Apache Spark for Machine Learning on Large Data Sets • Juliet Hougland • YOW! 2017

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This presentation was recorded at YOW! 2017. #GOTOcon #YOW
Juliet Hougland - Data Science Tech Lead for Engineering at Cloudera @juliethougland325
Apache Spark is a general purpose distributed computing framework for distributed data processing. With MLlib, Spark’s machine learning library, fitting a model to a huge data set becomes very easy.
Similarly, Spark’s general purpose functionality enables application of a model across a large collection of observations. We’ll walk through fitting a model to a big data set using MLlib and applying a trained #scikitlearn model to a large data set. [...]
#ApacheSpark #Spark #MLlib #ML #MachineLearning #SoftwareEngineering #JulietHoughland #Programming #YOWcon
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Juliet Hougland - Data Science Tech Lead for Engineering at Cloudera @juliethougland325
Apache Spark is a general purpose distributed computing framework for distributed data processing. With MLlib, Spark’s machine learning library, fitting a model to a huge data set becomes very easy.
Similarly, Spark’s general purpose functionality enables application of a model across a large collection of observations. We’ll walk through fitting a model to a big data set using MLlib and applying a trained #scikitlearn model to a large data set. [...]
#ApacheSpark #Spark #MLlib #ML #MachineLearning #SoftwareEngineering #JulietHoughland #Programming #YOWcon
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