing will get the woman’s lazy butt fired.
