Americans Are Paying Their GROWN Children's Bills! ($1,400 a month!)

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My parents were unable to pay for my college but they were able to allow me to live with them rent free while I achieved both my Bachelors and Masters Degrees. This allowed me to graduate debt free and this gave me a serious leg up in the world. I did not move out of my parents’ house until I was 27. However, my parents gave me such a blessing by allowing me to stay with them and save money while I was in school. I love my parents so much ❤️


I worked with a 47 yr old man whose mother paid his bills and gave him a new car and a free home to live in. His pay check was all fun money. He had the nerve to shame people for struggling to pay their bills


I'm so glad i grew up in poverty listening to Dave as a teen.
Now i live life like no others and am very happy with my debt free life.


I could barely get my parents to pay for anything as a child…More or less as an adult. I’m 37 and my husband and I have no help and make it work. That’s life. No handouts no family, just us raising our girls the best we can.


I've known a few people that have paid their adult kids bills through their kids 40s and 50s. It is just crazy to think that the adult kids are not embarrassed about this.


There is no labor crisis. The labor is no longer valued. THAT’S the crisis.


When I was 14, I went every Saturday and did yardwork on 4 different people's yards. I would mow the yard, edge the walkway, driveway, and gutters, then blow everything off. I used a PUSH mower and hand held blower and I walked to all these yards. I started at 8am and was done by noon. I charged $40 a yard and gave my dad $5 a yard since I was using his hardware and gas. I did this one summer (June-August) and had $850 in my account. Spent $250 on new school clothes and my first pair of name brand shoes (Nike Air Force Ones)!


My sister is a CPA and she says this is common. Lots of young adults spend too much on useless things, then expect mom or dad to help. Most know how much or imagine how much they will "get as an inheritance" and think they should have it now. They think somehow mom and dad will survive. Once a parent dies, they want the surviving parent to move into an apartment or nursing home and let them have it all. Moms are the biggest problem, wanting to protect their especially adult sons from real life. If dad interferes he will have to live with a wife who is angry and a "Karen".


There's a fine line between helping and enabling.


I bought my first house at 27, it was a fixer. I lived in my parents basement for about two years while I made the house livable. Had to do it myself(with Dads help) as I certainly couldn't afford to pay anybody to fix it. I haven't had to pay rent since I was 24 and being able to not pay rent while literally building equity into my house was a game changer for me. Almost 20 years later and it's a nice little rental property for me.


I left the nest at 16 yrs old. Joined the military at 19 yrs old. Never looked back... retired at 45 yrs old.


My parents didn't get air conditioning in their house until 12 years ago, years after we had all graduated college. That was one way to ensure all three children moved out quickly! 😂


If you are an adult, you should pay your own bills. If you are a married adult, you should pay your own bills. If you are an adult with children, you should pay your own bills. Yes, even if your parents are able and willing to help, pay your own bills.


I'm a millennial and I can't imagine my parents ever paying for anything for me. Even if they could, I wouldn't accept it. How will they retire if they spend their money on me? It's crazy


It's one thing to help while going through college or during an emergency like a health issue, a layoff or divorce, etc. But to pay bills EVERY month! That is sabotaging your child's ability to learn, thrive, and survive in this world!


I agree Dave.!!! I have a 24 year old that gets up every morning & comes to work with his parents & paints cars all day. He hates when people say "this next generation is lazy". He is far from lazy as he has some 14- 16 hour days painting. BUT- the difference is he was raised like his parents were with the mindset- If you want something- work for it!


Dave handed his daughter a high-paying job as soon as she finished her "communications" degree. That IS PAYING HER BILLS!!!


I’m in the middle. My daughter worked part time when she was 15 and 16 years old. But at 17 and 18 years old school was to much. So we told her to focus on school. She graduated in the top 10 in her class . She got accepted to the university she wanted to go. She only works in the summer now and helps me out on her Christmas break. She ended up getting a full scholarship.


I literally never asked my mom for money after I got a job in the 9th grade…I am 42 years old now…I feel so liberated that I learned how to manage money no matter the amount…not saying that I didn’t struggled but I never asked anyone for anything…


We made a rule in our house when my daughter was little. "If you throw a fit you automatically don't get what you want."
The other rule is the word "Deserve" is not uttered in our house. Nobody "Deserves" anything that word exudes entitlement.
If you haven't EARNED it then it's not yours.
I'll help set my daughter up for success but once she is out in the world and we turn her loose she gets to sink or swim.
Hopefully we taught her enough different strokes to get where she needs to go.
